
"What, difficulty!"

"Unless, you don't want your family to grow!"

Nan Tian sneered.

"What time is it now? Moreover, you have mastered the copy of the poison classics, and have mastered the poison art avenue. In the future, it is possible to achieve the poison art emperor and the poison art god. Why should you be so particular about it? In the final analysis, the development of the Mao family is dependent on poison. Is it possible that you can rejuvenate the Mao family by virtue of your more than three hundred descendants? "

Nantian pours a bucket of "cold water" on Mao Zhipu, and wakes up Mao Zhipu at once!

Yeah, now the Mao family is not as good as it used to be.

More than 300 children of the heirs, even if they are all masters of poison, what can they do?

In the final analysis, if the Mao family wants to develop for a long time, the nearly 200,000 siblings are very important.

"You can give your more than three hundred children of the lineage to teach the contents of the copy of the poison classics. As for the sideline children, teach the profound poison art books, and finally, you are selecting the excellent ones from the sideline children, and teaching some The content of the copy of the poison classic. In this way, the Mao family will develop rapidly, and it is difficult to think of not being glorious! "

"In addition, your toxicology research and the refining of poisons both require financial supply. I will let the Nan's Group give you some financial support. You can safely study toxicology here!"

"Hopefully, the next time I come here, you all will change a lot!"

"What I tell you, you must obey and strictly enforce it."

Nan Tian said.

Mao Zhipu nodded again and again and said slowly to Nan Tian: "Yeah, I used to be too rigid and conservative. The development of the family is indispensable to the disciples, but the disciples are also important. Moussey paused! "

Nantian waved slightly: "You just understand."

"In addition, I'm leaving with the old turtle. I have a lot of things to do outside." Nan Tian said slowly.

"Take the old turtle? Lord, the big turtle, it is more appropriate to put it in my Mao's house for support." Mao Zhipu said.

"No, it will leave with me. It is now a big help for me."

Nantian smiled.

"Dada!" A hurried step came.

Mao Miao appeared.

Mao Miao has obviously been outside, eavesdropping on the conversation between Nan Tian and Mao Zhuan.

With Nantian and Mao's simple cultivation practices, naturally, Mao Miao was discovered long ago.

However, both Nan Tian and Mao Zhipu were unwilling to say anything or break.

"Are you leaving?" Mao Miao was anxious.

"Well, yes, I'm leaving."

Nantian did not conceal.

"Can you take me with me?" Mao Miao's eyes were watery. As long as Nantian did not agree, she would cry.

Nan Tian thought for a while: "My other identity is Ziyuanwei. The Ziyuanwei's sanitary station, like my guard, is not allowed to take outsiders. You still stay, follow you-Ye -Yeah, study poison cultivation well. "

Mao Miao pursed her mouth and shook her head firmly: "No, I won't do it! I'm going to go out with you, and study poisoning in a boring place. What's the good."

Nantian shook his head: "Poison is your magic weapon for living outside. If you don't have poison cultivation and no force cultivation, a girl outside is very dangerous. For example, this time, you Outside, what a danger! Almost, you will be killed by someone. "

"Don't you protect me?" Mao Miao said.

Nan Tian sighed: "But, I can't always protect you all the time. In the final analysis, you have to be strong yourself."

"I want to be strong myself!"

Mao Miao was shocked.

Nan Tian's words really hit Mao Miao's heart.

Mao Miao remembered that his brother Mao Ming had been brutally killed by the people of Heishagu in order to protect himself.

He was chased and killed on the glacier and almost killed.

All these are caused by insufficient strength.

If the strength is strong enough, whoever dared to chase the valley, how could Mao Ming be killed.

"Do you want to take revenge? If you want to take revenge, you should practice poisoning. Now you have a copy of the poison classics, and the entire Mao family is your backing. What are you afraid of. As long as you work hard to practice, there will be Opportunity for revenge. "

Nan Tian exhorted.

"Yes, I want to take revenge!"

"I'm going to avenge my brother's revenge! I want to destroy the entire Black Burning Valley!" Mao Miao was agitated at once.

Mao Zhipu also stepped forward, holding Mao Miao's hand.

"Yeah, Miao Miao, Lord Nantian is right. You, a girl's family, won't achieve much in military training. It's important to practice poisoning in your family. You follow your grandfather. Cultivation, Grandpa guarantees that you can break through to the realm of poison master within a year. "

Mao Zhipu was quite confident after having a copy of the poison classics.

After all, now, Mao Zhipu's attainment of poison art is very high, reaching the realm of poison art master!

Above the poison master is: poison master!

Above the Poison Emperor is the Poison God.

The Toxic Sutra is written by the Poison God. It is a collection of supreme poisonology that can be cultivated to become a god.

"I will give you a chance, a chance to follow me. If you have reached the level of Poison Master that day, you can follow me anytime, anywhere. When the time comes, my Nantian will no longer push you away for any reason. . "

Nan Tian said clangingly.

"Poison Master, is it?"

Mao Miao muttered to himself.

"Okay, that's it. That's it, don't lie to me! Come, let's come, let the hooks hang and hang for a hundred years."

Mao Miao smiled at Nantian Zhanyan, and didn't feel that the Poison Emperor was such an amazing achievement.

Some of the ancestors of the Mao family, although they have obtained the supreme poison, but no one has reached the level of poison master.

Even the poison masters are few and far between.

Mao Zhipu asked himself that his talents are not bad ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has worked hard all his life, and now he is more than 100 years old, and he has just set foot on the poison master.

Cultivating at this speed, Mao Zhipu didn't know whether he could cultivate to the level of Poison Master in his lifetime!

"Okay, you and I can't change the hook for a hundred years."

Nantian also smiled.

Give Mao Miao a chance, maybe everything in the future will make people dumbfounded!

"Mao Miao followed you-ye-ye, good practice and cultivation."

Before Nantian left, he encouraged Mao Miao again.

Mao Miao watched Nantian and the old turtle leave with emotion.

Out of the headquarters of the Mao family, the old turtle also turned into an old servant and followed Nantian.

The old turtle asked Nantian: "Master Nantian, where shall we go next?"

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