Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 637: : Shuttle

Jiang struggled and crawled down. He crawled on the ground, bowed his head, and begged Zhao Zhao and Nan Tian: "Master Zhao Ming, Master Nan Tian! I am indeed wrong with this matter, but it is not me who is wrong." I am also forced to force, the real culprit is Yongbeihou! "


Zhao Ming was stunned for a while, and was obviously very strange to this name.

Also, after all, Zhao Minggui is a green-printed Ziyuanwei, with a distinguished status, where can I see a local military officer in the district.

Nan Tian smiled coldly: "Yong Beihou is wrong, I will go to the vast host star to solve him! As for you, you have to pay the price, since you dare to kill the plan, if you want to kill me, you must think about the consequences!"

As soon as Nantian's words fell, he raised his sword in his hand, holding the meteor sword, and cut off Jiang's earned head.

"The aftermath of this matter, I will help you solve it." Zhao Ming nodded slightly toward Nantian.

Nan Tian owed slightly: "Master Zhao Ming, I have something to ask for!"

Zhao Ming smiled: "What's the matter? Don't you like to ask someone for this?"

Nantian solemnly said: "I must have heard of it, my lord. The real mastermind of this matter was that of Yongbeihou, one of the four major military fighters in the northwest of Shenghua City on the vast main star! Yu Yinhe Military Department. Although I am the Orange Seal Ziyuan Wei, if I openly kill Yongbeihou, it will cause a lot of trouble. "

"The military officers of the military department are estimated to trouble me every day."

In the Galactic Alliance, it has been tempered for so long.

Nantian was not the original, "the undefeated martial king" of the ancient Wu era regardless of the consequences.

Nantian needs to be careful about the consequences when doing things.

Among them, the most important thing is to consider the other party's background.

The military system and the ruling system of the Galaxy Alliance have been operating for countless years, and they are particularly powerful. If they do not abide by the rules, they will be wanted or even executed.

Zhao Ming laughed: "What do you mean, I get it!"

"Well, I ca n’t accompany you to the vast protagonist these days! You can take this seal of mine for a while! You will hold the green seal and you will have a lot of privileges. Since Yongbeihou is just a local military officer If you kill, kill! "

Zhao Ming said indifferently.

"Young man, take the courage to do it! Over the top of the military department, I will write a report and detailed supporting documents for you. Yongbeihou ordered his men to murder an orange seal Ziyuanwei, this crime must be executed!"

Zhao Ming patted Nan Tian's shoulder.

Nantian gratefully accepted Zhao Ming's green seal, inside the Ziyuanwei, one guard and one seal.

The seal is here, the guard is here!

The seal is now, just like the guard of the corresponding level, you can take part in the privilege!

Zhao Ming was able to hand over the personal seal to Nantian. This unspeakable trust and attention.

"Go back quickly! There are still many tasks in our guardhouse, and the guards need to perform it!"

Zhao Ming called out.


Without delay, Nantian took the green seal, went out of the prison and went straight to the airport.

Nantian once again piloted the S-class "Taigu" spacecraft and started traveling in the Xinghai.

Counting carefully, Nan Tian has been away from the vast protagonist for more than half a year.

"Purple Feather Academy? Jia Fei, the kid, don't know how it is now?"

"Also, that Yin Yuyu, what now?"

Nan Tianqing couldn't help thinking.

Thoughts flew, and the spacecraft moved forward quickly.

Time passed by little by little.

Magnificent starry sky, boundless universe!

After traveling through the space tunnel for more than ten days, Nantian finally landed on the vast main star Shenghua City again!

An S-class spaceship is really too eye-catching, and Nantian did not want to be too high-profile. He landed the spacecraft on the outskirts of Shenghua City, where it is sparsely populated.

After disembarking from the spacecraft, Nantian took a tailwind to the northwest of Shenghua City.

The rider was a twenty-something sex-sense female driver in professional attire.

Nan Tian sat in the back row, speechless all the way.

The female driver is quite talkative, always taking the initiative to talk to Nantian Pan.

"Hey, what's your name?"

The female driver asked.

"Nantian!" Nantian replied lightly.

The female driver coughed: "Oh, you are so indifferent. This is a suburb, a wild country, a very remote place. Why are you here? Are you a scavenger?"

"Okay, drive your car, don't do much business!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

The female driver looked stunned and continued to talk: "Well, everyone, everyone has a story. Just now I was abrupt. You do n’t mind."

Nan Tian glanced lightly, and the female driver, from the back seat, under the eyes of "high", the female driver's slender figure, unobtrusively protruded-appeared.

Nan Tian's expression was correct, and he said, "This pair of Mi-Mi, is it quite big?"

Nan Tian asked casually: "Look at your dress, it should be a white-collar female in Shenghua City!"

The female driver shook her head: "Where am I a white-collar worker! Our company is going bankrupt and closed down ~ ~ The boss has been unable to pay for several months. My grandmother and grandpa still live in the suburbs and in the city The house price in the center is too high, I can't afford a house, and I am ashamed to give them the oldest two. "

"Just yesterday I went to visit them and stayed in the suburbs for one night. Today I happened to be back in the city, passing by here, taking you, and running a ride down the road."

The female driver exclaimed.

Nantian didn't feel much about this.

Rising along the way, conquering all the way, Nantian is a super ordinary person, and promotion and upgrading are like drinking plain water.

Some ordinary students say trivial things and the necessity of life, don't have to worry about Nantian at all.

But where are there so many superhumans in this world? Where is there so much arrogance? It's mediocre, maybe it's true.

Nan Tian comforted: "Don't be sad, you work hard, life will be better."

"By the way, how did your company go bankrupt?"

Nan Tian asked curiously.

"It was squeezed and annexed by several consortia under the jurisdiction of Yongbei Hou Mansion. Many staff members of our company were wounded by the people of Yongbei Hou Mansion. Alas, Yongbei Hou is a military officer, and Hou Mansion forces , How can we ordinary people resist? "

The female driver said there was a trace of sadness on her face.

When mentioning Yongbeihou, the female driver couldn't help biting her teeth with hatred.

Otherwise, when the company was not swallowed and squeezed, she was able to get more than 10,000 Galaxy coins for at least a month. Although not many, her basic life was not a problem.

Now that the salary has been cut for a few months, the problem is even greater.

Nantian said slowly: "Yongbeihou? Hehe, he can't last forever!"

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