? Killed the Indian King, the Indian King's land was completely changed.

"It's changing!"

"The sky has changed! From now on, the seal of King Yin will be the flying king and the strong king!"

"These two reckless kings have occupied the seal of the King of India, and have since become a high-ranking prince!"

Thinking secretly in the hearts of the spies.

Nantianju was condescending, sweeping around, some hidden places.

Maybe others, can't see, but what kind of characters Nan Tian, ​​Xiao Xiong breath, undoubtedly revealed.

Nantian perceives keenly that there are many spies outside.

Nantian said coldly: "You all give your masters a message! From now on, the flying king and the fierce king will rise to the melee kingdom. If they don't want to be destroyed, it is best to take the initiative to worship, otherwise, they will Be gentle! "

"Also, I hate the most, other people come to watch me and wait! You scouts give me away! Get out!"

Nantian roared and stomped slightly under his feet.


The spies coincided and were splashed with dust.

The spies were shocked.

These spies are elites everywhere and have a very deep hiding method.

They didn't expect that their own detective tricks were all made clear by Nantian.

Nantian now uses a little means to make them aware of their power.

However, most spies are also very angry!

What is it called to spread the message to the respective masters, so that the masters should pay their respects to the flying king and the strong king?

Joke, just after the Indian King's land was laid, and so many captive troops have been lost, would they want to capture the entire southern land in one fell swoop?

There are hundreds of high-ranking princes in the southern earth, which one is not a hero?

Nantian's eyes narrowed and he sneered: "You guys don't give me a quick break!"

"Where do you procrastinate? Maybe I am too gentle with you!"

The voice of Nantian fell.

Toe again to the ground, stomping fiercely.




Several screams came.

Among these spies, three or four were the highest, and they were killed on the spot.

"I count to ten, if you disappear again, I will let you all taste awesome!"

Nantian threatened.





When the number reached eight, the remaining spies withdrew in panic.

Just, Nan Tian stomped his feet, and he could get rid of Xiu Xie's strongest spy. Then the rest of these, ancient Wu Xiu was a spy who was not dripping.

The spies are also afraid of death. Under Nantian's ultimatum, they all run like rabbits.

The spies in different places were cleared out, and now the inside of the fief is too peaceful.

Nantian's army, so far, only those core troops are left.

These core armies were brought from Ji Wang's enclave.

These are also the capital and dependence on which the King of Flying and the King of Rising will rise in the future.

Just just laid down such a huge fief, there are still many things to do.

Yang Fei and Yang Lie were in the army again, and they selected some smart soldiers as officers, and began to patrol around the fiefdoms.

Of course, with only a few thousand people, I want to rule the Indian king for a long time. Such a large fief is impossible.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie and they also began to recruit troops urgently.

Of course, if you want to join the core army, there are also requirements.

That is, it must be inside the fiefland, and the local residents must be oppressed and exploited by the Indian king all the year round, full of hate for the original Indian king.

Most of the sergeants in the core army are poor farmers.

They have been exploited and squeezed by Yin Wang and officials.

Hate the former Yin Wang and other officials!

Nantian overthrew the Indian King and took over the fief, the people are warmly welcome!

They love Nantian very much.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie recruited many sergeants.

A large number of sergeants were quickly assembled.

Nantian was also not stingy, opened the warehouse in the palace of the Indian king, and distributed the gold and silver treasures to the sergeants as needed.

The first time the sergeants saw so much money, the surplus that life had begun was naturally very happy!

Has been very loyal to Nantian and vowed to open up the territory for Nantian and establish supreme achievements!

Yang Fei counted, and now there are more than one hundred thousand troops recruited, which can basically stabilize the entire enclave.

The seal of King Yin is huge, there are thousands of people in it, and there are countless poor people!

There are many others who want to join the army.

The number of Nantian troops is still increasing!

The entire fief was completely unbroken!

Instead, there is a prosperous prosperity!

This guy, King Yin, is extremely greedy. He has accumulated huge amounts of wealth on weekdays, but he refuses to build a land.

There are too many poor people in the seal.

Nantian pity the heaven and earth, open the warehouse, and let many people get the actual benefits.

The rebel forces in the seal of the king of India are mostly wiped out!

Nantian won the support of most people!

Nantian called Yang Fei and Yang Lie in the palace.

Nantian took out several barrels of life spring water from the boundary of life.

These barrels of life spring water contain huge energy.

With these springs of life, you can greatly improve the cultivation of the sergeants.

"Yang Fei, Yang Lie, where you will go to King Wen soon! You must manage the land tightly and you must make good use of these springs of life!"

"Able to rise quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is famous in the melee country. These life springs are so important!"

Nantian murmured.

"Also, the three exercises my professor gave you, you must also practice well, don't fall down! At any time, personal cultivation is the most important thing."

"Ask the vast earth, only the strong can gain a foothold!"

Nantianyu teaches with a long heart.

"Well, Master, we know!"

"Master, you need to take care too! Next time we meet, we will make Master, you will be surprised!"


On the other side, inside the other fiefs, the spies each passed the news.

Those prince kings got a reply, it was extremely angry!

"What, worship him?"

"Flying King, Lie Wang is, in the end, just a rash man, where did he have any knighthood before?"

"Now, with the luck of destroying the Indian King, you want us to worship? Damn it! We don't worship, I don't believe it, what can they do!"

Those prince kings roared.

The spies nodded: "Yes, the king is right!"

The spies sent by Nantian also got the attitude of these princes.

Nantian's mouth sneered.

"Hmm, it seems that before going as a teacher, you must teach those people! As a teacher, you must be given a stable and peaceful environment!"

"Yang Fei, Yang Lie, let's set off, let's strike the Yue King first! The Yue King and the Japanese King will give a hard lesson!"

Nantian clenched his fists.

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