"You even took out my baby, I fight with you!"

The silent look was extremely grim, fluttering, roaring, and the chains on his body were all shaking tremblingly.

However, fortunately, the silent key has been poisoned too deeply, and the true strength of the body can't be used at all.

This posture will scare others, and it won't do much.

"Papa! Dare to rebel, Lord Nan Tian, ​​take your things and give you face!"

Mao Zhipu's expression was cold, and when he picked up the whip, he whipped fiercely towards the silent body.

Silently howling again and again.

Nan Tian's expression was indifferent, with no trace of sympathy.

Nan Tian knew that if he had been silently taken prisoner, he and Mao Zhipu would be subjected to more unimaginable torture.

In comparison, oneself and Mao Zhipu are relatively good.

"You never got this jade wear?"

Nan Tian's expression was cold, he lost his jade pendant, and he didn't have the mana blessing of the demon god.

Silent moments languished a lot and swallowed the magic skills of the heavens, and gradually began to stop.

This obscure, incomprehensible, and difficult-to-practice magic skill cannot be cultivated solely by tacitly understanding oneself.

The magic skill cannot run on its own.

Silently lost the ability to resist Nantian.

Under the deterrence of Nantian's spiritual power, he silently and unexplainedly asked everything out.

"This jade pendant was five years ago when I took a shower in Tianchi in the headquarters of Heifensha Valley. I was suffocated and felt dragged by a water monster and sank to the bottom of the pool. Then, I was in a coma. When I woke up, I found out There is a weird jade in my chest. Afterwards, my cultivation will last a thousand miles, and even if I do n’t need to work hard, I can grow and cultivate myself. "

"I spent the whole day, drunkenly addicts, and just like that, I broke into the Sixth Grade Imperial Realm, and practiced the obscure magic power of swallowing in the valley. The elders saw me as gifted, and even rewarded me as a deacon. Older, the elders of the inner door will definitely accept me as a true disciple. "

Silently speaking slowly, there was no trace of concealment.

"It's also strange to say that every year, our officials above the deacon and the deacon at the outer gate of the village must go to the internal hospital in the valley for a medical examination. Then the advanced instrument transmission equipment, no X-rays, can see me There is an abnormality in the chest. Moreover, I don't feel any abnormality and pain myself. Just like this jade pendant, it is never in my chest. "

Silently said with emotion.

"Okay, let's not talk about it!"

Nan Tian waved to stop.

Nan Tian made a glimpse of Mao Zhipu.

"Simple, you should have a lot of questions. If you want to ask, go ask now!"

Nan Tianchao said the rustic.

Mao Zhipu nodded, grabbed the silent collar, and asked, "Tell me why! Why, as soon as the elder Mao Zhi slipped to death, you jumped out impatiently, and ran rampant in my Mao family Kill people! "

Silently replied: "I put an ancient blood curse on Mao Zhihua. As long as Mao Zhihua dies, I will know. And, in order to maintain the privacy, Mao Zhihua and I have always been a single line. contact."

"As soon as Mao Zhihua died, I couldn't leave. The psychedelic forest outside the headquarters of your Mao family, and the Valley of Poisons, are really terrifying. I am a person, although I am a superb six-rank martial emperor, but Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and your Mao family has such a master of poison. Once I live for a long time, I must be exposed, and I will die very badly. I must rely on the magic of magical power in a short time. Inside, let you surrender a brother-in-law and take me out of here. The blood-washed and slippery house is the way I negotiate with you. "

"And, I think that Mao Zhihua died, it must be because a secret transaction between me and him was discovered. Otherwise, Mao Zhihua is a big elder. Who would dare to kill him in Mao ’s headquarters? Is there another reason to kill him? "Mo Tuo replied coldly.

"You're in a hurry! Your judgment is wrong! It's not the mao slip that I killed! However, I would like to thank you, thank you, jumped out so anxiously, let me see clearly, the elder mao mao slip originally The face also made me realize the current crisis of the Mao family! "

The grass is pristine and its face is cold.

"You blaze the valley, plot my Mao family, and kill my grandson. I will not let this matter go!"

Mao Zhipu said coldly.

Silently, he could not help but sneer: "Enemies with us? Enemies with Heishasha Valley? I advise you to kill Mao Zhihua, it is enough, and to engage in some other meaningless. You thought, you Mao Was the Shi family the Mao family in the ancient Wu era? "

"I am burning the valley, and now there are all the major planets in the world. The powerful forces are not what you can imagine!"

"The high-level officials of our Black Burning Valley don't actually care much about you. After all, the current Mao is no longer the original Mao!"

"If not, even if you have a psychedelic forest, a valley of poison, as a refuge, I sent an elder from the inner gate to Heishasha Valley, and I can still raze you all to the ground! Without exception, all are masters of the Holy Land, raise your hand and destroy the planet! "

"I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, otherwise, you will all suffer from my endless anger in Blackburn Valley!"

Silently said with some pride.

Admittedly, as the Blackburn Valley, which is comparable to giants like the Tang family and Tianyin Pavilion, it does have arrogant capital!

As soon as Heishasha Valley shot, the world would be shocked!


In Mao Zhipu's eyes, there was a flash of sharpness, pulling-out-waist, with a poisonous long knife, a knife, and a cold flash of light, cutting off the silent head.

"Drag him out and throw it into the Snake Cave!"

Mao Zhipu waved coldly.

Immediately, there was a servant who came and dragged the silent body.

A sixth-grade imperial realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The deacon of the outer gate of the Heifensha Valley, who died, had no place to die.

Mao Zhipu bowed to Nantian: "Nantian respects the Lord, I am rash."

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No, you are doing very well, people can kill. Like that kind of people, they should be killed, never be merciful. Moreover, we also asked what I need to know."

Mao Zhipu nodded: "Well, Lord Lord is right."

"Next, I want to ask you some questions. Come sit down and drink tea while talking to me slowly."

Nan Tian and Mao Zhuo walked out of the dungeon and came to a elegant room, sitting opposite each other.

"Sovereign Lord Nantian, please ask, what's the problem? I must know all words and words!" Mao Zhipu said obediently.

"I want to ask, why, Mao's family, is so declining?"

Nantian's eyes were burning.

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