Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 842: : Kill Momsen

In the Dark Dynasty, there is a strict hierarchy.

Above the Dark King is the Dark Prince.

Above the dark prince, is the master of the dark dynasty: the dark emperor!

The Dark Emperor is the supreme master of the entire dark world.

By rank, the Dark Emperor is the top speaker at the same level as the Speaker of the Supreme Council of the Galaxy Alliance and the Pope of the Light Church.

By comparison, even the lord of the Tianyin Pavilion and the lord of the Heifensha Valley are far worse than these top giants.

In the dark dynasty, sending a tyrannical dark prince is basically equivalent to the suzerain of the major hidden sects.

"Princess Nine?"

"The nine princesses who loved everything?"

Akart also changed his complexion.

Although the Dark Emperor of this generation has a harem of three thousand, but the concubines are also strange, giving the Dark Emperor hundreds of sons, but only one daughter.

That daughter is Princess Nine.

There are more than one son, and the only girl is naturally the pearl of the dark emperor.

Of course, except for this particular reason.

Princess Nine also has an unparalleled background.

The mother of Princess Nine is the original match of the Dark Emperor, and is now also the Dark Queen of the dark dynasty.

Princess Nine also has an elder brother, the eldest son of the dark dynasty, who had the title of "Prince" last year.

Mom is the queen, brother is the prince, dad is the emperor, and the nine princesses.

"Yeah, Princess Nine, has been loved and naughty since childhood, and I don't know at this moment, what happened, even went to the main star of Dry Mountain!"

Baibu County King sighed.

"If not, the dynasty and the Galaxy Alliance have signed a secret supreme agreement. The top powers of the two sides cannot come and go at will. His Majesty the Emperor has already sent more than a dozen princes and masters of Ouchi."

Baibu County King said slowly, there are many of them, unknown secretly.

"This matter must be kept secret. In fact, it is also a good thing not to send the prince and Ouchi masters over. Once the adults come over, they are too powerful, and they will definitely alarm the strong men in the Galaxy Alliance. There are still a lot of horrors in the Supreme Alliance of the Galaxy Alliance and the Galaxy Army. Once they know that Princess Nine is here, they will definitely kidnap Her Royal Highness Princess at any cost to threaten me. Dynasty, in exchange for benefits! "

Another county king, Shen Sheng said, his eyes shone wisely.

"Prince Chiba, who also served as the guard of the palace, gave me three avatars deliberately before I came over."

The last Dark King said slowly.

"Prince Chiba?"

Upon hearing it, Akart's eyes instantly showed the worship-blazing-hot.

Prince Chiba is the idol of Akat.

When he was young, Prince Chiba defeated the invincible hand of his age.

Once, Akart was fortunate to be summoned by Prince Chiba under the recommendation of several county kings.

Akat asked Prince Chiba, his strength, in the Bansheng, how?

Prince Chiba just swept a little and shook his head: "In general, when I was in the half-sacred class, I could beat ten of you with one hand! Young fellow, you need more experience and accumulation."

Since then, Akat was completely conquered by Prince Chiba.

Akart knows how strong he is.

However, in the eyes of Prince Chiba, it's nothing.

Under normal circumstances, comparable to the human race six-grade mech warrior, in the dark dynasty, you can confer the title of prince.

The legend of Prince Chiba in his life, in the dark dynasty, is the top prince-level strongman.

Like Akart and the ordinary half-holy, the gap is so huge.

"Prince Chiba was a superpower comparable to the first-class Mech Warrior of the human race as early as ten years ago. His three avatars?" Akart took a breath.

"Well, a avatar, once excited, has about one percent of the strength of Prince Chiba and can continue to fight for five minutes."

The Dark Lord, nodded.

"One percent strength of Prince Chiba!"

"This is enough, big enough. There are three princes of Chiba avatars. The most powerful people in the human race do not appear. Basically, we can walk sideways."

Baibu Junwang also smiled.

"Can't care, now, this news is still in the top secret. On the main star of the Dry Mountain, it is limited to the four of us. The top priority is to find Princess Jiu as soon as possible, and then send it back to the dynasty safely. Otherwise, the emperor is angry , We all have to die without burial! "

"In addition, the current war with the human race can be stopped for a while. There is no need to be too motivated. Everything is looking for Princess Nine. From now on, the four of us must go all out to find Princess Nine. There must be no neglect! "

The last Dark King said solemnly.

His strength is the most powerful, and among the four, he has the most say.

"it is good!"

Akat and others were ordered.


In the laboratory, Nan Tian also had a final battle with the Dr. Momsen.

Dr. Mossen thought that a thick gate could stop Nantian, but he did not know that Nantian had a special skill.

In general, only the saint can use the space shuttle ability.

"God-level roaming body method + Lingbo micro-step!"

Nan Tian stomped his feet.

In an instant, Nantian tore the space.

With a whine, Nan Tian appeared on the side of Dr. Mosen.

Dr. Moshen and his assistants depended on the powerful potions and machines.

When all of these are broken, they are just a group of dark races with no power.

Dr. Morson, the expression was terrified: "Do n’t kill me. I am a doctor in the dark dynasty, with a status equivalent to a county king. If you kill me, the dynasty will not let you go."

"Equivalent to a dark county king? Didn't expect you to be so valuable?"

Nan Tian sneered. For the invaders of the dark race, Nan Tian will not be soft.



Really chaotic-shot ~ ~ Dr. Mosen and his assistants were all killed.

After killing Dr. Mosen, Nantian stayed in this weird laboratory for a while.

I don't know if I know, Nan Tianyue is angry.

In the laboratory, there are many specimens of human races.

There are also some live human heads, placed in large boxes one after another.

They were caught by researchers of the dark race, dissected cruelly, and dismembered.

Inside a safe, there are also many research notes, all of which are all about how to develop biological weapons for the human race.

Nantian will not let these things leave the dark race.

Nan Tian directly set a fire and burned the laboratory to ashes.

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