Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 833: : Advance Space Vortex

Yang Lei was extremely resentful, gritted his teeth, and broke his leg. Later, his strength was a great discount.

Nantian didn't even need to manage Yang Lei's feelings.

"I know you, I'm not convinced! But, I tell you, it's useless!"

"I am breaking your leg and it is a slight punishment for you. I am just short of time and not in a mood to collect your evidence! Otherwise, I will report your actions to Director Wei Chi. You have nine lives , Not enough to kill. "

Nan Tian said coldly.

Yang Lei did not dare to say anything, Nan Tian was right.

If, Wei Chiyi knew what he had done and killed him directly.

"You are a half saint, and you broke your leg. Although your strength is impaired, it is not that serious. Don't hold such a pair, half dead."

"There are a few of you vacant, get up and work quickly. In a day or two, there will be the dark princes coming, we have to be here in advance and be prepared."

Nan Tian ordered.

Yang Lei and others, daringly, began to work and set up nearby.

Then, over time.

One after another, other members of the Special Guards came.

These members of the special guards are also brave and warriors.

There were more than one hundred people when they came, and there were still more than one hundred people when they assembled, and none of them died halfway.

Sure enough, as Wei Chiyi said, their marching ability is very powerful.

Nan Tian looked solemn, not arrogant.

Lingbo's micro-step and roaming body technique of the level of God make Nantian have the capital to arrogant of all half-sacred.

After the martial arts turned the gods, it also brought some benefits to Nantian from the inside out.

These are not clear, but for themselves, they are real.

Invisible, although Nantian is neither a half-holy nor a saint, it is more of a saintly style.

Once the saint came out, the world bowed his head!

"Everyone, arrange the machines and wait for the space wormhole to appear!"

Nantian ordered.

Photographed in Nantian's majesty, those special guards did not dare not listen, and accepted the orders honestly.

More than one hundred people, at the target location, began to get busy.

Unconsciously, it was night.

Being in the Blue Moon Grand Canyon just happens to be able to observe a heaven and earth vision.

As the name suggests, Blue Moon Grand Canyon is inside the canyon, looking up at the sky.

You will see a blue moon.

This is the main star of the dry mountain, and other places can not see such a scene.

Scientists explain this because, because of the special geographical environment of the Blue Moon Grand Canyon, the structure of the upper atmosphere is also very special, plus some complex optical refraction, reflection and other effects, the blue moon in people's vision is formed .

Nantian sat on a rock and looked up at the moon above the sky.

In Nantian's heart, there were countless emotions.

The moon is curved and bright.

Looking up at the moon, looking down at your hometown!

It's second to none. It's another year for the Spring Festival.

Spring and Autumn Festival, family reunion.

It is the most wonderful time of the year.

However, the main star of the dry mountain is too far away from the sea blue star, and now Nantian can't return at all.

The time sighs are elapsed, the time sighs like water.

The sigh is contrary to the wish, and it is difficult to return home.

"The main star of the dry mountain is considered to be the frontier of the Galactic Alliance. Now, the dark race is stupid-stupid-moving, repeatedly sending troops to commit crimes against our human race. Safeguarding the homeland and defending the country, fighting **** battlefields, only our men are generous."

Nantian thought.

Mingyue can always involve people's homesickness.

Trapped in the environment, Nantian couldn't even make a phone call to his parents in Hailanxing.

During the Spring Festival, I saw it was coming, but the battle was getting more and more intense day by day.

Nantian thought a lot, and thought again, once, in the time of the ancient Wu era.

In the ancient Wu era, Nantian also had many beloved people.

There are also some friends, some brothers.

In this world, it is just to look home to the moon.

Looking at the moon and thinking.

Wine and song, life geometry?

For example, Chaolu, it is hard to go!

Suddenly, Nan Tian's state of mind was open-minded, and he couldn't help singing: "I hope people will last for a long time!


Reality is always cruel and can't allow you to be sentimental.

Suddenly, a member of the Special Guards shouted again and again.

"Oh no!"

"Oh no!"

This member of the Special Guards was terrified, panicked, and very serious.

Nantian woke up and flew forward.

"what happened?"

Nan Tian asked.

Subsequently, Yang Lei and others ran along.

"General, look over there!"

This special guard pointed to the front.

Along the direction of the fingers of this member of the Special Guards, Nantian and others saw a huge space vortex.

This vortex of space is hidden in the darkness, and if it is not watched carefully, it may not be discovered.

However, with the eyes wearing special texture instruments, this space vortex is still slowly expanding.

"This is a precursor to the space wormhole, dark race, they are coming early!"

Yang Lei said slowly, his expression shocked.

"A dozen hours earlier than expected!"

"Damn, it seems that we must attack."

"Don't be stunned, be ready, take out your weapons, and smash this space vortex." Nan Tian Shen Sheng shouted.

The space vortex will then evolve into a space wormhole.

This is common sense in the Mecha era.

This time, in order to complete the task.

Wei Chiyi was not stingy, directly in his own private warehouse, and took out many powerful micro space weapons.

These weapons have the power to interfere with the velocity of space.

It is most suitable for destroying space wormholes.

"One set, the weapon is installed!"

"The second group, the weapon is installed!"


"Ten sets, the weapons are installed!"

Wei Chiyi's special guard, more than 100 people, has ten teams.

Ten team leaders, each branch reports on the situation of their respective groups.

Everything is ready.


Nan Tian waved his hand violently.

All the members of the special guards fired their respective micro weapons and aimed at the space vortex.



The artillery fire boomed, and the special missile flew into the space vortex.

As the missile entered ~ ~, the space vortex, sure enough, stopped expanding.

And at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, it is slowly shrinking.

Nantian was in a good mood and finally wiped out a space wormhole.

Next, even if there are space vortices, Nantian will not be afraid.

They cannot even evolve into space wormholes, and will be destroyed by Nantian.

However, Nantian and others have not been happy for long.

The space vortex is expanding again.

And the rotation speed of this space vortex suddenly became very fast.


The sound is constant and harsh.

After a few minutes, the space vortex directly evolved into a space wormhole!

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