Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 684: : Revitalization

The old turtle has the power of the Holy Realm. It is indeed very powerful. The mist is turned away, and the psychedelic forest is turned upside down. The phalanx is indeed found.

However, later it was quite sad.

The old turtle wanted to see what was the difference between the phalanx and how to know that the phalanx was so powerful.

The old turtle suddenly broke in.

The phalanx trembles slightly, bursting into a terrifying power, and immediately suppresses the old turtle.

The old turtle was seriously injured and had been lying on the ancient sacrificial platform without moving.

However, fortunately, the phalanx also seems to have discovered the long life of the old turtle, and made a buzzing, using obscure and ancient language, and vaguely said: "The undead turtle, the strange world, almost extinct, see now , Can't bear to kill it! "

Because the phalanx had no killer, the old turtle survived.

The turtle shell of the old turtle is very miraculous, gathering the essence of the undead turtle family.

The existence of the turtle shell can allow the old turtle to naturally absorb the spirit of the world and heal the wound.

The old turtle is also a master of the Holy Land. After many days of cultivation, the internal injuries have basically healed, and there are some external injuries. It seems to be afraid of people. In fact, it does not hurt.

"Alien space?"

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a different space?"

"In one finger bone, there was a space of different degrees? Then, what happened to the light column?" Nan Tian continued to ask.

The old turtle could not answer this question.

"Master Nantian, I don't know about this matter. When you were in a coma, I actually fell into a coma. But, later, I was awake earlier. When I woke up, I was already in the psychedelic forest. That. The space where the **** ocean is located has disappeared. "

The old turtle said so.

"Then, can you still try it now, can you shuttle into that space of different degrees?" Nan Tian asked.

"Sorry, Master Nan, I can't sense it."

The old turtle sighed and said with some shame.

"Nothing, if you can't sense it, you can't sense it, you don't have to blame yourself!"

Nantian chuckled.

Even if the old turtle can sense it, Nantian will not let the old turtle take the risk.

After all, the place where the **** ocean is located is extremely dangerous.

In case, what old turtle has three long and two short.

Nan Tian regretted that it was too late.

"Mao Miao, let's go back!"

It is estimated that it was not too early to touch the time. Nantian greeted Shang Maomiao and left in a stride.

Lost phalanx.

The mystery of the psychedelic forest suddenly reduced a lot.

Using the eyes of Yin and Yang, Nantian can already wear through the mist.

Even if Nantian doesn't follow the so-called safe route, he can leave safely and unharmed by the guidance of the eyes of Yin and Yang.

But well, psychedelic forest is psychedelic forest after all.

The phalanx stayed here for a long time, and the breath left behind could not be completely dissipated in a short time.

If the general strong under the first-grade imperial realm, without the help of little black, yin and yang **** eyes, etc., and without grasping the safe route, once caught in the psychedelic forest, it is basically a dead end.

The protective effect of the psychedelic forest on the Mao family is still great in the short term.

Nan Tian took Mao Miao and the old turtle safely out of the psychedelic forest, and came to the courtyard of the long mansion of the Mao family.

In the courtyard of the mansion, the patriarch Mao was simple, and in the hall, carrying his hands, his face anxious, he kept walking around.

"Oh, a week has passed. Why, Lord Nan Tian and Mao Miao, haven't come out yet?"

"Although the psychedelic forest is dangerous, Lord Nantian and Mao Miao are familiar with the safety route, and the strength of Lord Nantian is so powerful, how can it fall into the psychedelic forest?"

Mao Zhipu slapped himself and immediately rejected his thoughts.

"God bless you, my ancestors of the Mao family bless you! We must let Lord Nantian and Mao Miao return safely!" Mao Zhipu prayed.

One week later, some disciples came back one after another.

More than 300 children of the heirs, except for four or five who were clearly found by their companions, died in the psychedelic forest, and the rest returned.

However, the whereabouts of Nan Tian and Mao Miao are still missing.

Mao Zhipu was anxiously following the ants on the hot pot, anxious and uneasy.

Suddenly, there was a disciple who broke into the house with great joy: "Patriarch, good news! Good news!"

"whats the matter?"

Mao Zhipu was shocked and asked quickly.

"Miss and Lord Nan Tian are back! They also brought a huge old turtle, which we had provided before!" The disciple replied.

Suddenly, the uneasiness and haze on Mao Zhipu's face all disappeared.

"Great! I'm going to meet Lord Nantian!" Mao Zhipu yelled happily.

"No need!"

A hearty voice came from outside the door.

Nan Tian and Mao Miao, with the old turtle, have already come in.

"Sovereign Lord!"

Mao Rustic, quickly stepped forward to meet.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No need to pay so much!"

Mao Zhipu got up, glanced at the old turtle, his expression surprised, and quickly asked: "Sovereign Lord, now a copy of the poison can be in this turtle's belly?"

Nan Tian smiled slightly and took out a copy of the poison classic from his arms and handed it to Mao Zhipu.

"Take it and study it carefully. It is up to you to revitalize the Mao family!"

As the patriarch of the Mao family, Mao Zhipu naturally read ancient texts.

See a copy of the poison classics.

Mao Zhipu shivered all over.

"A copy of the poison classics! Really a copy of the poison classics!"

"Since the Mao family has entered the era of mecha, the research on poison surgery has gradually failed to keep up with the times. However, we have not stopped. There is no stopping. Our disciples, the basic poisoning techniques, still learn very well. We have precious poison experience accumulated in endless years! "

"Now there is a copy of the Toxic Classic! Master Nantian ~ ~ Please believe me, as long as you give me enough time, I can definitely revitalize the Mao family! For many years, my family Everything is ready, only the state of Dongfeng is owed. Now that I have a copy of the poison classics, I can put the theory and knowledge of the poison **** into practice! "

"Xing Zai! My Mao family!" Mao Zhipu burst into tears, very excited.

It has been too long since the Mao family lost the poison classics.

During this period, the Mao family did not know how much humiliation and suffering they suffered.

As a patriarch, Mao Zhipu has been waiting for the opportunity, hoping to strengthen his own family and reproduce the glory of ancient times.

But suffer from no way!

Now, well, all problems have been solved!

A copy of the Toxic Classic is in hand!

The revitalization of the Mao family is just around the corner!

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