Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 843: : Level 6 Star Meteor Beast

By the time the Dark Army arrived, the laboratory had been turned into ruins.

After some hard work, they found the bodies of Dr. Mossen and his assistants.

The dark prince in charge was very angry.

"Dr. Mossen, actually dead?"

"Dr. Morson, who is working on a biological and chemical weapons project, will soon be able to produce results. Now, he was killed and the whole laboratory was burned! This is really abominable!"

"Check, let me track down!"

"Must, check it out!"

The whole one-eyed dark prince roared with anger.

This news was also quickly spread out.

Soon, the four core figures of the three Dark Lords and Akart knew it.

Once, the king of the red cloak, who was in charge of all the affairs of the main star of Dry Mountain, looked angry.

"Damn, it's abominable! Dr. Mossen, is in my dynasty, a well-known academic leader. Now, he has several important biological weapons research projects in his hands. As soon as he dies, those biological weapons projects will stop. By the way, the huge amount of money invested in the previous period is all scrapped! "

The Red Cloak County King has always been famous for the red cloak behind him.

He knew Mosen many years ago and developed the main star of the dry mountain together.

For the application of Dr. Mosen ’s funding for each project, the Red Cloak County King also made a lot of efforts. Even the Red Cloak County King had deducted a lot from his direct troops to support Dr. Mosen ’s experimental research.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was empty.

The anger in the heart of the Red Cloak King is simply beyond words.

Baibu County King, patted the shoulder of the Red Cloak County King, comforted: "Brother, relax, please. At present, it is urgent to find Princess Nine as soon as possible. The safety of Princess Nine is more than one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand. Every Dr. Momsen is important! "

Akart seemed to think of something, and looked sad.

Akart clenched his fists: "It's all me, it's all me who killed Dr. Mosen."

The King of the Red Cloak froze, looking at Akart inconceivably.

Akart immediately told the three kings what happened.

After listening to the three kings, they were all horrified.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a strong physical presence in the human race."

"He was still in the process of experimenting, he broke free from the shackles, and killed Dr. Mosen and others!"

The three men in the red cloak said with their teeth clenched.

"In the laboratory, there are a lot of prohibited and high-tech equipment. That kid can escape and kill Dr. Mosen. I think I looked down on him."

Akart clenched his fists, killing the sky.

"This matter, because of me, I will solve it. Several monarchs, cause trouble to you, I am really embarrassed."

Akart clenched his fists.

Baibu County King reached out and stopped Akat.

"Slow down!"

"That person's strength turned out to be only a half-holy like a shawl. There are so many grand dukes here, just hand them over. The four of us are now in urgent need of finding Princess Nine!

"The earth and the earth are not respected by Princess Nine."

Baibu Junwang, Shen Sheng said.

"Acat, your strength, as we all know, you are trying your best to be no weaker than the ordinary saint. You are our powerful assistant to chase down that human race, which is overkill."

Baibu County King said solemnly.

Baibu County King is comparable to the eight rank Mech Warrior King, powerful, he said so.

Although Akart was arrogant, he had to agree.

"All listen to the king."

Akate, arch the hand.

"Now, it's not too early. Let's go to find Princess Nine, hurry up!"

The Red Cloak King urged.

The four giants flew apart.

As for the matter of searching for Nantian, it was left to the dozen or so dark princes left behind to solve.

Nantian is now the strongest under the saint. A dozen dark princes led the team together. The momentum is indeed very huge. However, it will not be so easy to find Nantian at half past one.

Nantian left the laboratory and used covert techniques to avoid the dark army.

The electronic map on the body was also broken.

Fortunately, Nantian has a spare in the realm of life.

Take out the spare electronic map for navigation and positioning.

Nantian was startled.

At present, I am in the heart of the dark ethnic occupation zone.

From here, there are hundreds of thousands of miles away from the nearest human race area.

You know, the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles is all monitored by the dark race radar.

Nantian cannot fly at high altitude, nor can he fly a spaceship, etc.

Only relying on Nantian's feet to travel.

Among them, there are also large levels of several dark races.

Each time the level passes, the dark races will check the "good people's card".

Nan Tian does not have a "good people's card", which large-scale checkpoints he wants to pass requires a lot of effort.

In short, these hundreds of thousands of miles are not easy to go.

Nantian drove the navigation, trying to take a remote path.

Which wild country ridges, even electronic maps, cannot be accurately located, and can only provide you with a rough north-south direction.

Now, the dark race continues to receive reinforcements.

Behind the main road and the main road, there are dark races and various puppet troops.

Nan Tian knew himself that Dr. Morson, who was killed, was not a small person.

Even if the county kings do not personally chase him down, at least there will be a lot of Grand Dukes, who will lead the army and blockade on all major road sections.

Nan Tian is weak, and a person goes deep into the rear of the dark race and is helpless. Where can he confront the dark race?

Nantian traversed three days and three nights in a virgin forest.

When he was hungry, Nantian picked some wild fruits to eat and was thirsty. Nantian found a small lake and drank a few sips of natural water.

This virgin forest is very large and stretches for more than 100,000 miles.

On the way, there are also some star-falling monsters.

There are weak humanoid mech warriors that are only shoulder to shoulder.

There are also some powerful ~ ~ which can match the mech warlord of the human race.

Fortunately, Nantian is powerful, but everything is well-fed, and all have passed by safely.

Suddenly, the world shook.

The whole forest seemed to shake.

A mountain-like atmosphere swept over and over.

This breath came from the beasts.

Nan Tian felt horrified and secretly horrified: "It seems that such a powerful breath is a sixth-level star beast!"

"Unexpectedly, in this virgin forest, there are even six-level star beasts? God!"

Nan Tian said with exclamation.

Sixth-level star-falling monsters, according to their strength, are completely comparable to the saints of the human race!

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