Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 638: : Holding the Danghou Palace

"How long will Yongbeihou exist?"

"Oh, just kidding. You should be a non-native population. Yongbeihou is a local military with deep roots. Who can move?"

The female driver shook her head.

"Hehe ..." Nantian didn't quibble, smirked.

Now, if you tell the female driver that you are an orange seal purple Yuanwei, and you are holding a green seal, and you are in charge of privileges, it is precisely for the purpose of destroying Yongbeihoufu.

This female driver will definitely think that she is a god-sick!

"Oh, what's your name?"

To avoid embarrassment, Nan Tian asked casually.

"My name is Xu Qi!" The female driver said generously.

"Oh!" Nantian smiled.

Next, Xu Qi chatted a lot with Nantian.

Of course, in most cases, Xu Qi talked eloquently, and Nantian simply agreed, "Oh!" "Uh!" "Okay!"

Xu Qi's flying car was bought by hundreds of thousands of Galaxy coins, belonging to the ordinary household type, and the speed is not very fast.

It took nearly six hours to fly from the suburbs of Shenghua City to the Northwest District.

It is open from morning to afternoon.

Arriving near the district square in the northwest district, Nantian used his mobile phone to transfer Xu Qi to Xu Qi, and he was about to get off.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather jackets, with a group of big waists, stopped Xu Qi's flying car.

Xu Qi obviously knew this middle-aged man.

"Mr. Yu, please stop entangle me!"

Xu Qi got out of the car and said in disgust at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man scratched his hands, grasping-holding-Xu Qi Xuebai's palm.

"Xu Qi, don't pretend to be tall! Now, the company you work for is on the verge of bankruptcy. If you don't follow me, I promise you, within three days, you will sleep on the street and be forced into captivity at night Go. By then, you will be miserable! "

"While you are still young, don't let down your good looks!"

Middle-aged man laughs wickedly.

"Let go! Mr. Yu! If you are not let go, I will call the military police!"

Xu Qi said angrily.

The middle-aged man has no fear.

"You shouted! Shout loudly!"

"The military police in this piece are under the command of Yongbei Houye. And my uncle from afar, but a housekeeper in Yongbei Houfu! I want to see if those military police come, will they catch me!

The middle-aged man laughed and ran wild.

"Drag her away! Today, I must overlord-hard-up-bow!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand.

A few thugs around him swarmed up and took Xu Qi, a weak woman, under control. Xu Qi was about to be dragged away.

Xu Qi was also shouting, and there were many military police officers passing by, but at first sight it was Mr. Yu. This middle-aged man, all left consciously.

The so-called check depends on the owner!

The uncle of the middle-aged man is a housekeeper in Yongbei Houfu, where the ordinary military police can afford such a master.

Xu Qi's voice was about to scream hoarse, and tears could not stop flowing.

In front of the evil forces, a weak woman will always seem so helpless and pitiful.

Nantian put his hands in his hands-in his pockets, Nantian couldn't help the scene in front of him.

"You all go! Let go of Xu Qi!"

Nan Tian screamed loudly, sounded like Hong Zhong, and his ears shook!

The middle-aged man was stunned. Just now, he really didn't notice that Nantian looked like a normal young man.

"I'm a grass! Dick boy, you don't have all the hair, do you want to learn from other heroes to save the beauty?"

The middle-aged man laughed, his tone full of disdain and arrogance.

"I say it again, let go of Xu Qi, and then you get out!"

Nan Tian's voice was cold.

This so-called "Mr. Yu" is of very poor strength, and only has the ninth-grade mech combatant's training.

For ordinary people, this may be a very good practice, but for Nantian, you can pinch your finger to death.

For this kind of goods, Nantian did not want to make more killings, lest he hurt Tianhe, and appeared to deliberately bully the weak.

"Fuck! Give you a three-point color, are you still opening a dye shop? Brothers, give me this kid to death! In one piece, even the local police do not dare to treat me like that. You are a fart.

Middle-aged man with a cold face.

The middle-aged man ordered several thugs beside him, rushed over, opened his teeth and danced claws against Nantian, and kicked his fists!

Nan Tian didn't move, and didn't move much.

Between the flashlights, the thugs all lay on the ground and wailed.

The middle-aged man realized at this time that Nantian was a ruthless character.

Those thugs are all mecha combatants.

However, they didn't even touch Nantian's clothes, they were defeated, and the middle-aged man felt a cold in his heart: could it be that he had encountered a traveling mech warrior!

The middle-aged man did not dare to stay and ran away quickly.

Before he ran away, he also put down two cruel words: "Scary boy, you wait for me!"

"You are nothing more than Mecha Warlord! My uncle is the butler of the Yongbei Hou Mansion, there are ways to kill you!"

Nan Tian's eyes were cold, and he was about to shoot, killing the middle-aged man.

Xu Qi suddenly fell to the ground, confused.

Nan Tian didn't care about others, and quickly hugged Xu Qi.

Nan Tian held out his finger and probed between Xu Qi's noses.

"It's medicine! That man is really abominable, this time he came prepared!"

Nan Tian took a sip.

Before, the middle-aged man and several thugs caught-stop-Xu Qi, and must have secretly sprinkled some mystery-soul-medicine, let Xu Qi inhale inadvertently.

"Use the old and spicy means of walking the rivers and lakes for many years to deal with a young girl who has not been involved in the world. The people of Yongbei Houfu are getting more and more rampant!"

Nantian's belief in pulling out-out-Yongbei Houfu became more and more firm!

Nantian even clicked a few points on Xu Qi's body-acupuncture-Dao, and used a special press-motorcycle technique, finally Xu Xu was rescued.

"you're awake!"

Nantian said softly.

Xu Qi opened his eyes dimly and saw that it was Nantian, not the abominable Mr. Yu. It was a bit strange, and he was relieved in his heart.

"What's going on? How am I here?"

"What about that bully Mr. Yu?"

Xu Qi asked.

Nan Tian chuckled: "I was run away!"

Xu Qi shook his head: "Bragging!"

"Mr. Yu is a master of mecha combatants. He has a few masters, all of them are good players!"

"This time, it must be the military and police who have a sense of justice-action-action, come here and save me!"

Xu Qi said slowly.

"However, I am very grateful to you. Thank you for staying with me until now."

Xu Qi thanked Nantian and said, Xu Qi stood up unsteadily.

However, the mystery-soul-medicine used by Mr. Yu and the thugs is really powerful.

When Xu Qi just stood up, he felt a slack footstep and weak physical strength.

A stagger, almost, Xu Qi fell to the ground again.

Nantian's eyes were fast, and when Xu Qi was about to fall, he reached out and hugged Xu Qi.

"Your body is still very weak. I will send you to the Bin-Guan to rest for a while."

Nan Tian couldn't help but put Xu Qi into the flying car, and then drove himself to a hotel near Ziyu Academy.

This hotel is more advanced and has better customer protection.

Even if Mr. Yu had some relationship with Yongbei Houfu, he did not dare to come here and forcibly take people away.

Nantian opened the room, put Xu Qi down on the bed, and left.

Before leaving, Nantian told the hotel's waiter to take good care of her, and left 10,000 Galaxy contributions!

Seeing so many tips, the waiter was naturally ecstatic, and he quickly agreed to take care of him, and he did not dare to be any slack.

Now that Nanshi Group is established, Xianjia brand rice soup and rice cakes are selling well, and Nantian's bank account has a lot of money every day.

For Galaxy, the contribution point of Galaxy, these two middle and low-level currencies, Nantian is basically no shortage.

The only thing missing is an advanced currency: cosmic currency!

Cosmic coins are universal throughout the universe. In the future, Nantian will inevitably leave the Milky Way galaxy and go to the nearby dark galaxy and light star system. By then, the role of cosmic coins is very large.

"Yongbeihou is an entrenched military veteran in the Northwest, and the accumulation is definitely strong! Copying away his Houfu, maybe there will be some special gains!"

Nantian thought.

After leaving the hotel, Nantian went straight to Ziyu Academy.

Under normal circumstances, Jia Fei and Yin Yuyu should take classes in the college ~ ~ However, Nantian went to the classroom and asked the class teacher, only to realize that these two people had not come to class for a few days. It's all leave.

Nan Tian is not in a hurry. Since they are all here, it is not bad to see Dean Ai Guding.

Nan Tian came to the dean's office.


Augudin was working at his desk and asked without looking up.

"it's me!"

Nantian smiled.

Augudin was shocked and looked up sharply to see who was coming.

Love Guding, he could not help shaking.

"Nantian, didn't you go to the health center? You Ziyuan Weidong is good, how come back?"

Igudin asked immediately.

Nan Tian's expression was dull: "I came to perform a task, and it was considered to solve some enemies!"

"Enemies? You are now Ziyuanwei, what other enemies are there?" Ai Guding was very curious.

"Oh, I'm on the vast main star, the biggest enemy is Yongbeihou! Yongbeihou's bold courage, stretched his hands to the Eighteenth Guardian, when the headquarters of our guardian, Yongbeihou people, Secret killer to me! If not, it ’s wrong, I ’m lucky, I ’m afraid I ’m buried in the endless Xinghai now! "

Nan Tian said coldly.

"Yongbeihou is really so bold!"

Igudin is also very angry!

After all, Nan Tian is a student of his Purple Plume Academy, and is now the official Zi Yuan Wei. Yong Beihou secretly killed him, which can be regarded as the face of his dean!

"I came here this time to destroy the Yongbei Hou Mansion!"

Nantian is slowly authentic.

After all, Nantian took out the green seal given by Zhao Ming, which was shining and contained a great majesty.

"Do you want to hold the Yin Dang Hou Mansion?"

Augudin understood Nantian's meaning and said with great shock.

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