Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 823: : Reunion

Compared with the anger and frustration of Yan Shi and others.

Wei Chiyi was full of red light.

Wei Chiyi went directly to the ring and gave Nantian a warm hug.

"General Nantian, great!"

Wei Chiyi exclaimed.

This time Heishasha Valley lost his wife and broke her soldiers.

Originally, the reporters from the major media were invited to witness Wang Han's victory and to promote the power of Heifensha Valley.

At this time, it was a good time. A global live broadcast completely ruined the prestige of Heishasha Valley on the main star of Dry Mountain.

This time, Yan Shi personally came to the main star of the Dry Mountain, but he did not have any deterrent effect, but added a little shame.

The most serious consequence is that Yan Shihuan made a bet with the young man named Liang.

Once Nantian wins, Yan Shi will compensate 10 million universe coins!

Remember, that is not the Galaxy contribution point, nor the Galaxy coin!

Ordinary rich people may not even get a cosmic coin.

Not to mention ten million universe coins!

This is a huge number for anyone.

Even if it was Wei Chiyi who had been in charge of the Ziyuanwei Eighteenth Guardian for so many years, Wei Chiyi himself had only accumulated 100 million universe coins.

Among them, some of the assets are still real estate and cannot be realized in a short time.

With Wei Chiyi's financial resources, he took out 10 million cosmic coins in cash, which was also very painful. It can be described as a big-out-blood-once.

Isn't Yanshi like this?

The Heifensha Valley was originally a force of hidden repair giants, involving less in the commercial industry, and not much income in other areas.

It is also the elders in the valley who have the strength of the saints, and there are many ways to make money.

In the past ten years, Yan Shi has accumulated tens of millions of universe coins.

However, that was all the savings from Yan Shi's hard work to the present.

Now, 10 million universe coins will be taken out at once to compensate the bets.

Yan eleven old face, directly iron blue.

Yan Shi clenched his fists, and his bones crackled.

In my heart, Wang Han, who was about to die, all hated him.

If not, Wang Han would not disappoint, and Yan Shi would have to compensate so much money.

Of course, Yan Shi is also full of hate for Nantian.

Yan Shi stared at Nantian fiercely, and then said cruelly: "Young man, you are so powerful, not only to kill my lovers, but also to make me pay the loss of ten million universe coins. The mountain does not turn, the water turns. We, I will look at it later. "

"In the future, you must be more careful not to fall into my hands. Otherwise, Hugh will blame me mercilessly."

Yan Shi cold and authentic.

Wei Chiyi strode forward and guarded Nantian.

"Yan Shi, you remember to me, under the sky is the king's land, the shore of the earth is the king's minister. This galaxy is ultimately ruled by the Galactic Alliance, and our Galactic Army is the official military force of the Galactic Alliance. Even a senior officer in the Galactic Army, you moved Nantian, that is, you are against the Galactic Army and even the entire Galactic Alliance! "

"Contrary to the will of the alliance, even if you are a saint, you will be crushed to pieces!"

Wei Chiyi stared directly at Yan Shi.

Yan Shiwu sneered, but didn't answer.

It's when the two sides confront each other.

The young man named Liang led the guards and came over.

Yan Shi's face changed when he saw the young man named Liang.

"Mr. Liang, the old man, is not a person who does not talk about credit. Your ten million cosmic coins will be offered to you in a few days. Why are you so urgent?

Yan Shi said quietly.

Young man surnamed Liang, arched his hand: "Elder Yan Shi's credit, of course, has gone, and Liang has also believed in it. But well, your love Wang Wang, did something, you don't know well. Things. Please take a look. "

Yan Shi's eyes were blood red and he shouted: "My love Wang Wang, now all dead, now you have to use him as an essay. Otherwise, the old man, who just forsakes this old life The headquarters of your Star Stone Mecha Group! "

Young man surnamed Liang, with an indifferent look, calmly and sincerely said: "Elder Yan Shi, your anger, don't be so big. Look at these first, and then talk about it."

A young man named Liang, who was about to throw a stack of information, threw it to Yan Shi.

With a doubtful attitude, Yan Shi looked at it roughly.

After reading, Yan Shi's complexion became pig liver color.

"Don't fight, don't fight! Wang Han, that wicked person, this evil barrier, is really a sin that deserves death!"

Yan Shi scolded.

Yan Shi is an elder, and he is also considered a conservative saint.

The most despising of the war between the warriors is to engage in some small actions.

Wang Han, the chef who bought the Galactic Army, poisoned Nantian.

It stands to reason that even this time, Nantian did not kill Wang Han.

Afterwards, Wang Han should also be pulled by the crowd to the guillotine and beheaded off.

Nantian was stunned at the moment.

Because, this young man named Liang looks like a person.

He is a good friend of his "body" and "Nantian"-Liang Yi.

At the beginning, they were drinking together at the White Bird Hotel. Finally, they each pursued their own paths and future.

Time has passed, and several years have passed.

Nan Tian is not the original, that poor boy.

Has Liang Yi changed?

Is there such a huge improvement?

Mr. Liang? Can you sit on par with a saint like Yan Shi?

Nan Tian did not dare to rush to recognize each other, quickly opened the Wushen system, and conducted a scan of Liang Yi:

Person: Liang Yi

Status: Fifth-level vice president of Xingshi Mecha Group, board of directors

Wealth value: 100 million universe coins + (three ten thousandth group shares)

Physical fitness: 47.8 (37.8)

Mental Strength: 46

Vitality: 47.7 (37.7)

Strength: 47.6 (37.5)

Agility: 47.5 (37.6)

Comprehensive combat power: 47.32 (39.32)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / Nine Grade Mecha Warlord

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Dayan

The data on this bright surface can be equal to that of Dean Augudin of the Purple Plume Academy by its combat power alone!

"It's Liang Yi! It really is Liang Yi. I really didn't expect that Liang Yi would have changed a lot in a few years. Even his talents and cultivation practices have improved so much."

Nantian was very excited.

Liang Yisuan is that Nan Tian was reborn in the Mecha era and was the first intimate friend.

Nantian cherishes good friends and brothers!

"Liang Yi!"

Nantian directly stepped forward and hugged the young man named Liang.

The young man named Liang is also very excited ~ ~ Nantian, my good brother! "

"Unexpectedly, we are here, we met!"

Liang Yi is also very excited.

Yan Shi was on the side, watching his teeth clenched.

He did not expect that Nan Tian had a close relationship with Liang Yi.

You know, Liang Yi's current status is not low.

Star Stone Mecha Group's attending directors and Elder Neigu in Heifensha Valley are basically at the same level.

Coupled with Wei Chiyi's support, Yan Shi knew that it was almost impossible for him to trouble Nantian again.

Wei Chiyi was also surprised, but did not expect that Nantian still had such a good brother.

However, the old man in the tuxedo was also timely, handing a stack of information to Wei Chiyi.

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