Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 628: : I am the Lord of Demons

"Deputy Harry, you have the blood of the ancient prophet. Our lord is very optimistic about you. As long as you put down the butcher's knife and surrender immediately, I can wait for you. On the vast stage of Pearl Sect, you will have better Development opportunities! "

The part of the Pearl Sect's Department-Long Weeping Silicon, in a black robe, fluttering in the wind, and the tone was powerful-forcing-temptingly said to the deputy head of Harry.

Prophet, especially the pedigree of the ancient prophet, such a talent is really rare in the universe.

The ancient prophet has shown their wonder to the world!

Some mysterious prophetic books, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, clearly and accurately predicted several important events in the current era and the details of the development of the current era.

Of course, all of these prophetic classics are made by the ancient prophet.

The horror of the ancient prophet is evident.

The Pearl Sect has a great plan. In the future, it will be out of the main star of Beiluo.

There is an ancient prophet in Zongmen, and the people of Pearl Sect can also feel at ease.

Now, not only the people of Pearl Sect are concerned about the situation in Castlevania, but also the first descendant of the North Star-Beishui Sect!

On this day, Song Xian, the first general manager of the Beishui Sect, led Wang Bochao, the ninth general manager who had been abolished, and dozens of warriors, standing on a mountain and looking at the changing situation of the demon city. !

The Beishui sect implements the general managerial system. Under the head and vice-sovereign, the chief executives are established, and their positions are equivalent to the elders in other sects.

However, since Beishui Sect was the first handed down ancestor on the protagonist of Beiluo, Song Xian's position was naturally high.

At the very least, Song Xian, the first general manager, could sit up with Qi Zhu, the deputy patriarch of the Pearl Sect, and even cry slightly.

"Chief Executive, do we really not intervene? Let the Pearl Sect occupy the entire Devil City in vain?"

Wang Bochao asked, somewhat puzzled.

Song Xian attacked the white clothes, the belt fluttered, as if detached from the world, beside him, a cloud of water floated up.

Song Xian has cultivated the mecha abilities of the water system to the point of being innocent.

This general manager named Song Xian has amazing strength!

Song Xian glanced at Wang Bochao and said coldly: "What if Pearl Sect swallows the Castlevania? On the main star of Beiluo, my Beishuizong is still the first! The great wild forest behind the Castlevania, although rich in resources, is great There are too many magical and unknown existences in the forest. Before, the five local forces of Castlevania could only exploit the surrounding resources, and the Pearl Sect was only here. This resource, my Beishui Zong is still inferior! "

"However, the city master named Nantian was indeed rampant. He dared to reject our benevolence from the Beishui Sect and beat you up.

We cannot swallow this bad breath. Later, I will take action at a critical moment to capture the Nantian City Master, and then hand it to my Zong Xing Tang for severe punishment! I will let him die better than life! "

Wang Bochao, traitor-smiled: "Thank you, Director!"

"You pulled me up with one hand, you are now like this, and I am also very sad. Have you considered the biochemical transformation?"

Song Xian, Shen Sheng asked.

Wang Bochao's face was embarrassed for a while. Although Dan Tian was destroyed and the mecha was repaired to nothing, Wang Bochao was always unwilling to face the inhuman biochemical transformation.

"This, this general manager, let me think about it."

Wang Bochao said with a whimper.

Song Xian did not blame Wang Bochao for his cowardice: "We are the person in charge of our Beishuizong biochemical project. Over the years, biochemical research has achieved great results. Some of the previous drawbacks have been improved. Well, Bochao, you can safely accept the transformation. "

"Well, what the Chief Executive said is very true!"

Wang Bochao said nothing.

After being the ninth general manager of the Beishui Sect for so many years, Wang Bochao still knew some of the inside stories on the biochemical transformation research projects within his own sect.

The biochemical transformation of Beishui Zong is very different. Once the transformation is completed, it will be completely irreversible, and the human genes will also be radically mutated.

In the biochemical project, the high-end transformation that we want to enter is also due to the lack of high-level mecha cultivators. In some scientific research fields, it is still blank. It is not like Song Xian said that all the disadvantages are gone.

Or to some extent, Wang Bochao in Song Xian's eyes is a natural biochemical transformation material.

In any case, Wang Bochao was after all a genuine mecha and emperor-level master. Although the mecha abilities are gone, Wang Bochao still has strong spiritual power.

Only those masters with organic armor and emperor level or above can be tempered by the spiritual power.

If not, during the biochemical transformation, being reformed, you must be completely voluntarily, if your mind and thought are fully coordinated, you must not force it.

Song Xian had already forcibly pulled Wang Bochao into the laboratory.

Harry's deputy-home-lord watched, under the gate of the city, there was a black army, the endless army of pearl sect, at this time ~ ~ instead of tension, instead, it was a relief.

"Surrender? The old man's life, too many leaks of luck, he has no life, and he does not want to bear the reputation of a traitor after his death!"

Deputy Head of Harry shouted at Weeping Silicon.

Weeping silicon was angry, and the grumpy elder crying beside him stood up.

"Old man, you have to shame your face! Give you a way, you don't want it! This time, I blame me for being ruthless!"

Cried and roared.

"Attack, attack, attack!"

"All the sergeants of the Pearl Sect, listen to my orders, razed the Castlevania to the ground, and then kill three days and three nights!"

"We want to make the Castlevania stained with blood and full of people!"

Weeping war orders, attack orders!

A million Sergeants of the Pearl Sect, like a flood, will rush to the Castlevania!

The deputy head of Harry's face was solemn and solemnly said: "The enemy, since we want our life, we can't give it to them in vain. All the soldiers fight for me and fight for the last trace of blood! Even if it is dead, we must put one or two backs Yes! Killing one is enough, killing two earns! "




The battle of Castlevania was triggered at once!

"Have me stop!"

A thunderous cry from the sunny day resounded through the sky!

Nan Tian took Cangzhe, rushed thousands of times, finally arrived.

Nantian vacated above, full of momentum, overlooking all beings.

"Who are you?"

The deputy patriarch of the Pearl Sect frowned, crying, watching the weather in the south is not weak, but the ragged clothes, the dust servants, could not help but have a slight look!

"Who am I? I am Nantian, the Lord of the Devil City, and I will rule the world and sweep the Eight Wastelands!"

As far as Nantian is concerned!


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