"What, in the old turtle's stomach, there is a copy of the poison?"

Mao Zhipu was so surprised that his eyes fell off.

Nantian nodded slightly and looked dignified: "Yes, that old turtle, because it is an immortal turtle, has a long life span. Your ancestor, for foolproof purposes, specially printed a copy and stuffed it inside the turtle's belly. The material is special, universal corrosion, immortal, as long as the turtle is there, the poison is there! "

"Now, the Mao family is so broken. In any case, you must find a copy of the poison classics! The copy of the poison classics is the last thing to restore the Mao family!"

Nan Tian said solemnly.

Mao Zhipu nodded: "Yes! The old turtle should be in the psychedelic forest now. I'll call the disciples to look for it in the psychedelic forest!"

"The psychedelic forest is extremely dangerous. Since ancient times, there has been only one safe passage. Only his disciples can freely enter and exit." The disciples called from the disciples.

"How many heirs are your disciples?"

Nantian Q & A.

Mao Zhipu said simply: "More than three hundred disciples."

"How big is the psychedelic forest?"

Nan Tian then asked.

Mao Zhipu said slowly: "According to the estimation of the predecessors, it should cover an area of ​​five million mu!"

"Five million acres of psychedelic forest, and dense fog all year round, only sent more than 300 disciples to look for, it is not necessarily possible to find the old turtle. Although the old turtle was a cub, but after a long time Baptism must be extremely superb. Ordinary disciples, it is difficult to find its traces. "

Nantian said solemnly.

"Nan Tian Venerable Lord, then what should we do?"

Mao Zhipu asked with some concern.

It's really not easy to find an old turtle in a psychedelic forest in Noda.

Furthermore, the descendants of the Mao family are all good at using poison, but when it comes to personal force, when it comes to personal practice, it is not a strong point.

In the psychedelic forest of waves, looking for an old turtle, poison surgery can't do much. Really, it still needs personal force.

Strong personal force, keen perception, and sharp observation ability are the most important factors for finding things in the psychedelic forest.

Obviously, most of the Mao family disciples do not have these factors.

"It seems that the old man is going to enter the psychedelic forest himself!"

Mao Zhipu, volunteered to take a step forward.

Mao Zhipu has also been supporting old turtles for many years and is very familiar with the breath of old turtles.

The old turtle also had some feelings for Mao Zhipu.

Moreover, Mao Zhipu is also a master of the Eighth Grade Imperial Realm and is familiar with the various situations of the psychedelic forest. It is most appropriate to enter the forest.

"No, no! You can't go, you are the patriarch of the Mao family, and now the elders of the mausoleum have slipped to death, but he has been in the family for many years and there must be many party members. You must stay. , Sit in the Mao family, to stabilize the overall situation and stabilize the people! "

Nan Tian said solemnly.

"However, Lord Nantian, in that case, the possibility of finding the old turtle is greatly reduced! The decline and rise and fall of the Mao family, in this one move, a copy of the poison classics is very important, you can't give up!"

"I would rather give up my life, but also get a copy of the poison classics, Gao Wei ancestors, revitalize my Mao family!"

Mao Zhipu's expression said firmly.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No, no! This time, I will lead the team and bring the more than 300 children of the heirs into the psychedelic forest!"

"You enter the psychedelic forest?"

Mao Zhipu was surprised.

"Sovereign Lord, you don't think about this forest too much. It's true that there are endless galaxy, and there are many forests with the same name. On the vast main star and even other planets, there is much more forest called psychedelic forest. However, the psychedelic forest near the headquarters of our Mao family is really different! "

"The dense fog does not disperse throughout the year, and the road in the forest is more complicated than the maze. Once one step is wrong, it will always be trapped in the forest forever. Master, come and kill us. "

"Although, they passed through the valley, but without exception, all of them were broken into the psychedelic forest. Because there was no safe walking route, they were trapped in the forest forever. Ten master class masters of the realm level are powerful enough Well, but they are ten people, and they ca n’t even break through the forest and force it out! ”

Mao Zhipu said with a sneer on his face.

It is mentioned that in this psychedelic forest nearby, Mao Piao is both grateful and fearful.

Endless years, long rivers, and this forest, I don't know how many strong people's lives have been devoured.

"Ten elite first-class emperor realms are all damaged in the psychedelic forest? This forest is really not simple! Even my eyes of Yin and Yang can't break through the mist, which is really interesting."

Nan Tian twitched his mouth and was a little shocked in his heart.

In certain periods of the ancient Wu era, resources were scarce and the human living environment was harsh. The entire Sea Blue Star reached the state of Wu Wang Realm.

Any powerful person in the imperial realm, placed in the era of Nantian, can sweep through all existence.

Now, mankind has entered the era of the Mecha, with vast resources to replenish and integrate with the fierce collision and exchanges of the tens of thousands of ethnic groups ...

It is not uncommon for the Imperial Realm to be strong, but it has to be said that ten masters of Yipin Imperial Realm, looking at many main stars, possess such a strong man, and all are super powers without exception.

Ten master masters of the first-class Imperial Realm, if they fight desperately to attack, even medium-sized stars, they must be destroyed!

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ is such a powerful combat force, a forest covering an area of ​​5 million acres, they did not kill out, but all fell.

Creepy and horrifying!

"I am different from them. If I was born in the Mecha era and let me start all over again, I am still at the top. What about the first-class Imperial Realm?"

Nantian's eyes were burning.

Mao Zhipu sighed and persuaded: "But Lord Nantian, at least you have to know the safe route in the psychedelic forest at once!"

Nan Tian smiled: "I remember everything. Just when Mao Miao took me into the forest, I remembered it all in secret."

"What, Lord Nantian, you all remember it? This is not a hero, when the limelight is coming!" Mao Zhipu was still a bit weird.

The descendants of the head of the Mao family, led by elders since childhood, have tried many times for the safe route of the psychedelic forest, and after four or five years of thinking and understanding, they can fully grasp and remember.

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