Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 629: : 1 summon flag, 0 army meet thousands of Malays

"Nantian, Lord of the Castlevania?"

The top level of the Pearl Sect is stunned.

Weeping silicon took out the intelligent light brain and entered the word "Nantian". The image of Nantian was projected immediately.

The high-ranking members of the Pearl Sect, after a careful comparison, were suddenly surprised.

"It is indeed Nantian!"

"This man is the Nantian who killed me Pearl Sect!"

Weeping silicon is full of anger.

"The army, for the time being! For the hatred of the three big eyes of my men, I will report it personally!"

Weeping silicon stared coldly at Nantian.

The deputy patriarch cried slightly and nodded, reaching out: "The whole army stopped!"

The million troops of the Pearl Sect stopped and did not attack.

"Are you all right?"

"Do you need my help?"

Qi Zhanmo fisted his palms and asked to Siqi.

The Weeping Battle is the first elder of the Pearl Sect, majoring in mechs, and has a very strong combat power.

Weeping Battle is the seventh rank Mecha Warlord, and Weeping Silicon is the Eighth Rank Mecha Battle Emperor.

Weeping Silicon didn't dare to care about it, and nodded at Weeping Battle: "Elder Weeping Battle, and help me!"

It is undoubtedly different from the people of the Pearl Sect who thought Nantian will die.

The deputy head of Harry above the city gate was very excited to see Nantian coming back!

"Heaven's glance, the blessing is out! Heaven is like this, and so is the cause and effect, there is no end in Castlevania! Woo, Zhuangzai!"

The deputy head of Harry, through the prophecy, had fortunetized the future of Castlevania.

In the midst of it, Deputy Head of Harry saw the distant and hazy future. In the future, Nan Tian's figure is erratic, but it plays a vital role in Castlevania.

However, the wisdom of the future is limited to a few people such as Deputy Head of Harry. The vast majority of people do not have much hope for the appearance of Nantian and Cangzhe alone.

In other words, they have some complaints about Nantian.

They hated Nantian, and when they left, they vowed that they would bring a large army of demons to save the castle.

But now, I can't even see the shadow of a demon!

What about the demon army?

How to save Castlevania?

How to repel the army of Pearl Sect?

Just rely on Nantian, an illustrious city owner?

Or is it the Cang Zhe, the young head of the thin Cang family?

"President, that is Nantian! He appeared.


"Please general manager, take them and capture them!"

Wang Bochao was excited in the distance.

"Don't worry. Be calm. Which Nantian city master is really interesting. Alone, dare to provoke the whole army of Pearl Sect?"

"Cry Battle, Cry Silicon are not ordinary people. Their strength is very strong."

Song Xian, the general manager, smiled coldly.

"I have to fight each other with both of them. I have to fight with all my strength. I don't believe him Nantian, the demon city, how strong and able to resist."

Song Xian whispered.

"Yeah, that Nantian's strength should be just above and below the Eighth Rank Mecha Warlord. I was defeated by him, and it was the result of the guy's sneak attack.

Wang Bochao quibbled.

Song Xiansi gave no mercy to Wang Bochao: "If you lose, you lose. Don't give yourself any reason! You know, you are all abolished now! '"

Wang Bochao looked sad: "General Manager, the lesson is!"

"Don't be dissatisfied. Rest assured, your hatred, I will naturally help you!"

"That Nantian, let him jump for a while, I want to see him, what the trick is!"

Song Xian said calmly.

Song Xian's strength is very strong, is a genuine six-rank mech warlord.

Song Xian did not pay attention to the three high-level of the Pearl Sect, as long as he was willing, he could shoot from a distance at any time.


"Do you want two to fight one?"

"Want to rely on more people?"

Nan Tian laughed.

Weeping and disdainful smile: "Our Pearl Sect is relying on our own strong soldiers, bullying you, what can you do?"

"Almost dying, dare to talk more?"

Weeping Si Yin was authentic, immediately, summoned the mech, and killed Nantian.

Nantian scanned it with the Valkyrie system, and weeping and crying silicon are masters.

In particular, the Battle of Weeping is still a veteran seventh-rank mecha battle emperor, the strength is very powerful.

Weeping silicon is not a mediocre one. It is already the pinnacle of the eighth-ranked mecha warlord. With only one opportunity, you can step into the realm of the seventh-rank mecha warlord!

The two of them joined forces, much more so than the so-called three big eyes of the spymen!

At present, Nantian has not yet broken through, and he is still at the level of Jiu Pin Wu Huang + Jiu Pin Mecha Warlord.

Nan Tian did not dare to entrust, "Meteor" mecha, summoned in his body.

Yin Yang God eyes, come again!

Nantian's combat power soared and weeping battle, weeping silicon fought.

With the aid of the increase in meteor mechs and the assistance of the eyes of Yin and Yang, coupled with the fact that Nantian has already mastered the two six-character mantras of Buddhism-"Om, well!"

Nantian's combat power is amazing. For a time, although Weeping Battle and Weeping Silicon occupy the advantage in the cultivation level, but want to win Nantian, it really is not good.

The three of them fought for hundreds of rounds together!

It is always up and down!

It's amazing to see Pearl Zong crying with his arms folded!

Song Xian, who was watching from a distance, also showed a dignified look.

"This Devil City Nantian is really powerful!"

"You are not wrong!"

Song Xian sighed at Wang Bochao.

"Damn it, **** it!"

Weeping and crying, joined the battle.

Now, the enemy of Nantian has suddenly become three people!

Weeping Qi is the deputy suzerain of the Pearl Sect, with strong strength, and the cultivation base has been reached: the pinnacle of the seventh-grade mecha battle emperor!

The joining of Qiqi made Nantian's pressure suddenly increase!

Under the joint attack of the three, Nantian gradually became unable to work.

However, suddenly, Nan Tian burst into laughter.

The veins and mental gates in the body suddenly opened!

Unconsciously, Nantian broke through again!

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Nantian read his own attribute panel on the Wushen system:

Host: Nantian

Identity: Third Marquis of the Galaxy Alliance, Orange Seal Ziyuanwei, Major General Officer within the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: one hundred universe coins

Physical fitness: 49.9 (53.9)

Mental Strength: 55

Vitality: 49.9 (52.9)

Strength: 49.9 (52.9)

Agility: 49.9 (52.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 53.32 (53.32)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / Eighth Grade Mecha Warlord

The first vice occupation: Ancient Warrior / Eighth Grade Wuhuang

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin ~ ~ Bring Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the main position of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"Bapin Mecha Battle Emperor + Bapin Wuhuang! Haha, all three of you must die!"

Nan Tian laughed.

"The big thing is not good, this man has even broken through!"

Weeping face changed greatly, Nan Tian's strength made him tremble involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, we still have millions of soldiers! How powerful is his force alone, and it will be impossible to kill me one million soldiers?"

Weeping Silicon suggested.

Weeping battle nodded: "Yes, yes! The three of us joined forces, and he couldn't kill us in a quarter of an hour. But our million soldiers could destroy his castle in an instant!"

"Strike! Strike! All soldiers, attack Castlevania!"

Weeping gave orders immediately.

Song Xian in the distance is also ready to shoot, whispering: "Everything is over!"

However, Nantian was at ease and took out the calling flag of the system reward without haste.

"Oh, it's time to wave the flag! A summoning flag, thousands of troops come to meet each other! The demon army, come on!"

Nan Tian smiled comfortably.

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