Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 822: : Bright Moon Sword Mark

This bold conjecture flashed through Nan Tian's mind.

Nan Tian feels that if this idea is successful.

So, is it possible for oneself to sweep across the entire Blackburn Valley?

Most of the high-ranking people in Heifensha Valley still focus on practicing the fire system.

Whether it is ancient martial arts or mecha abilities, they are doped with a lot of fire elements.

Now, in the eyes of Nantian, Wang Han is a huge "experimental little fire rat"!

Nan Tian simply did not excite too much true energy to protect the body, relying on the meteor mech to stop it, and then fought against Wang Han.

Wang Han's eyes flashed a trace of contempt and grimace.

Wang Hanxin said: "Well, you are a Nantian, I don't know, how did you become so strong. But, you kid, so undefended, you want to play against me, it is pure death. I use this magical power, just Even the Half Saints have killed several of them! Their top SS-class mechas will be melted down under our divine skills! Even if the mecha cannot be melted down, the heat transfer, huge heat, will also kill you This flesh is roasted to death. "

Wang Han thought Nantian would die.

However, when the battle really started.

Wang Han was forced.

Nantian seems not to be affected by the temperature of the Fireman at all.

The turbulent fire element, in Nantian's body, did not explode as much power as it should.

After all, Wang Han is a half-step martial art, and his eyesight is also good.

Wang Han was shocked to see that many elements of fire, like children, were dancing happily beside Nantian.

Those fire elements are all offensive.

As if they had met Nantian, it was like seeing their parents.

The element of fire is very intimate with Nantian.

Want them to hurt Nantian?

Hey, no way at all!

Wang Han was completely surprised.

"What kind of magic are you using in Nantian, why, so weird?"

Wang Han was dumbfounded.

The most miraculous thing about the magic of fire is that it turns itself into a member of the element of fire, and then it is easier to gather more elements of fire, so that a powerful force erupts.

However, now, in front of Nantian, this huge advantage has disappeared.

Nantian only felt that he was warm all over.

"It's comfortable. It's really comfortable! I didn't expect it. My guess is really okay."

"Wang Han, you are dead."

Nan Tian smiled coldly.

"The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords is in full swing!"

Nantian cut out a sword, three thousand miles of sword energy, traversing the sky.


The sword rose upright, directly splitting Wang Han, the huge "Fireman", into two pieces.

However, because the shape has changed.

Wang Han is no longer a real human being now.

After being split into two pieces, Wang Han gathered together quickly, and after a while, he returned to the original state.

Wang Han haha ​​smiled: "Nantian, I admit that you have made great progress. Presumably, you are the saint behind you, giving you some special magic weapons. But, don't be complacent, I can't help you. You can't help me. I am now a fire element, immortal, I see how you destroy me? "

Nan Tian scoffed: "Even if it is the gods and gods of the heavens, they dare not say that they are immortal!"

"Wang Han, you are just a half-holy, how come you are so rampant?"

Nan Tian, ​​snorted.

Wang Han laughed: "Then you come, come, let me see what you have to destroy me?"

Nantian was also irritated!

Ever since the creation of "One Thousand Swords in One" in my kendo.

Nantian studied and summarized hard, and the second type of sword trick was about to be born.

Nan Tian took a deep breath.

Then, Nantian pulls out-meteor sword.

"I have been walking along the way and have been creating my own sword moves. The first move: Thousands of swords are unified, you must have seen it before. The second move, today, is my first show, you are lucky to be able to witness it."

Nan Tian said slowly.

At the same time, the Meteor Sword was slowly raised.

"Swords go! Swords come! Swords kill! Swords are like life, Shan Xiaoyu swords, walk the rivers and lakes! My sword way, the second move, I call it: 'Moon Moon Sword Mark'."

Nan Tian Shen Sheng sipped.

The Meteor Sword suddenly shot.

A phantom of the bright moon appeared out of thin air.

The moonlight is bright and the moon is moving.

The sword shadow dances and makes people breathe.

A sword shining with starlight emerged from the bright moon.

Most notably, the huge bright moon also shrank rapidly, and finally merged into the sword.

The sword was spinning fast, shooting straight-towards Wang Han.

Wang Han did not take it seriously.

Because Wang Han does not have this sword and feels a powerful force.

"Is this your second move? Hehe, it's really funny, I feel that your second move is not as powerful as your previous sword move ...

Wang Han's words have not been finished.

The sword had already entered Wang Han's body.

At this moment, the meteor sword suddenly burst into a bright light.

The light shines.

The disappearing round of the moon also appeared at this moment.

When Mingyue flew out, he directly exploded Wang Han's body.

Wang Han wants to continue to restore the original.

But the result was not satisfactory.

That bright moon began to absorb Wang Han's essence.

Wang Han's head began to be terrified.

"No, no!"

Wang Han can clearly feel that his vitality is rapidly disappearing.

Once Mingyue has absorbed all his essence, Wang Han knows that his death is coming.

"Master, save me!"

Wang Han asked for help.

Yan Shi could not see Wang Han's current situation.


Directly ignoring the rules, Yan Shi flew out and waved a pair of big hands, gathering the power of the sacred saints, wanting to destroy the bright moon and sword of Nantian.

Wei Chiyi's eyes flicked and his feet stomped, and he flew up.

Wei Chiyi forced Yan Shi into the corner.

"Elder Yan Shi, this is the junior fight. You are already a saint. Why do you need to intervene? We have already set the rules before ~ ​​ ~, and violated the rules.

When Yu Wei came forward, Yan Shi could not make it.

Wang Han could only be swallowed up by Mingyue alive, and finally died completely.

This hard-hearted disciple of Black Burning Shagu finally died, and a great disaster also disappeared!

The referee also shouted at the right time: "This life-and-death competition is over. The general Nan Tian of the Galaxy Army wins!"

When Yan Shi heard the verdict, his teeth tickled and his feet stomped.

The disciples over Heishasha Valley are all downcast and dare not say anything.

There was a thunderous cheer from the Galactic Army!

Nantian also quietly closed his sword.

The second sword of my kendo: The power of "Moon Moon Sword Mark" is beyond Nan Tian's expectations.

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