Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 868: : Mud dumplings

"Sir, I didn't find it!"

A factory guard approached the silver factory guard's ear and whispered.

"Look, keep looking! Stationmaster, you come. Now, our East Factory needs to do something. These few days, do not leave the trains in your station. Brothers, go to each train to search, do not let go of any A fall. "

Baiyinchangwei, looking solemnly ordered.

Such scenes are happening in many places in Lankai City.

The East Factory is doing business, and the major factories are coming out together, which has also attracted the attention of some wealthy tribes in Lankai.


In the box of a restaurant, several imposing people are whispering.

A man with a black cloth around his face, said hoarsely and lowly: "In these days, the people in Dongchang have been very violent, almost disturbing the order of the whole Lankai city. The major traffic fortresses, even some bustling places On the street, their people are searching, it seems to be looking for people, but in fact, their real purpose is to find something? "

A young man sitting in the first seat looked surprised.

"Find something?"

"He Chen Haoran, who has served several emperors of hydrogen, is now commanding the East Factory, powerful, and stationed in the presidential palace with great glory! Is there anything he wants in this world?"

The youth said in surprise.

The man in black cloth continued to say, "Who knows this? In short, the people in Dongchang, now, are indeed tracing something."

The young man sneered, raised a glass of aged wine on the table, and drank it down.

"It's interesting. Governor Chen Changdu, what he hopes to get, so exciting teachers and moving the crowd, it must be terrifying. We can't fall behind."

The youth said coldly.

"Son, do you want to get involved in the East Factory?"

The black cloth man was stunned.

"East Factory, it's not easy to deal with. Confront with them head-on, I'm afraid ... I will not agree with the master ..."

Black cloth man, said slowly.

"Oh, who wants to compete with Dongchang head-on? The old man, gave me a secret force. At this time, it can be activated. Dongchang search on the bright side, we will search in secret. Just, find that thing , Definitely beneficial to the family. "

The young man smiled and sat on the chair with a stroke in his hand. A fan opened gracefully, exuding a sense of demeanor.

"Yes, son! I wait for the order!"

The black cloth man and several people beside him all knelt to the ground and swore allegiance.

At this moment, not only is there someone spying on this restaurant.

The dynamics of the East Factory are so big. In the Lankai city, other big forces are not stupid. Most of them have received some news.

"Chen Haoran, over the years, he has become stronger and stronger, but he can let him do everything. This time, he wants to find the baby thing, we can't let him succeed! Commanded to send the strong, Go find that mysterious thing. Remember, tell the strong family members that they must be in front of Dongchang! "

The principal of a large family, Shen Sheng ordered.

"Following the Dongchang people, seeing the opportunity to do things, you can **** things from the Dongchang people!" A senior official in the presidential palace said lowly.

"From now on, inside the gang, the elite will be sent, and they will also look for that thing."

The leader of a large gang also held a high-level meeting.


For a time, Nuokai's Lankai City became turbulent because of Dongdong's actions.

Inside the East Factory headquarters, in a dark and secret room.

A white-faced, white-faced man in a golden robe, with his fingers on his desk, knocked on the table. His expression was dark for a while, strange for a while, and extremely frightening.

In this chamber, even skeletons and blood stains were everywhere.

The looming ghostly howling sound came out here.

"Ji Jie, the senior officials of the East Factory listened to the order and thoroughly traced it. Even if it was a three-foot dig, you still have to find that thing! During this period, if anyone dared to stop, there would be no amnesty! "

A cold command came out of this chamber.

Inside the headquarters, some red gold waist badges were hung from the waist, and officials from the high-level East Factory of the jade waist badges were respectful and listened carefully.

Hula Lala, the manpower of Dongchang has sent a lot more to the outside.


Of course, all this, Nan Tian, ​​an outsider, is unaware and does not want to control it.

Nan Tian and Luan Luan, the big bear, are new to Lankai City and are full of curiosity.

The overall technological level of Atlantis is in a state of steam civilization.

Of course, there are some miraculous things, which are the use of peculiar rune powers, such as flying sailboats flying in the sky.

The reason why these sailboats can fly is because there are many weird runes carved on the hull.

On the Atlantis continent, the runes not only allow people to be strong, healthy, and physically active, but also change and integrate all aspects of this continent.

Even some chefs will use the power of runes to cook some alternative delicious food.

Nan Tian and Luan Luan, the big dog bear, in a restaurant, after drinking enough, they opened a hotel, ready to take a rest.

At first, Luan Luan was reluctant to sleep in a room with Nantian.

Nantian also helplessly spread his hands: "Do you think I want to take advantage of you little girl?"

"I do n’t like Lori, rest assured! Lankai City is a big city. The Gaia in me is not enough. Now, it is barely enough for us to spend a day. We will go to find a job early tomorrow morning Do it, otherwise you will be hungry and sleeping on the street. "

Nan Tian explained.

Luanluan gave Nantian a white glance and puckered his mouth.

"Money, money, money! Alas, I really didn't expect that I would be embarrassed by all the coins one day."

Luan Luan remembered that he lived in the scenery before, but now, he can't help but lose his mind.

"Ah, go to bed-go to bed! Big bear and I, sleep on the floor."

Nantian smiled.


In the past few days, Luan Luan was so tired on the train that he was a little tired. On the soft big bed, he quickly fell asleep.

Nantian at the moment ~ ~ also calmed down. Before turning it out, on the train, the mysterious old man of the gods wrecked Nantian's tattered package.

Before, on the train, there were many people with mixed eyes.

Now, Nantian opened the package.

A faint smell of disgust passed through.

Nan Tian took a few bites.

It turned out that the package was wrapped in a **** mud dumpling!

"A lot of mud?"

"I'll just go and I thought, that old man, what good thing did it give me!"

Nantian inevitably thinks of the people in the East Factory searching for things in the station.

"Oh, I really think about it!"

Nantian Tucao said.

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