Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 328: : Sea Blue Star Family 1

Nan Tian was very relieved when he returned home.

For example, because of the cultivation of the "Eternal Life Classic" by his own parents, his physical fitness is now soaring, and the mecha cultivation and the ancient martial cultivation are also progressing rapidly.

In less than half a year, his parents have become masters of the Ninth Mech Mech Warrior.

At this moment, even the mayor of Xingyang, Ye Dingtian, has to be willing to worship.

As for the cousin of Nantiandi, he is quite gifted to win in the south. The practice of "Nine Stars Refining Technique" and "Starry Refining Qi" are also quite effective.

So far, Nantian's cousin is already a master of mecha combatant level. Only one step away, he can enter the realm of mecha combatants.

Hesitation, Nansheng is a rare star body in a century, and the ancient martial arts in Nanchang is progressing at a rapid speed.

Practicing the two great worldly skills, Nansheng is already a master martial artist.

From ancient Wuxiu being 0, to becoming a first-rate martial artist, Nansheng gradually began to become a master.

Nantian is very happy. The stronger his family is, the more he can feel at ease in Xinghai.

Looking at the villa where you chose the site, Nantian used the ancient martial arts technique "Tianyantong" to observe it, and even saw a group of them, purifying the purple air, coiling on it.

Ziqi comes east, good luck!

The dragon and the tiger, defending them and suppressing the siren and the evil spirits!

"The land of the dragon veins is indeed extraordinary! After a while, I gather the condensed gas for a while, my villa, and now the dragon veins are more condensed! Yes, good!"

"In time, maybe, in this villa, I can really breed a real dragon! Dragon veins, dragon veins, help my family reach the top!"

Nantian was very proud.


It didn't take long for someone to knock on the door.

The servant opened the door.

Welcomingly, the bureaucrats are expensive.

The headland is Wei Zhengqing, the governor of the Sea Blue Star.

Behind Wei Zhengqing, he followed some Nantian's acquaintances.

Xingyang Mayor Ye Dingtian and Ao Mayor Zamus.

Ye Er of the Ye Family, Baron De Lorda in the Subsidiary District, Liu Bo in the Black Market, the owner of the Bauhinia House, ...

By the way, there is Ye Sheng, the eldest son of Ye Dingtiandi, and Qianjin Yetian.

Especially, Ye Sheng's face is very strange at the moment, respectful and flattering.

In Ye Sheng's heart, he couldn't help regretting it.

Thinking back then, Ye Sheng didn't know how to be grateful, and looked down upon him. Nantian was a commoner, wandering in the grass, all the way to disturb Nantian's contact with Ye Tian, ​​and even insultingly said.

In an instant, it's just a year or two!

Nantian has become a big man, even the Blue Star Superintendent must stammer and please.

The Nantian family, the Nan family, is also very active on the Sea Blue Star.

Some relatives in Nantiandi, even distant relatives, have thus gained enthusiasm and are active in politics, business, and the underground world, and they are giants.

Look at Ye Sheng again. Nowadays, he has just graduated from university and dragged on Ye Dingtian's relationship, and then he became a government official in the government.

Compared with Nantian, it's more than a thousand miles away!

Ye Sheng regretted that his intestines were blue.

Ye Shengxin said: "If Master Nantian and my sister Ye Tian get married, I will stick to the light of Nantian and become the uncle of Master Nantian. Now I may become a great official in Fengjiang! My father is in charge of Xingyang City, and I Take charge of other municipalities directly under the Central Government! In this way, my Ye family will also fly to Huang Tengda! "

"I blame my eyes for being a rat!"

Ye Sheng shook his head.

At that time you looked down on me, today, I let you cannot climb high.

With a glance at Nantian's eyes, he obviously noticed Ye Sheng, but nowadays, the status of the two is so big that they are not the same person in the world, and I think of some Ye Resorts.

Nantian did not bother to talk too much.

Nan Tian tilted Erlang's legs, lying leisurely on the sofa, drinking tea.

Wei Zhengqing looked cautious and came to Nantiandi carefully.

"Master Nantian!"

Wei Zhengqing said respectfully.

Nan Tian responded slightly.

"Oh, what are you guys coming to come to me with all kinds of teachers?"

Nan Tian asked.

Wei Zhengqing smiled cautiously and said awkwardly: "Uh, sir, we have got the news. You have won the **** market championship and have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel by the Intermediate Inspector General! In another week, the official appointment letter service."

"We are here to congratulate Master Nantian! Master Nantian, you do n’t know, I have been in Sea Blue Star for decades, and there have n’t been any big figures like Nan Tian! In the last 50 years, our Sea Blue Star The captain of the internal army of the Galaxy Army is the strongest man Nantian! "

"Lieutenant Colonel within the Galaxy Army! What a land officer and how glorious! Master Nantian, you have a long face for our old folks, the father and father of the Sea Blue Star!"

Wei Zhengqing said admiringly.

Although Sea Blue Star ranks among the 108 main stars.

However, the overall development is only comparable to some fifth-class colonial stars in the Galaxy Alliance.

Therefore, the actual power of Sea Blue Star Governor is at most comparable to a captain of the internal organization of the Galaxy Army.

Compared with today's Dinantian, it is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

Before, Nantian was still a lieutenant, and with the position of the captain of the Xingluo base, Wei Zhengqing would be treated with courtesy, but it would never be as respectful as it is now.

"Oh, your news is quite well-informed!"

Nantian chuckled.

"Well, sir, succession to the rank of lieutenant colonel is not a trivial matter. Your household registration belongs to Sea Blue Star, and the military department will send an official letter to me and other local officials in advance to commend. However, I am really ashamed , The road to the rise of adults, I can't wait for some help. "

Wei Zhengqing touched his head and said with great shame.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "You just have this thought."

"Say, so many of you, what is there to come here today."

Nan Tian asked.

Nan Tian knew that Wei Zhengqing and others would never simply visit.

Wei Zhengqing blushed.

"Master Nantian ~ ~ You are the pride of our Sea Blue Star, and also our current Sea Blue Star. Among the Galaxy Alliance, the highest official official! Subordinates, willing to cooperate with all local officials, local magnates, help adults Your family, the Nan family, became the first family of Hailanxing! "

Wei Zhengqing said excitedly.

"The first family of Sea Blue Star?"

Nan Tian looked startled, and immediately smiled: "That's great!"

"Actually, I'm also going to call you nobles to discuss this matter. You also know that I was born in a humble family, and the family's foundation is also very weak. If I want to develop quickly, I can't do without your help."

"Furthermore, after a while, I will also leave Sea Blue Star and go to the top of the military department to perform tasks!"

Nan Tian said slowly.

Wei Zhengqing said respectfully: "Please rest assured, I will try my best to help the family of adults and become the first family of Hailanxing, and help adults eliminate all opposition forces!" To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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