Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 867: : Junk stuff

The train continued to whine, just as the train was about to enter Lankai City.

Suddenly, there was a ruined old man who panicked and walked from the aisle.

Passing Nan Tian's side.

Suddenly, the old man's eyes lit up.

"Boy, I think you have a clean bone and a refined face. This thing is for you."

The ruined old man threw Nantian a tattered package for no reason.

Nantian was also shocked.

This ruined old man does not seem to have much to do.

However, how can it escape Nantian's Wushen system?

After that, the Valkyrie system scans.

Nantian knew that the old man's cultivation behavior was ruined.

This messy old man's cultivation is still quite powerful.

Has reached the intermediate level of God-given warrior.

This level is comparable to that of Mogao City.

In this way, panic-stricken in the train, running around, inexplicably left Nantian a thing.

Nantian is naturally puzzled.

Nan Tian wanted to go,-catch-live-this ruined old man, and ask what happened.

However, the speed of this old man was surprisingly fast.

After a while, it disappeared into the crowd.

The train was full of people.

The aisle is full of people, too. For a time, it was really hard to look carefully.

The most important thing is that Nantian is now carrying Luan Luan and Feitian Big Bear.

The magic weapon in Luanluan's hands failed, and the injuries of Flying Bears were still not good.

These two "guys" are basically drag oil bottles.

Nan Tian was particularly sensitive after experiencing the incident where Luan Luan was captured by Gao Shao.

Nantian could not bear it, Luan Luan was arrested again.

Thinking about thinking about it, Nantian dispelled the idea of-catch-stop-that ruined old man.

"Xiao Tiantian, look at the beautiful scenery outside ..."

Luan Luan lay in Nan Tian's arms, whispering milkyly.

This time, Luan Luan is not so "overbearing" and "naughty".

Nantian shook his head slightly, and directly appreciated a "burst chestnut" of Luan Luan.

"Little girl, it's not big or small. I'm much older than you. Call me Nantian brother, or big brother too! Xiaotiantian, you can't call it anymore. Am I that small?"

Nantian "education" Road.

Luan Luan's nose: "You bully me, you bully me! I'm going home, tell my parents!"

"Huh, go home? Believe it or not, I will sell you now?"

Nantian pretended to threaten with a pretentious look.

Luan Luan is not stupid, knowing that he and the big bear are not good anymore and can only rely on Nantian.

If Nantian didn't care about them.

They were really unlucky.

On the way, there is no shortage of Nantian, and spend some thoughts and effort to carry out "adjustment-teaching".

Luan Luan gradually changed his mind.

Now, Luan Guan Guan Nan Tian has changed his voice and said: "Nan Tian Big Brother!"

A bite of "big brother" screamed very sweetly.

Nan Tian was also comfortable.

Not long after, the train also entered a station in Lankai City.

"Woo ........."

The train murmured.

In the car, there is also the voice of the trainman, who is broadcasting: "Pay attention to all passengers, the train is about to arrive at the destination-Lankai City. Please passengers, bring your luggage and wish you a happy journey!

Nan Tian stretched his limbs and murmured, "Oh, Lankai, finally arrived! This is a central city in the Atlantis continent. I hope that here, some of my interest, don't let me down! "

At this time, a large number of factory guards of the East Factory appeared on the major traffic fortresses of Lankai City.

These people, all dressed up in flying fish costumes, don't have a waist tag around their waists.

The waist cards are divided into: Aoki waist cards, black iron waist cards, brass waist cards, silver waist cards, red gold waist cards, jade waist cards, Yinlong waist cards, seven different levels.

The seven waist cards also correspond to seven Dongchang officials of different ranks.

Lankai City is a big city. There are more than a dozen railway stations in the city and seven or eight sailing ports.

At these sites, there are also many people from the East Factory.

A silver factory guard with a silver waist tag hanging around his waist, led nearly 500 men and rushed over.

The silver factory guard, who grabbed a train station chief, ordered fiercely: "Go broadcast, all passengers, all come down to gather, I want to check one by one!"

The rank of the train station leader, far worse than the people in the East Factory, hastened. In the station, he organized the guards and broadcasters in the car and began to shout in the car to gather all the passengers.

Nantian had just got off the train and had not walked far. They were also led by the guards and the trainmen.

All passengers at the station were gathered in an open space of Noda University.

The one-eyed silver factory guard waved coldly: "Go down and search, any suspicious person, don't let it go. Rather kill a thousand by mistake instead of letting go of one!"


More than 500 East Factory guards responded in unison.

Immediately, they went down and searched everyone in Nantian.

Looking at them, they seem to be looking for something.

However, the station gathers large numbers of passengers from major cities.

On the open ground, there were tens of thousands of passengers gathered together.

There are only more than 500 people here in Dongchang, which is obviously not enough. .

They are also unable to do a careful investigation.

The factory guards of the East Factory, who check people, are also very unique. See which one is stronger, so focus on the search.

Even, there are several ten-strength passengers of the rune, which have been taken directly by the factory guards.

As for Nantian, there is only physical strength and no power to practice runes. In the eyes of those factory guards, it is simply a waste.

After all, Lankai City is a big central city. It is very rare for people who do not have the power of runes here.

Even if it is worse, more or less, an adult has the strength of two or three sections of rune power.

Ordinary people who are "complete" like Nantian are rare.

Luan Luan and the Big Dog, one is a girl and the other is a big bear ~ ~ is not a human race and can be ignored.

In addition, how Nantian "drops" is also a little trick.

With something on his body, the factory guards of those east factories could not find the ground at all.

As for the old things that ruined the old man to Nantian, Nantian also intentionally hid it.

The factory guards of the East Factory searched for a whole day, and it was dark all night. Finally, they arrested dozens of suspected passengers.

Among them, there are a few piercing passengers who come from the outer city and want to resist, or are a little grumpy.

The factory guards of the East Factory are not polite, this is Lankai City, and their site!



The guards of the East Factory were directly involved, blood was splattered on the spot, and a few thorny outfield passengers were cut off their heads.

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