Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 682: : Finger bone into body, saint in turtle

With the heavenly demon, old monk, peerless strongman of the same era?

Who is the owner of this finger bone?

After a long time, how many mythological heroes shined and disappeared in history.

If Nan Tian is sober now, he will definitely ask this old monk Void Shadow.

Who is this finger bone?

Which one of the world's strongest people, leaving a phalanx, is so powerful?

Killing Jiuzhongtian? Broken heaven? Rebuild the universe?

The age of Divine Martial Arts is really a great year to look forward to.

"You are always here, not a head. Can you put down all the fetters and stay with us?"

The old monk asked.

The phalanx froze: "With you?"

"How are you together? I'm here, I'm tired of it!"

"Being able to sit down with old people and talk about it, I can't ask for it!"

The phalanx laughed.

The old monk pointed to the guide day: "Enter his body and use one of your phalanges to turn into one of his phalanges!"

"I am also living in his body in the form of a relic now!"

The old monk said slowly.

"Enter this little guy's body? Ha ha, interesting!"

The phalanx smiled.

With a whine, this mysterious and powerful phalanx, after listening to the old monk's words, turned into a stream of light, abandoned the mountains, and entered Nantian's right hand on the little thumb.

In this way, a finger bone that could suppress the gods of the heavens was transformed into a small thumb on Nantian's right hand.

Of course, Nantian is still asleep and comatose, and naturally does not know these things.

The old monk saw that all the troubles had been solved, and he also sent the magic jade back to the realm of life.

"Heaven's Devil, it's hard!"

The old monk said.

After the words were finished, the old monk in rough linen also entered the relic of the Buddha, and then returned to the sea of ​​Nantian's consciousness.


For a long time, I don't know how long it has passed.

Nantian feels his face-egg, some *, salty-salty, sweet.

Nan Tian opened his eyes dimly, and found that Xiao Hei was licking himself.

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang!"

"Master, you are finally awake!"

Little Black was excited.

"Am I alive? Am I dead?" Nan Tian was puzzled.

In the **** ocean, the phalanx emitted a devastating beam of light, hitting himself and the old turtle.

Nantian felt that his body had been torn off.

It stands to reason that he can never survive!

Nan Tian was very puzzled.

Xiaohei patted Nantian's head: "Wang Wang! I pooh! My Xiaohei's master is the greatest master in this world, how could he die! Hey, master, I tell you, now the fight is restored It's calm! "

"The phalanx on the ancient sacrificial platform here has disappeared! Wang Wang! The terrible phalanx has finally disappeared! Wang Wang!"

Xiaohe said excitedly.

"The finger bones are gone?"

Nantian was also shocked!

In the **** ocean, Nantian saw with his own eyes, that finger bone is terrible!

That one finger can suppress the existence of the gods!

How could it disappear for no reason?

Nan Tian would not guess even if he wanted to break his head. In fact, the phalanx had already turned into his little finger.

As long as it can be used, at the critical moment, Nantian's finger may not be able to exert his power to suppress gods!

Of course, all this is not known to Nantian.

It's like a beggar begging, but I don't know that the deposit in the bank card in his trouser pocket has actually broken trillions, and even this bank has been given to the attorney by the old president to follow the legal procedures and inherited his beggar's Under the name.

There is Baoshan in the sky, but I don't know yet.

Hey quack!

"Master, don't believe me, look back!"

"The finger bones are really gone!"

The little black dog pointed to the sacrificial platform.

Nan Tian looked down, as expected.

Above the altar, there is indeed nothing left.

The phalanx disappeared!

The **** Wang Yang also disappeared!

"Right, old turtle?"

Nan Tian was surprised.

Thinking of the faithful old turtle.

"Oh, Master, you are talking about the big turtle. He appeared with Nantian. When he saw that he was unconscious, he went to the forest to find some herbs."

Xiao Hei said.

"That's good, we are waiting for it here! Fortunately, fortunately, the old turtle is fine, great!"

Nantian was very happy.

After a while, the old turtle came back.

Nantian and Laogui met each other, and they were very impressed.

Now, out of danger.

The old turtle is in tears.

"Nantian Master! You have nothing, just fine! You have to be three long and two short, and the old turtle is not alive."

The old turtle murmured Nantian.

"All this is really like a dream! I didn't expect that we met in the ancient Wu era, and now, we can still meet alive!"

Nantian also took a long breath.

The old turtle bowed and said: "At the beginning, I was still too young to return to the owner. Now, I have grown up for a long time. Although my talent is dull, the old turtle has also accumulated strong strength!

"Old Turtle, in this life, give your master well!"

The old turtle said excitedly.

Nantian also smiled.

Undead turtles have a long life, but cultivation is not its specialty.

As long as the old turtle can grow happily forever, Nantian is enough.

Out of concern and curiosity, Nantian glanced at the old turtle and used the Wushen system:

Goal: Undead old turtle

Stamina: 46 standard stars

Mental Power: 46 standard stars

Vitality: 46 standard stars

Strength: 46 standard stars

Agility: 46 standard stars

Talent Skills: Turtle Royal World, Turtle Absorbs Divine Skills, Turtle Kills Wanqiu

Comprehensive combat power: 46 standard stars

"46 standard stars?"

"46 standard stars, it is comparable to the Ninth-grade Wusheng-class (Nine-grade Mech Warrior)!"

The 45 standard star value corresponds to the first-class Emperor Wu (the first-class mech warrior)!

Once ~ ~ make a breakthrough, and march to 46, it is the Holy Land!

Since then, people are separated from each other and become sanctified once!

"Are you comparable to a saint now? A master of the holy land, old turtle?" Nantian was dumbfounded.

The old turtle was "coy" for a little bit *, and said modestly: "Well, my old turtle is foolish, and it took me 10,000 years to get through the infancy, and then I was able to cultivate. Earth cultivation has lived to the present and accumulated to the present. It was only about a hundred years ago that it was a breakthrough to the Holy Realm. Speaking of it, it is ashamed! "

Undead turtle, although not talented, but long life!


If someone else cultivates well in a year, then it will take a hundred years and a thousand years to cultivate well. Anyway, it does n’t worry about time.

Nan Tian chuckled: "Old Turtle, do n’t be humble, anyway, your strength is real! The Holy Realm master can break the void, the existence of the shuttle plane! Haha, I have a great saint in Nantian, accompanied me It's about! "

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