Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 329: : Meet old friends

"The first family of Sea Blue Star? Yes, this matter, you must do it well. Half a year, I hope you will do it in half a year. I don't like procrastinators."

Nan Tian ordered coldly.

"The subordinates dare not, the subordinates dare not. Within half a year, the Nan family of yours must be built into the first family of Sea Blue Star."

"At this point, you can rest assured.

Wei Zhengqing nodded and said with a waist.

"Okay, if everything is fine, you can retreat." Nantian waved his hand.


Wei Zhengqing and other high-ranking officials who had a shallow relationship with Nantian, withdrew valuable gifts, then withdrew.

Some people who stayed with Nantian deeply stayed.

Of course, some of them want to be punished.

For example, the head of the Bauhinia family.

Another example is Liu Bo.

The big power group represented by Liu Bo has this complicated black market interest behind it.

The big competition in the black market has a real bearing on the distribution of benefits in the black market.

Nantian this time, in the black market competition, the brave three troops, soaring into the sky, won the first place with bravery.

He won the biggest cake ever for Liu Bo and Xingluo Base.

Liu Bo was terribly excited.

However, before thinking of it, he tried Nantian maliciously.

Liu Bo was cold and sweating.

"Senior Nan Tian, ​​the sinner A Liu, pay the punishment to the adult. A Liu is very guilty, please ask the adult to punish him."

While talking, Liu Bo also handed Nantian a hand, dissatisfied with the barb whip.

Meaning, let Nan Tian whipping at will.

Even if it is killed, it does not matter.

Nan Tian waved his hand, took the whip, and flicked in the air.

"Cracking," rang loudly.


A loud noise shocked the Quartet.

Liu Bo closed his eyes and waited quietly for the death to come.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Nantian's whip did not come down.

For a long time, opened his eyes.

I only saw that Nantian had cut the leather whip into two pieces.

Nan Tian laughed: "The quality of your whip is not very good. I exerted a little force and flicked it across the air, and the whip broke in two pieces."

Liu Bo shook all over and kowtowed.

"Admiral God, is the sinner A Liu. I haven't thought about it. The quality of the selected whip is too poor. A Liu will make people take another good whip."

Liu Bo said respectfully.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "I'm just talking about playing, what are you really doing!"

"Liu Bo, you are a lot of age, how can I have the heart to punish you!"

"What I said just now is just irritating, nothing!"

Nan Tian said lightly.

"Thank you, Master Nantian, the grace of not killing! The villain remembers in his heart, hard to repay forever!"

Liu Bo was grateful.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you can go." Nantian waved his hand.

Nantian is now anxious to deal with and explore the ultra-intelligent fusion mecha chip just obtained.

But there is no too much time, and some do not want to dry, deal with some irrelevant, painless problems.

"Yes, Master Nantian. The sinner, A Liu, will retire."

After Liu Bo stepped down:


Ye Er came over excitedly.

"Primary two, we haven't described it for a long time."

Nantian is also impressed.

At the beginning, Nantian avenged his father and destroyed a casino outside the Ye family.

Ye Er was also strong in fights and gambling.

Under Ye Er's plea, Nan Tian accepted Ye Er as a named disciple.

This shake has passed for several years.

The Ye family has also undergone some major changes.

Ye Er succeeded as the head of the Ye family.

Ye Er's gambling skills are getting better and better, and he is almost approaching the half-step gambling king.

Nantian was also embarrassed at this time. He did not fulfill his duty as a master.

Over the years, basically nothing has been taught.

"Tu'er, I have treated you badly these years. Nuo, these three exercises, you take it back to practice well, which is very helpful for your gambling."

Nan Tian said, handing over the three methods of "Introduction to Ancient Wu Gong Gong Xin Fa", "Phantom Express" and "Tian Yan Tong" to Ye Er.

Among them, "Introduction to Ancient Martial Arts" helps Ye Er to quickly get started with ancient martial arts and lay the foundation for ancient martial arts.

"Phantom Quick Hand" is an ancient martial arts technique that specializes in practicing techniques. When you reach Xiaocheng, you can dance in a magical way. In the casino, you can secretly change cards as you like.

"Tianyantong" is dedicated to the practice of eye method. Once the cultivation is successful, you can see through all the barriers and fog, go straight to the source road, watch a card on the casino, and see a dice.

Ye Erru was the best treasure, tearful eyes.

"Thank you Master!"

"Tuer will be a good student and cultivate, and he will not lose his reputation!"

Ye Erke first.

"Good, you have this determination!"

"You know, my Southern Heavens are not mortals, and my land apprentices should not be too weak. You must be famous in the future! Do not disappoint my prestige! The three exercises I have taught you today, as long as you practice hard. In the future, the achievements are absolutely unlimited! "

Nantian encouraged.

In comparison, Wei Zhengqing and other local officials supported him.

Nantian even felt that training loyal and loyal students like Ye Er was more reliable.

The Ye family represented by Ye Er will always guard the Nan family.

To expand the territory and develop forces for the Nan family.

The most disappointing, Nantian sighed, was to send away Ye Er.

Ye Sheng came over with a smile on his face.

Ye Sheng is no longer arrogant now.

"Master Nantian!"

"I used to be too brutish before, and it just disturbed you and my sister Ye Tian ..."

Ye Shengchao talked.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Don't say it again. Do you think that Ye Tian and I are still possible? Actually, at the time, I saved you, not because Ye Tian and Nuo Nuo looked beautiful. I save people, I only pursue my heart Yes, that part of peace, and that part of the world is full of integrity! "

"Yeah, but Master Nantian, my sister really likes you! Today, I can stay and want Master Nantian to have a long talk, but it was actually entrusted by my sister."

"You can't do this, my sister can't be an adult in Nantian, your wife, your concubine too! Mecha era ~ ~ a man's big husband, there are three wives and four concubines, also very Normal. "

Ye Sheng said flatteringly.

Ye Sheng is very much like Nantian's uncle.

In this way, the future of Ye Resort will be extremely smooth, even worse than his father.

After all, Nantian is now very young, and he has unlimited prospects for the establishment of the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Galaxy Army!

The development momentum of Nantian and the granting of generals in the future are all very promising.

A cold light flashed in Nantian's eyes.


Nan Tian gave Ye Sheng a slap.

"Go! You're betrayal, selling your sister, and getting high-level officials to behave honestly, it's disgusting!"

Nan Tian took a sip. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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