Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 834: : Fight 1?

"what happened?"

"The special weapons we used to destroy space wormholes and space vortices, how useless?"

Nan Tian looked cold.

"Each team leader, come and explain!"

Nan Tian slammed.

Ten team leaders, each showing their hands.

"General Nantian, how do we know this?"

Ten team leaders dragged their heads.

They are also puzzled.

Weapons that can interfere with the velocity of space are very rare.

It can be said that Wan Wan does not change.

Wei Chiyi also attaches great importance to these weapons and will definitely check them again and again.

Moreover, there have been many years of development of space weapons.

Laboratory tests, pro-tests during actual combat, never fail.

This time, more than 100 special guards fired together, and more than 100 miniature space weapons have all failed?

This sounds like a fantasy!

Nan Tian looked dignified.

"This matter, I will definitely find out what happened!"

Nan Tian's voice was clanging.

A team leader pointed to the space wormhole that had been formed.

"General Nantian, time is too late. Hurry up and think about the solution in front of you!"

The team leader said.

Nan Tian was full of coldness.

Yes, eyebrows are already burning.

"Come a team of players and follow me to fly up, we plug the hole of that space wormhole!"

Nan Tian sipped coldly, and took the lead, and flew to the space near the wormhole.

"My group of people, follow me up!"

The team leader just now, who led his own, followed Nan Tian.

The space wormhole connects the space tunnel and connects two distant places.

The middle part of the space tunnel is the strongest.

However, the two entrances and exits are the weakest points.

Only here is the part that can be artificially destroyed.

"We gathered the mechs together and weaved them into a large net to block the hole-"

Fortunately, the members of the Special Guards are all powerful and powerful.

Their mecha abilities are very plentiful, basically, they can meet Nantian's needs.


The turbulent mecha abilities spewed out of their bodies.

Since the cultivation base is powerful, everyone's mecha abilities are basically solidified and can be solidified.

After a while, a huge web was compiled.

This big net is crystal clear and the light is flowing.

Nantian put this big net at the entrance of Space Wormhole.

Space wormhole is a very magical existence.

It has some taboos, one of which is that it cannot block things at the entrance and exit.

Because, once this is done, it will cause some specific space ions to circulate smoothly.

In the end, it will cause an entire space tunnel to collapse.

The space wormhole will disappear.

"Almost, let's go!"

Nan Tian waved his hand and took this group of people and jumped back.

Using pure mecha abilities to compile a physical large net consumes mecha abilities.

After the whole process came down, in addition to the restorative power of Nantian, the physical strength was still strong and prosperous, the rest of the people were already unbearable.

They were all gasping for breath, lying on the ground, breathing heavily and resting.

"Let's rest ..."

The Nantian story is not finished yet.

Suddenly, another vision occurred in the sky.

In the sky, many space vortices suddenly appeared.

One, two, three!


If you count carefully, there are more than thirty!

"What to do, all of a sudden, there are so many vortexes in space!"

"Every space vortex, at the end, will form a space wormhole. Once each space wormhole is opened, there will be a dark prince, leading an army, coming here!"

"More than thirty dark princes, it is comparable to more than thirty half-sages!"

Some members of the Special Guards are already pale.

They are not greedy for life and fear of death. They have performed countless tasks in their lifetime.

After many horrible things.

However, this time, Blue Moon Grand Canyon is obviously the most dangerous!

More than thirty half saints, although half saints are not as good as saints.

However, Bansheng is not Chinese cabbage!

Some family gatekeepers, which have been inherited for hundreds of years, do not have a half-holy seat.

Who can be cultivated as a half saint, which one is not the top talent of their respective planets!

"This time, the dark race, over there, is really out of blood!"

Nan Tian took a sip.

"General Nantian, what should we do now?"

Asked a special guard.

"Go block those whirlpools!"

Nan Tian said in a deep voice.

"However, we only have nine groups left now. It is too big to compile this kind of physical big net and consume the mecha ability."

"Once one is prepared, a group of staff is completely abolished. Without rest for a few days and nights, it cannot be recovered."

Said a team leader.

"Now, it's not time to care about these."

Nan Tian said coldly.

The team leader immediately closed his mouth.

"But, General Nantian, even if we put all of our current manpower into it, at most, it will plug nine space vortices! What if there are more than twenty remaining?"

"Can it be General Nantian, you alone can fight more than twenty half-sages, plus more than twenty complete dark legions?"

Yang Lei said sideways.

After Nan Tian scrapped a leg, Yang Lei stepped aside and kept his eyes cold, watching Nan Tian doing things again.

Nan Tian glanced at Yang Lei.

The reason why Yang Lei was not killed is because things are urgent and the situation is special. Plus, Yang Lei is definitely Yu Chiyi's confidant.

Before the evidence was fully found, Nantian didn't want to, directly-connect-kill-kill him.

However, Yang Lei is now more and more annoying.

"Captain Nai Lei, what is your opinion?"

Nan Tian asked coldly.

"Use our miniature space weapons to carry out large-scale shooting-strikes, so that at least, more than twenty space vortices can be destroyed!"

Yang Lei said slowly.

"Fart! You haven't seen it. Have we tried it before? Space weapons, here, have no effect!"

Nan Tian scolded ~ ~ Just now, that should be a special case! Director, give me space weapons, I can check it several times. These space weapons, with excellent workmanship, were newly developed by the secret research department of the military ministry and will not be useless! "

Yang Lei explained.

"General Nantian, we now have only one way to choose. Simply relying on physical strength and mecha abilities to compile that kind of special physical big net is also to drink thirst to quench thirst.

"It's better to work together, once successful, our task can be successfully completed!"

Yang Lei said with a deep voice.

Nantian is also in the heart, very tangled.

Yang Lei is right, more than twenty dark princes plus more than twenty integrated dark legions, even now, the South Tiandi cards are exhausted, there is no way to cope.

Would it be better to fight one?

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