Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 821: : The God of Fire

Wang Han was extremely arrogant and looked at Nantian sideways.

"Stinky boy, since I know that I'm a half-step martial arts sage, then I'm going to catch it immediately? What are you waiting for?"

Wang Han said arrogantly.

Nan Tian didn't reply, just hit a fist and hit the past.

Nan Tian's fist, combined with his Jiu Tian Shenlong Qi and the turbulent mecha ability.

Ancient Wu and Mecha double first-grade imperial realm, by no means simply 1 + 1 = 2.

Once the power is exploded, it can be described as shocking.

Wang Han has not yet converted, thinking that Nantian's strength is still very weak.

For a time, Wang Han couldn't escape, and was hit by Nantian, and he immediately fell to the ground.

On the first blow, Wang Han ate it.

Under the ring, all the onlookers shouted!

Galactic troops, very happy.

"General mighty!"

"General Nantian, sweep the world!"

"General, the world is invincible! The general, teaches the debris of Heifensha Valley fiercely!"

The sergeants waved their hands in excitement.

The disciples over Heixinsha Valley were all downcast and their faces were blue.

The most ugly face, or Yan Shi.

Yan Shi frowned, an old face, almost wrinkled into walnuts.

"Wang Han, how did it happen? Can't even get Nan Tian's guy?"

Yan Shi was insulted inwardly.

Wang Han climbed up in embarrassment.

Wang Han wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth.

"If you are ruthless, I didn't expect that you kid, these days, great progress!"

"But I, Wang Han, have made greater progress. I am now a half-step martial art. I can break the sky with one blow!"

Wang Han took a step and traversed the sky.

"Look at me with a blow to" Great Flame Palm "!"

Wang Han is the way to build ancient martial arts.

In Heixinsha Valley, there are many ancient martial arts codes that have been circulating for a long time.

The foundation of Wang Han's internal power is provided by the Baidianjing, a secret code in Heifangshagutou.

The "Great Flame Palm" inspired by this was very thick.

Wang Han raised his palms on the ground, and the flames burst into flames.

Especially the flame is still white.

A phantom big palm print, shot to the south.

This is a pure ancient martial art.

It was still inspired by the Half Paladin.

Nantian did not dare to entrust.


Nantian is directly summoned, Meteor Mech.

"The Thousand Swords of My Kendo are unified!"

A sword from Nantian was swung out, and the golden light shone.


Nantian's sword spirit is united with his spirit and spirit.

Unexpected power broke out.

The half-sacred Da Yanzhang puts Nantian's "Thousand Swords Into One".

The sound rumbling, Nantian and Wang Han each retreated 100 meters.

With this hand, the two had a tie.

If, before saying that, Nan Tian was surprised, and suddenly shot, plus Wang Han light enemy, Wang Han lost, it is justifiable.

But now, this time, no matter how you say it, it doesn't make sense.

Wang Han was shot with fairness and integrity, and Nantian also shot back with fairness and integrity.

A fair fight!

Wang Han's face was heavy.

He is cautious, doing things, and taking one step to count three.

Thousands of calculations, even if he already had 100% certainty, Wang Han had to poison it in advance, and wanted to directly knock Nantian down.

However, a trick to poison is obviously useless for Nantian.

Wang Han was not nervous at first.

Anyway, Wang Han also broke through, with the half-sacred cultivation as the bottom.

But, now, a blow to the fight.

Wang Han was shocked.

Before, Nantian was chased and killed by Wang Han.

Wang Han didn't need to do any tricks at all, he could suppress Nantian.

It didn't take long for Wang Han to find out that he could only fight with Nantian by using his own tricks.

Nan Tian's strength is beyond Wang Han's expectations.

"How could you progress so fast!"

Wang Han frowned and asked sharply.

Nan Tian laughed: "How can I compare with you. Don't take your set and tell me."

Dayan Palm is already considered to be in the middle of Heishasha Valley.

Wang Han is also very good at Dayan Palm.

Now, Dayan Palm is useless.

At the very least, it cannot play a repressive role.

"Come again, fight again!"

Nantian is full of fighting spirit.

It has to be said that with the entry of martial arts, extreme ancient warriors like Wang Han are much more powerful than the ancestors of the official ancestors, the kind of ancestors who are half-hanging.

As the saying goes, the warrior is more and more courageous!

Cheer every opponent, that is called happy!


Nan Tian strode forward, and the flashing of the dragon's body method came directly to Wang Han's side.

Nantian punches frequently.

Fist to flesh, extremely fierce.

The whole scene was very bloody.

Anyway, Wang Han is also a half-step martial saint, but he didn't care about it. He was beaten up at once, barely inspiring, and he could fight Nantian for hundreds of rounds.

The battle was fierce, and the visitors felt that they were all covered with blood, bursting with blood.

"Play, fight! Then fight!"

Many people are crying.

The more Wang Han fought, the more shocked he was.

Nantian's tricks, like those of her peers, are smooth and coherent, without any flaws.

Now Wang Han can only rely on the strength of tyranny and is reluctantly supporting it. If he says, counterattack, it is simply farting!



The battle continues.

Nan Tian felt the body's incomparable ease and released his own strength, which was a kind of unspeakable comfort.

The double first-grade imperial realm has provided Nantian with endless power.

Wang Han stepped back step by step.

Seeing this, Wang Han was about to lose.

Yan Shi was very angry and shouted coldly: "Wang Han, what are you waiting for? A trick!"

Yes, according to the information, Wang Han, this person, also has a unique trick-"Hua Huo Gong Gong".

"Hua Fa Gong Gong" is very magical.

Originally, according to Wang Han's origin and status, he was not qualified to cultivate.

However, Yan Shi loved Wang Han quite a lot, and deliberately used his own privileges to give Wang Han the practice method of "God of Fire".

After Yan Yan's reminder, Wang Han no longer hesitated, and directly inspired the "Hua Fa Gong Gong".

"Pouting", a hundred-foot-high flame burst from Wang Han's body.

Suddenly, Wang Han became a fireman.

Many people are terrified.

Some unidentified visitors were yelling again and again.

"It's amazing ~ ~ It's really amazing. A big living person suddenly turned into a huge fireman out of thin air."

"It's worthy of being a black scourge, inheriting the long-standing big faction!"

Someone lamented.

After becoming a fireman, Wang Han's strength is also unprecedented.

As the name implies, "Hua Fa Gong Gong" is a door that transforms itself and then becomes the superb martial art of the flame person.

Black Burning Shagu majored in the technique of flame, and after the "Flame of Fire" is put into use, it can also better integrate into the element of fire, and then explode into a very powerful force.

Nan Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at the deformed Wang Han.

The steamy flame, which stimulated Nantian, was also a bit dry-hot.

It's just that Nantian is thinking: Is his real fire spirit liquid immune to the fire martial arts of Heifensha Valley?

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