Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 301: : Tian Luo Di Net

Yamamoto ’s old nest is naturally heavily guarded.

Within the camp, there are five steps and one post, and ten steps and one whistle.

Inside the big camp, you can see everywhere, towering towering lighthouse.

In twos and threes, a sergeant with a solemn face, armed with a weapon, focused on the inside and outside of the camp.

Once there is any trouble, the sergeants in the camp will get the news.

"Jingle Bell!"

Nan Tian and Cao Zhong had no experience, so they were immediately spotted by the inspecting soldiers.

A small, harsh, short alarm sounded.

"Stop, who are you?"

In a flash, dozens of sergeants armed with weapons surrounded Nan Tian and Cao Zhong.

An officer who looked like a small boss, holding a scimitar, waved like a sword.

"Baga Yalu! Please sign up as soon as possible. This is a military forbidden area. Why do you want to come in without permission!"

"Speak it out quickly, otherwise, all of you will die!"

The little chief officer said fiercely.

Cao Zhong couldn't help but sweat coldly.

Nan Tian patted Cao Chong and cheered him: "Don't worry, don't be afraid! I'm here!"


Cao Zhong took a deep breath and eased his inner tension.

"You all leave me! I came to find Yamamoto and settle the account!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

"Looking for Yamamoto to settle accounts? You work hard!"

"Kill him!"

The little leader snarled savagely.

At the same time, dozens of sergeants went up together and waved their knives at Nantian and Cao Zhong.

Nantian had no fear at all, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


"Wuwu, the nine swords, my sword is like the wind!"

Nan Tian's sword rises and falls, and the swordsmanship is natural.



Head down!

Dozens of sergeants were immediately beheaded by Nantian.

Cao Zhong originally covered his eyes, showing painful faces, ready to welcome the arrival of the **** of death.

But he didn't expect that Nantian was defeated.

That was dozens of sergeants!

All have received specialized military training, but in front of the ancient martial art masters such as Nantian, it is still not enough to watch.

"Brother, you are amazing!"

Cao Zhong gave a thumbs up.

"Perhaps, I should have guessed! You can take out such a precious spring, how could you be an ordinary person? Ha ha!"

Cao Zhong smiled and smiled.

"It doesn't matter whether it's an ordinary person! The important thing is that we are all good brothers!"

Nantian smiled.

"Jingle Bell!"

This time, the alarm sound is particularly loud!

The patrol standing above the lighthouse saw the scene where Nan Tian had just shot and killed dozens of sergeants.

Suddenly, dozens of sergeants died, and two unidentified persons, invaded here!

It can be said that it is a big thing!

There are about 150,000 sergeants stationed in this base camp in Yamamoto.

In an instant, the entire military camp was alarmed!

In his loft, Yamamoto Yamamoto, who was comfortably enjoying a beauty massage, suddenly heard the alarm.

A carp of Daimoto Yamamoto threw himself up, put on his armor, and ran out.

"Adjutant, what happened? Where did the alarm come from?"

I have to say that Yamamoto's management of the army is indeed much better than Manshan's domineering.

Yamamoto ’s army has good military discipline and comprehensive qualities, which is much better than the iron cavalry full of mountains.

The adjutant was clever and clear: "The report name is two intruders, which invaded our base camp! Moreover, these two intruders also killed dozens of our sergeants, one of them was a warrior-level officer!"

Yamamoto raised his eyebrows, and Meiyu revealed a terrifying murderous spirit.

"What, a warrior-level officer, and dozens of ordinary soldiers? Those two men quickly caught me, and immediately executed!"

"Damn! Really when I was in Yamamoto's base camp, was it a place I wanted to come and want to go?"

Yamamoto ordered coldly.

"Yes, Daming!"

The lieutenant ordered.

Nantian and Cao Zhong are under great pressure.

Originally, only dozens of people besieged.

Now, thousands of people were rushed out of the camp.

"Nantian brothers, we will not die here!"

Cao Zhong asked with some fear.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Relax, no! Only a thousand people!"

Nantian has a lot of cards!

Nantian can call out three million ghost soldiers and ghosts anytime and anywhere, and he can drive the Taigu spacecraft out of the realm of life.

Either way, you can easily kill Yamamoto and his men.

However, Nantian has his own plans.

Nan Tian failed to fight for a long time.

Yamamoto Daimyo and his ministries just gave Nantian practice.

Nantian is going to kill the Quartet!

"Meteor Mech!" In the intermediate state

"Dugu Nine Swords!"

Ascend the class "Lingbo micro-step!" And "Youlong body method"!

There are also countless, flexible and varied ancient martial arts skills.

Nantian is extremely powerful.



Nantian is like a **** of war, holding a meteor sword and wearing a meteor mecha, the sword is as fast as the wind, and the sword flashes like thunder.


A sword from Nantian was swayed, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal, and suddenly hundreds of people fell.

Even half of the incense stick time, did not exceed.

Nantian killed thousands of people.

"Jingle Bell!"

In the base camp of Daimoto Yamamoto, the harsh alarm sounded again.

The alarm this time is even louder than the last time!

All the soldiers in the camp heard clearly.

Daimoto Yamamoto shook his body and called the adjutant, scolding, "What happened again?"

"It is still the two invaders! I have sent thousands of siege troops. I did not expect that the siege troops were completely annihilated, but the two intruders were unscathed. Now, the two invaders Coming into the big camp! "

The adjutant answered.

"What, two people killed thousands of people? Our besieging troops have such a dish? Are those two intruders humans or ghosts?"

Yamamoto asked.

The adjutant shook his head: "The news to Da Ming ~ ~ is very true. Our round-up troops are still the old round-up troops. The team members are all veterans of more than five years, and their combat effectiveness has burst! Senior Warrior Chief as the leader! "

"If the news is accurate, unless those two are master ninja masters, it will be so easy to kill me the elite thousands!"

Yamamoto's face is dignified.

However, immediately, Daimoto Yamamoto returned to normal.

"Anyway, the two of them dared to break into my base camp, which is too arrogant! Ha ha, really when I have been in the nest for decades, there is no threat?"

"Adjutant, pass me the order and immediately start the" Tian Luo Di Wang "formation!"

Yamamoto said coldly.

"Yes, Daming!"

The adjutant responded with a sneer. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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