Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 675: : Old Turtle Toxin

"Alas, on the one hand, it is the change of the times. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, anti-virus methods are more and more, which is much stronger than the ancient Wu era."

"Although our Mao family is rich in all kinds of poisons, not every poison can penetrate that kind of super-strong gas mask. Special poisons, the cost of construction is also higher, we can not produce every day. Of course It is not only the emergence of a large number of anti-virus equipment, but also the advancement of medical technology. General small poisons can be easily solved by ordinary hospitals. Even some powerful poisons can be obtained by organ transplantation in the hospital. This For the Mecha era, it is very simple and ordinary. However, it takes a lot of things to produce a bottle of strong poison. "

Mao Zhipu said helplessly.

Ancient things, not just poisons, but even other things, are like this. With the changes of the times, some things are destined to be eliminated in the long history of history.

Nantian nodded: "This is indeed the case. However, the Mao family has been glorious for so long, the times are improving, but your refined poison should also be improving!"

"The most important thing is that I remember that the Mao family had a classic book that was the essence of the refining of poison, and it opened up the innovative method of the poison of all ages, and it is the ancestor of all poisons! You, the Mao family, have a long history of refining poisons, and the system of developing poisons is also very complete. Poison talents are not scarce, and with the poison classics in hand, why not talk about it? "

"As long as there is a poison classic, no matter how the technology changes and how the technology advances, you should keep up with the times! After all, the poison classic, but inherited from the age of Shenwu, is an ancient heaven, a generation of poison gods, and a lifelong effort , The mystery of the poison in the poor world is rooted in one method! "

Nan Tian said solemnly.

When it comes to the Toxic Classic, this book of ancient times and the roots of toxic pharmacology, Mao Zhipu's eyes are bleak, and he looks very lost.


"Do n’t hide, Lord Nan Tian, ​​in fact, the poison classics, this book, we have lost .... As early as five thousand years ago, a patriarch of my family gave the poison classics to-get-lost -Lost!"

Mao Zhipu said regretfully.

If the poison is not lost, the Mao family will not be ruined anyway.

Heishasha Valley did not dare to reach out here.

"What, the poison classics, was actually made by you-lost!"

"It was lost five thousand years ago!"

"Fuck! You are a family of poisons. The poison is the root of all poisons. Without the poison, you can't always study thoroughly the poisons of the world. How can you keep up with the times? You all have lost the mantle of the poison god. Oh, no wonder. Declined and ruined! "

Nantian was also surprised!

After all, that is the poison classic!

The wisdom of the life of the poison god.

The Mao family is also a family of poisons. The poison classics should be regarded as the treasure of the town family, and it should be taken care of well. However, such an important thing was actually lost thousands of years ago.

Nantian was also desperate for a while.

Mao Zhipu was even more distressed: "Yes, the patriarch of that generation was indeed careless and weak."

"It is precisely because the Toxic Classic is lost that our Mao family can't develop poison that keeps pace with the times. In later years, generations are not as good as generations. And, Lord, you also know that our Mao family was in its heyday , Earning a living by poisoning has caused a lot of people. "

"Their descendants of those people ’s families, etc., are becoming stronger and stronger. Our Mao family is gradually losing ground, and we can only move out. With time, we even wandered to the vast protagonist. Thanks to this polar region, there is a The valley is as warm as spring, and there is a mysterious existence of psychedelic forest inside! "

"These two acted as natural barriers and protected my Mao family for the time being. Otherwise, I am afraid that we can't even keep the blood of today."

Mao Zhipu was filled with emotion.

"What's more terrible is that without the guidance of the Toxic Sutra, our Mao family has been around for thousands of years, and there haven't been any major figures above the poison master level!"

"Personally, I am also a master of the trapped peak poison, and I can't break through for a long time. I am very distressed!"

Mao Zhipu shook his head, his eyes full of helplessness and pain.

I thought, in the ancient Wu era, the Mao family was so powerful!

Even the emperor of the Datang dynasty must go to the door to seek medicine in person.

Looking back, now, the Datang Dynasty, which turned into the Tang family, is still very powerful, and can compete with Tianyin Pavilion and Heifensha Valley.

As long as the Tang family sent an inner elder to come over, the Mao family would be wiped out.

In the past, such a situation was simply unimaginable.

"Then I will ask you, at that time, I gave you a turtle from your ancestors. Do you still support it?"

Nantian asked with a burning gaze.

At the beginning, Nantian Gu Wuxiu went to the King Realm of the Wu Dynasty and travelled to the East China Sea. In the Penglai Fairyland of the East China Sea, he caught a rare immortal turtle.

Why is it called Undead Turtle?

Because the life span of this kind of turtle is particularly long, and its nature is so long. Shou Yuan is so long, no one knows how long this kind of turtle can live.

Anyway, no one has seen this turtle die old.

The undead tortoise caught by Nantian is a young cub that just came out of the turtle shell.

Nan Tian was very happy at the time.

After all, immortal turtles are very rare. In an era, it is not always possible to have a small cub born.

Coincidentally, at that time, the ancestors of the Mao family also loved this immortal turtle.

At that time, Nantian had to fight around again. Carrying a turtle at any time was inconvenient. He entrusted the undead turtle to the ancestors of the Mao family for good care.

Even if Nantian battle is dead, his Mao family ~ ~ also needs a care to support this turtle.

Although the immortal tortoise has a long and long life span, the immortal tortoise is still very fragile during cubs, and it is easier to die.

The cub period of the undead turtle is another thousand years!

"Oh, Lord, you are talking about the turtle! Our Mao family has been taking care of it for a long time, and the turtle is also a rare species, and the age is also very old. Our host has respected this turtle for generations, so it is good to support it , All the way to my hand. "

"However, last month, this old turtle suddenly ran away, ran into the psychedelic forest, and left me a note with a few words: 'Wu Go Forest, don't care about it! 'Oh, this old tortoise is really old, it's all psychic!'

Mao Zhipu said slowly.

"Find the old turtle! Inside his stomach, there is a copy of the Toxic Sutra! It was the ancestor of your family at that time!"

Nantian said solemnly.

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