Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 360: : Hitting King

Among the few seals near the king of India, the Japanese king was the most arrogant.

The comprehensive power of the Japanese king is particularly powerful. In the whole melee country, the Japanese king has always claimed to be the "strongest second-class prince king".

The Sun King is also ambitious, often invading this, which one is invading, and constantly expanding the territory.

The Japanese king always wanted to be promoted to the first-class prince king, and **** with the seven heroes of the dogfight.

This time, the spies brought Nantian's original words.

Sun King is naturally very angry.

The Sun King roared all day in the palace.

"Bagaya Road, which flying king, fierce king, die, die drip work! Gather me army immediately, destroy me flying king, fierce king, and what they call master!"

The king ordered.

However, the order of the Sun King was just issued.

Was scouted and hurried over.

"Report! Eight Thousand Miles Urgent Military Situation!"

The scout gray face and ran in tiredly.

Riwang has a mouthful of big yellow teeth and said with great care: "What is it? Panic, quick report!"

The scout shouted: "Sun King, my lord is not good! The flying king and the violent king gathered hundreds of thousands of troops, and came to our border area with great force. They threatened to destroy our country.

When the Japanese king heard it, it was okay. With a "pop", he smashed the table.

"Nani! Bagaya Road! Bagaya Road! I haven't hit the Flying King or the King of Martyrs yet. Instead, they came to the door voluntarily? Damn it, prepare a horse, recruit! This time, I will take the lead! "

The King of the Sun roared sternly.

"Yes Yes!"


At this moment, all the princes of the south of the earth are also boiling up.

They all got the news.

King Fei, King Li, just settled the seal of the King of India, he could not wait to attack the Japanese King.

The Sun King is the most powerful king in the southeast, a whole piece of land.

I do not know how many times stronger Sun King is than King Yin.

"The strongest second-class prince king" is not screaming.

Some princes gathered together and began to gloat over.

King Yue and King Fei were embarrassed to **** together, feasting, drinking and chatting.

Yue Wang said with a smile: "The flying king, the violent king is arrogant, I have long hoped that they will die!"

"Dare you dare to provoke the Japanese King this time? I really don't know what to do! The Japanese King is the top second-class prince! '"

"Hey, Yuexiong, I think we can take advantage of the opportunity to attack the flying king and the fierce king's territory! The seal of the Indian king is extremely fertile, I have long wanted to occupy it!"

Said the king greedily.

"Dude, yes! It's not too late, we're going to copy Fei Wang, Lie Wang's nest!"

King Yue and King Fei hit it off immediately, and decided to send troops immediately.

On the southern land, only King Bucky had a different idea.

Seeing King Bucky, the mentor of King Bucky couldn't help but asked, "What are you thinking about, King?"

Bucky King waved his hand slightly: "Ai Qing, what do you think of the flying king, how about the strong king?"

The counselor said: "How to say. Before, we were a feud with the King of India. We didn't share the sky, and wars often broke out. Now that the King of India is killed, it can be regarded as a breath for us. Whether it is for reason or reason, we all We should thank King Fei, King Li. "

"However, this time the King of Flying, the way of the King of Lie is really wrong. Just after the King of India was laid down, it was necessary to attack the powerful Japanese King. According to Wei Chen's view, the King of Flying and the King of Lie will soon die.

"Your opinion is somewhat biased."

Bucky King shook his head.

"What is your opinion?"

Asked the counselor in surprise.

"Flying King, the Lie King can be bigger and stronger, and also wiped out the Indian King in one fell swoop, indicating that the Flying King, the Lie King is not an ordinary villain.’ ’

"They all have great wisdom. This attack, the Japanese king, is by no means brainless. I now guess that the flying king, the stricken king, must have the bottom of the hand, and can definitely destroy the Japanese king!"

Bucky King spoke amazingly.

"What, destroy the Sun King? Then, the strongest second-class prince king! It is not impossible for him to become the first-class prince king over time."

"I really can't think of it, that the two rash kings can actually destroy one of the strongest second-class princes?"

The counselor said in surprise.

King Bucky waved his hand: "No, I still believe in my opinion. When everyone is not optimistic about the flying king and the lord of the fire, we should take the initiative to show their favor and form an ally with the flying king and the lord of the fire.

Bucky said solemnly.

Finally, King Bucky seemed to think of other things.

"By the way, this time the flying king, the fierce king assembled a large army and attacked the Japanese king. The rear must be empty, and the seal of the Indian king that was just laid.

"Ai Qing, pass this king's order, immediately gather 200,000 elite cavalry, follow me to protect the flying king, the strong king's base camp."

King Bucky ordered.

The counselor "pushed" and knelt on the ground.

"King, don't do it!"

"Now, others are watching jokes on the sidelines, wishing that the flying king and the violent king died earlier. But you are sending troops to help. We will offend the Japanese king by doing so.’ ’

The strategist burst into tears.

"What about offending the Sun King?"

"In the ordinary days, is the Japanese king good to us?"

"Sun King Wolf Child's ambition, it is estimated that I have long wanted to unify the southern land, so that I can rank first as a prince!"

"I need to help the flying king and the fierce king earlier, and don't wait until the lips die cold ~ ~ to do something! When will everything be late!"

Bucky King thought long-termly and said long-term.

"Nuo, Weichen ordered ..."

Seeing that he could not stop King Bucky, he had no choice but to respond.


The border area of ​​the Japanese king's fiefdom.

Sun King Chen Bing million is on the front line.

The king of the sun stood high on the leather chair.

The large chairs are inlaid with various precious treasures.

Sun King looked at Nantian disdainfully and the army behind Nantian.

These newly recruited soldiers still have thick and tender faces.

The Japanese king laughed: "You don't want to use these soldiers, you must attack my territory?"

"Haha, I have millions of soldiers, each of which is the elite of elite. Today, I am going to chop all of you arrogant guys into puree!"

The Japanese king shouted his arms, arrogant and brave.

"Master, Yang Lie is willing to lead the army and teach these guys!"

Yang Lie practiced Yang's exercises and made rapid progress, with the aid of life spring water.

Yang Lie is now the cultivation practice of Jiu Pin Wu Zun.

The newly recruited soldiers, under the nourishment of life spring, are also as strong as cattle, and one can resist ten ordinary soldiers.

Nantian also taught some quick ancient martial arts methods of these soldiers.

These ancient martial arts methods can quickly improve cultivation.

Now, in Nantian's army, these soldiers are on average around two or three ranks of martial arts soldiers, far exceeding the soldiers of the Japanese King.

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