Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 683: : A copy of Toxic Classic

Xiaohei jumped on the shell of the old turtle and murmured in his mouth: "The Great Saint in the tortoise? It stands to reason that if you reach the Holy Realm, you should be able to be humanoid."

"Humanoid? Old turtle, can you really?"

Nan Tian asked.

The transformation of a beast and a transformation of a plant is a very magical thing.

Nantian is also not sure whether the old turtle can.

However, if the old turtle is real and can be transformed, then for Nantian, it is a good help.

After all, Nantian couldn't go anywhere, he carried an old turtle.

The old turtle is not small.

The body length of the old turtle also reached more than ten meters.

The old turtle faced Nan Tian's question and ordered a little tou, and said a little embarrassedly: "Master, I can actually be transformed."

"After reaching the Sacred Realm, I do have this ability."

Having said that, the old turtle turned into a streamer, and with a snap, it turned into an old servant.

This "old servant", dressed in plain gray clothes, has white soft-soft long beard, and the old servant still has a slight hunchback, as if there is something on the back.

From a distance, this old servant is just an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary.

Moreover, from the appearance, no one can associate this old servant with the "old turtle".

No one knows that this old servant is actually a hidden "Saint".

"How is it, master."

The old turtle smiled.

"Okay! The change is great. If I don't use the eyes of Yin and Yang, I can't see your body!"

Nan Tian said.

"Old Turtle, willing to protect the Southern Master forever!"

The old turtle said respectfully.

"By the way, at that time, the ancestors of Mao and I, the copy of the poison classic hidden in your stomach, was still inside?"

Nan Tian asked.

"Well, the old turtle didn't dare to forget. This copy of the poison classic has been hiding in my stomach. If, master, you need it, I can spit it out now."

The old turtle said slowly.

Nantian nodded: "Take out the copy of the poison classic!"

The old turtle immediately opened his mouth, abdomen and stomach squirmed-a whine, the old turtle spit out an "old black" lined ancient book.

The ancient books used extremely old text, and on the cover, there were a few breathtaking characters.

"A copy of the poison classic!"

Heaven and earth, the only copy of the poison classics handed down!

The original of the Toxic Sutra has been lost, and it is on this copy that people will learn.

With a copy of the Toxic Sutra, Mao's family has the possibility of regaining its glory!

With a copy of the poison classics, a new poison tycoon will surely appear in the Mecha era!

At the same time, "ding!"

The crisp system prompt sounded.

"Spur task: lead the children of the Mao family to find the undead turtle. It has been completed!"

"Bonus: Two talents to improve Dan, have been put into the storage box!"

"Pretty! The talent upgrade Dan, it's here!"

Nan Tian was very happy.

After mixing for so long, Nantian also felt that his talent on the bright side was a bit low.

Looking at the Mecha era, any mecha battle emperor is at least a talent above Dayan level.

Only Nantian himself is a pitiful "virtual class".

Above the Void Talent is the Dayan level!

Above Dayan level is: True Enlightenment level!

Above the true enlightenment level is: thorough level!

With these two talents to enhance the Dan, Nantian can leap to: the true enlightenment talent!

This is not a weak talent in Mecha Warlords.

"Good mood, everything is done!"

"Let's go back to the headquarters of the Mao family!"

Nan Tian waved his hand.

Xiao He shook his tail, and some sleepy eyes: "No, a remote place with poor mountains and bad waters. I have no mood to look carefully."

"Master, I went back to the realm of life and went to sleep!"

Xiao Hei smiled.

"Okay, okay, okay! Go home!"

Nan Tian smiled and waved his hand.

"Oh, yes, and Mao Miao, still inside! I have to pick her up."

Nan Tian flew into the realm of life and took Mao Miao out.

Mao Miao still does not know what happened.

She was in the realm of life and had fun with the fire elves.

The world of life has been upgraded and transformed to allow ordinary living people to survive.

In addition, there are hardworking fire elves and stone-man Xiaoyan under construction, and there is a fountain of life that keeps supplying life.

The boundary of life is green and beautiful, like a idyllic pastoral world.

Perhaps one day, the realm of life will grow into a world with Nantian's progress.

"Did the turtle find it?"

Mao Miao asked.

For the copy of the poison classics, she has heard that this is extremely important for her grandfather and the entire Mao family.

"Nuo, found it!"

Nan Tian pointed his finger and turned into an old turtle in the form of a turtle.

"A copy of the poison classics?"

Mao Miao then asked.

"Here it is!"

Nan Tian smiled and pulled out the ancient book.

Mao Miao shouted: "Great!"

"Our Mao family is hopeful!"

"How did you find Nantian?"

"Is this dangerous? And just now, where exactly am I? I feel, where is so beautiful, it doesn't look like a psychedelic forest at all. Have fun with me and the elves!"

Mao Miao said.

Nan Tian grinned reluctantly and didn't know how to answer.

This experience is very mysterious and strange.

Nantian himself did not know what he had experienced.

That **** ocean!

That powerful finger bone!

Who can make it clear?

Nan Tian secretly asked the old turtle just now, what is that **** ocean, and why the old turtle came to this psychedelic forest to deal with this mysterious phalanx, and he was also seriously injured.

The old turtle told Nantian with a good tone ~ ~ The **** ocean is actually a different space imagined by the finger bones. The old turtle is a saint, can break the void, shuttle the plane, see Nantian is in danger, he was sucked into the space of different degrees, and he took the initiative to save Nantian.

As for why, the old turtle has to go from the warm headquarters of the Mao family to the mysterious and psychedelic forest.

Among them, the old turtle is a lot of emotion.

It can even be said that the old turtle himself was not clear.

The old turtle told Nantian that just a few days ago, he was dreaming, and he always encountered a **** phalanx, and his body was uncomfortable.

The old turtle has lived for endless years, whether it is a human or an animal, as long as it reaches a certain age, it will naturally be able to "psychic", he can see some illusory things that others can't see, others can't sense In the mysterious heaven and the sky, he can sense it.

The old turtle has been sanctified. Naturally, the artgo turtle is bold and bold, leaving a note, and then dashing to the psychedelic forest, wanting to explore what is going on.

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