Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 685: : Development of Poison

"Sovereign Lord Nantian, thank you for your kindness! If you weren't there, my family would be finished! You are our savior!"

Mao Zhipu bowed to Nantian, and he was born with heartfelt respect.

Nan Tian raised Mao Zhipu up. This old patriarch of the Mao family is indeed respectable.

Although in terms of seniority, Nantian does not know how many generations are older than Mao Zhipu.

However, nowadays, Nantian is a young man after all, it is not appropriate to let an old man bow down.

"A copy of the poison classics, I gave it to you, but you will have a long way to go in the future. The revival of the Mao family is destined to be a bumpy road. Are you ready?"

Nan Tian asked.

Mao Zhipu nodded: "I am ready, I am willing to dedicate everything to the family's revitalization!"

"Okay, then work hard!"

Nan Tian patted Mao Piao's shoulder, and gave Mao Piao great encouragement.

"By the way, in addition, you go to sum up all the strengths of your Mao family, now, and tell me!"

Nan Tian ordered to Mao Zhipu.

Mao Zhipu didn't dare to delay, he quickly recruited assistants, and quickly compiled a thick file for Nantian.

The data file contains detailed information on various aspects of the Mao family, wealth value, number of disciples, and general distribution of forces.

Nantian lighted the desk and turned over the information file carefully.

It turned out that today's Mao family, almost ninety-nine or more disciples, live here.

Among the polar icebergs, the total number of major disciples is about 200,000, including more than 300 disciples. The disciples, most of them have obtained the true biography of the aristocracy of the Mao family, all the generations of poison.

The level of poison skills of the disciples of the heirs is on average above the intermediate poison master.

One third of the people have become senior toxic masters, and in the future, as long as they are slightly adjusted and promoted, it will not be a problem to become a toxic master.

The remaining disciples of nearly 200,000 did not get a true biography in the field of poison, but it was quite good in terms of force cultivation. Nearly 200,000 disciples, most of the poison masters stayed between the junior and intermediate poisoners, but only a few people achieved the status of senior poison master.

However, their force training is different.

For the cultivation of force, the Mao family is basically the same.

For some precious resources of cultivation classics and military practice, the Mao family is very adequate to provide support for any disciple.

Among them, more than 500 of the nearly 200,000 lay disciples have become masters of mecha warfare, and two more. In the basement of the family headquarters of the family, guard the resources of various exercises and poisons accumulated by the family of the family of the past.

The military protection of the Mao family is basically dependent on the disciples.

There are also very few, especially elite disciples, who have been sent outside to develop their own drugstore business on some planets such as the vast main star.

Although their number is small, in the polar icebergs, more than 200,000 children eat and drink Lhasa, as well as some expenses for daily necessities, most of which are provided by the business elites who are outside.

In addition, these disciples who are outside also transmit messages from outside to the people in the polar region from time to time. So that the people in the polar region will not be closed and guarded, even know nothing about the outside world.

Nan Tian murmured to himself while reading the dossier information: "Unexpectedly, although the Mao family is headquartered here, the disciples they sent out have developed well outside. Now, there are already three or four main stars Over 100 colonial planets, there is the business industry of Mao's family pharmacies. "

"The combination of these industries and companies, and the profit brought by each year, is also very impressive! Sure enough, the dead camel is bigger than the horse."

Nan Tian said with emotion.

In the era of Mecha, there are still many small families who can't even eat enough.

Although the Mao family has fallen, the most important technical resources and human resources are still there, and the foundation is still there!

Now, the return of the copies of the poison classics will definitely make the Mao family take off quickly.

However, nowadays, Nantian is slightly dissatisfied with the development of the Mao family.

Nan Tian hurriedly called Mao Zhipu over.

"Nan Tian Venerable Lord, what do you ask?"

After getting a copy of the poison classics, Mao Zhipu studied hard every day and night.

Originally, the poison skill was always trapped at the peak of the poison master level.

Now, Mao Zhipu was immediately puzzled by the "Poison God", and suddenly Mao Zedong paused, and his poison surgery was repaired.

Nantian can clearly feel Mao Zhipu's whole body, and his strong breath fluctuates.

Nantian knew that Mao Zhipu had benefited a lot.

"Nuo, I have seen the development of your Mao family in recent years. It is indeed very good."

Nan Tian said lightly.

"Thank you Nan Tianzun for your praise!"

Mao Zhipu said modestly.

"However, there are still some shortcomings or shortcomings!"

Nan Tian suddenly sipped!

Mao Zhipu sternly said: "What is wrong with respecting the Lord?"

"Please speak bluntly, I will correct it!"

Nantian threw the data file under Mao's simple feet, and scolded majesticly: "The current Mao family can't be compared with the ancient Wu family, and the social status is also greatly inferior. But, why, you The old method is still to be practiced. Do you care for yourself? Aren't those nearly 200,000 siblings also people of the Mao family? "

"Why don't you open up the classics of poison surgery? Provide the children of the side to practice? I don't know, are you short of talent now? Those children from the side ~~ ~ have a very good foundation. They will definitely be able to make a breakthrough quickly, which is beneficial to the Mao family without harm! "

Nan Tian pointed at Mao's rustic nose and said in a row.

Broom cherishes himself, I do n’t know how many disciples who have harmed have done nothing, and how many family members have been harmed, with no achievements.

Moreover, there are a large number of disciples of the Mao family, and the basis of poison surgery is also pretty good. Once the guidance and guidance of the family elders, I do n’t know how many more proud people!

Mao Zhipu was shocked by Nan Tian, ​​and Nan Tian's words really made sense.

However, some poisoning classics are stipulated by the ancestors and can only be passed on to the descendants of the descendants.

Even, Mao Zhipu has the courage to change the preemptive system (passing males to females). Mao Miao, who teaches her daughters, has also taught a profound poison book.

"Sovereign Lord Nan Tian, ​​this matter, the implementation of it, I am afraid that there are some difficulties ...." Mao Zhipu, said innocently.

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