Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 302: : Cao Zhong

Nan Tian took Cao Zhong to the handsome account of Yamamoto.

Along the way, Nantian God blocked the killing god, Buddha blocked killing the Buddha, and many sergeants who blocked the road were beheaded by Nantian one by one.

Suddenly, the sky was dark and the thunder and lightning were overwhelming.

Daimoto Yamamoto and his lieutenant appeared on a high platform with a complex face.

Yamamoto was famous, staring coldly at Nantian and Cao Zhong.

"The two of you are so arrogant! Dare to make trouble in my base camp in Yamamoto, and kill so many of my men. Huh, I will definitely make you worse than life!"

Yamamoto said coldly.

Nan Tian put his hands together: "I'm not asking you for trouble! It's your person. I beat my brother first. Today you have to give a statement and pay a price, otherwise I don't mind taking away your head!"

Yamamoto's famous name smiled, his eyes squinted Cao Zhong.

Yamamoto's famous voice was very disdainful: "I think his dress is a dead beggar! It is an honor for my soldiers to kill him! You just make a fuss and come to my base camp to make trouble. You really deserve to die! "

Nan Tian was furious: "Go to death, bastard!"

Yamamoto smiled, waved his hands, waved his hands, and shouted: "Tian Luo Di Wang large array started!"

Suddenly, the wind calls, and the clouds cover the sun.

A large net of orange light curtains woven densely, visible to the naked eye, woven on top of Nantian and others.

A coercion from heaven and earth caused Nantian to shake his mind.

"This is the coercion and vastness from heaven and earth! Tian Luo Di Wang, well-deserved reputation!"

Nan Tian murmured.

The Tianluodiwang array was excavated from the ancient ruins of Yamamoto Daimyo.

Yamamoto spent a lot of money to hire many famous teachers in Dongying Island to carry out research. After ten years, I finally researched some leaders.

Daimoto Yamamoto secretly organized more than 10,000 elite ninjas for training, training the Tianluodiwang formation.

At the same time, the most critical thing is a green bead.

This bead was unearthed together with Tianludiwang.

The aquamarine beads are used as a large array, and they are like the eyes of the general array. They are very important in the launch of the large array of Tianluodiwang.

In front of the green beads, more than 10,000 ninjas are simply not worth mentioning.

Nan Tian's complexion gradually increased.

This so-called Tianluodi network array, even slowly accumulate momentum.

With the passage of time, Nantian found that this so-called Tian Luo Di net array, the momentum is getting stronger and stronger!

Nantian was also oppressed and breathless.

The most important thing is that Nantian found that his connection with the outside world was actually cut off.

In particular, Nantian took the initiative to contact the realm of life and found that he could not communicate.

Nan Tian went to shake the Tiger Tiger amulet again.

The Tiger Tiger symbol does not know what is going on, nor can it be activated. Three million ghost soldiers and ghost generals cannot be summoned at all.

The most weird thing is that Nantian found that his cultivation behavior was gradually imprisoned.

Nantian will soon become an ordinary person!

"Damn imprisonment! What a terrible thing!"

The weather in Nan was very angry.

Yamamoto Daimyo stood tall on the high platform, his eyes containing contempt and scorn.

"Oh, you now know that you are afraid! The horror of the Tianluodiwang formation has just been revealed. The horror is just beginning. Enjoy it!"

Yamamoto Daimon became more arrogant.

Yamamoto held the green beads high.

Under the urging of Yamamoto Daimyo, the turquoise beads also developed a terrifying atmosphere.

The unprecedented terrorist attack broke out in the

A black mist entwined, a murderous sword, descended from the sky, straight into Nantian here.

Fortunately, all cultivation is lost, and Nantian also has extraordinary physical cultivation.

Nantian relied on instinct, a carp fought, and escaped the big attack dangerously and dangerously.

"Boy, a little skill! Change to other people, falling into my large array, already dead."

"However, don't worry, let's play slowly!"

Yamamoto said coldly.

Along with this, Yamamoto went into the turquoise beads and continued to enter into his renunciation.

The green light is more dazzling.

In the large array of Tianluodi Net, various kinds of attacks emerged endlessly.

Nantian evaded around, embarrassed.

It didn't take long for Nantian to be gray-faced, and even suffered serious injuries to his body.

"No, continue to be in this big formation and consume it! Otherwise, I will be finished sooner or later!"

Nan Tian waved his fists resentfully.


A wooden thorn, wrapped in a violent attack, shot towards Nantian.

Nantian's anger surged, and he no longer evaded.

A boxing came out with wooden thorns face up.


The wood thorn burst.

Sawdust fell to the ground.

Nan Tian's fistful of fists also exuded a trace of blood.

The blood ran down Nantian's arm and kept down.


One after another!

Under Tian Luo Di net, the attack is more severe than once.

Until Nantian's fists were numb and blood ran all over the place.


Nantian knew that his bones had broken a lot.

It's just that the strong body of the Eighth Grade Wuzun has always supported Nantian.

Nantian did not fall.

Converting to others, he had fallen down completely because of his injuries and physical overdraft.

Daimoto Yamamoto, standing on a high platform, was also anxious to see that he could not take Nantian for a long time.

Yamamoto's face changed and changed.

"Where is the lieutenant?"

Yamamoto asked.

"Daming, your subordinates are here!"

"We work together to urge the beads, we must quickly win those two people!"

Yamamoto said somberly.


Yamamoto ’s adjutant is not an ordinary person.

The adjutant's revision is only a little worse than that of Yamamoto.

In fact, the adjutant's cultivation is particularly powerful.

The adjutant is only a little weaker than Yamamoto Daimyo.

The two joined forces, and the tolerance suddenly soared a lot.

The green awns of the aquamarine beads become brighter and brighter, until finally, they become greenish green!

"Udon Thunder!"

Under the heavens and earth, the coercion from heaven and earth became stronger and stronger.

Nan Tian was pale.

This coercion of heaven and earth ~ ~ is almost the soul of Nantian.

This time Nantian suffered not only the physical body but also the soul.

A guillotine is already being formed in the center of

The guillotine above the guillotine was sharpened.

Seeing that the guillotine is getting closer to Nantian.

As long as the guillotine hit Nan Tian.

Nan Tian's head is about to be cut off.

Life and death, every moment!

Cao Zhong on the side suddenly got up, no fear on his face, and replaced it with the peerless style of a strong generation.

"The world is vast, why kill more! Shanzai!"

Cao Zhong sighed. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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