Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 869: : Ancient Ruins of the Great

"It's not right, though, the intermediate God-given warriors are not particularly powerful around large cities like Lankai City. But, it's not too bad. Carrying a mud dumpling with them is still like a baby."

Nan Tian was shocked, thinking of the identity of the ruined old man.

The God-given warrior has already received the so-called godly favor on the continent of Atlantis, and his life has been sublimated once.

An intermediate-level God-given warrior can also join major families in Lankai City. As a worship, the salary is very rich.

"By the way, before, people in Dongchang seem to be looking not only for things, but for people?"

"Maybe, they just look for this thing?"

Nantian thought a lot, and thought of a bold guess that made him speechless.

"It's estimated that I was thinking about it. Dongchang, in the city of Lankai, is powerful. Like the sky, will he care about these mud balls?"

Nan Tian smiled.

A few days ago, through the battle against Gao Gaishi and others.

Nantian also roughly figured out his own strength range.

Nowadays, Nantian's strength level is roughly equivalent to that of a monarch-level god-given warrior, which is one level higher than the high-level god-given warrior that Gao Gaishi said before his death.

Of course, Nantian did not have a real monarch-level God-given warrior, and everything was just speculation.

The East Factory is powerful, and here must be lying tigers, hiding dragons, and hiding monarch-level god-given warriors.

It doesn't matter whether there is anything special about this muddy dumpling, or whether it is what Dongchang is looking for.

Nan Tian has decided that for the time being, keep this thing and carefully hide it.

At the very least, now, it cannot be exposed.

Most of the people in Dongchang are cruel, and Nantian has already seen him inside the station.

Lankai City is the base camp of Dongchang, and it really has a conflict with Dongchang.

Now, Nantian does not have the support of True Qi strength and mecha abilities, Luan Luan and Feitian shake their chests, and they can't help. At that time, they really may not be able to leave Lankai City.

"For the sake of my life, I will continue to hide this."

Nan Tian whispered, and wrapped the black muddy dumplings in tattered cloth, then hid it on his body.


After a long day of exhaustion, Nantian stopped thinking about other things. He lay on the floor with the flying bear, and fell asleep with a grunt.

The next morning, Nantian got up early.

Nowadays, there are not many Gaias in Nantian.

You have to go "fishing" a bit.

Fortunately, Nantian's golden finger is not bad. Lan Kaicheng is also rich and rich, and there are many rich people.

Nantian suddenly took a lot of money.

Inside the purse, they are full of Gaia coins. These coins are quite denominations, most of them are more than 1,000!

Nan Tian was very happy, humming Xiaoquer, he was ready to return to the restaurant.

Luanluan's little lazy worm generally likes it. He sleeps and sleeps until the sun lays, buttocks, and then gets up slowly.

Nantian was not in a hurry. On the way back to the ground, Nantian himself went to an early stall, ready to buy some hot breakfast earlier, and ate himself first.

The world is big, filling the stomach, the biggest.

Early on the booth, people come and go.

Suddenly, there were more than a dozen mercenaries and explorers who got together at a table.

A one-eyed mercenary, drinking sand soup, while drinking, shouted: "Let us, there is a big thing in Lankai City, something is going to happen!"

"What's the big deal?"

An explorer asked.

This one-eyed mercenary, in the mercenary world of Lankai City, is also considered a big brother-level figure, quite prestigious.

"In a desert one hundred miles away from our city, an ancient ruin was just unearthed last night!"

Said the one-eyed mercenary.

"Now, this news has been brought back to the city by all walks of life, and it will soon make a sensation in the city!"

The one-eyed mercenary said slowly.

"A sensation in the city? Not so exaggerated!"

"We, this is Lankai City, not those small cities. Ancient ruins have been discovered in other small cities over the years. There are also hundreds of ancient ruins in large and small areas within the scope of Lankai City What a sensation? "

An adventurer, chuckled.

The one-eyed mercenary shook his head: "You don't understand this. Brother, don't hide it. This ancient relic is different from the previous one."

"This ancient ruin can't be done. Some strong family members have already detected it. This ruin is 100% left by an ancient Emperor God-given warrior."

As soon as the one-eyed mercenary's voice fell, the whole neighborhood was stunned.

"Emperor God-given warrior?"

"Emperor power?"

In the God-given warrior, according to the level, the most powerful is the Emperor-level God-given warrior.

Nan Tian is now able to do everything she can, and can only contend with a god-given warrior who has just entered the rank of king.

If it is, in the case of a God-level God-given warrior, there is no chance of victory, only escape.

Even, even if there is no chance to escape, they will be killed.

Although Lankai City is a big city, the Emperor God-given warrior is still the pinnacle of power.

Every emperor-level God-given warrior is stunning and rarely shows up in public.

The ancient ruins of an imperial god-given warrior have been excavated, which is definitely a tremendous event.

On the continent of Atlantis, it is generally believed that the older the God-given warriors, the stronger their strength is than the current level of God-given warriors.

Because, in ancient times, the classification of God-given warriors was very strict, almost harsh.

Many monarch god-given warriors now can only be rated as senior god-given warriors in ancient times.

Some emperor-level god-given warriors in the same modern era were rated in ancient times and can only be rated as general king-level god-given warriors.

In ancient times, the Emperor-level God-given warriors are now placed. At the very least, they can kill ten modern Emperor-level God-given warriors. .

These two are not of an order of magnitude at all.

"This is really a big deal!"

"It's too big!"

Someone smashed his mouth.

"Yeah ~ ~ People from all walks of life have already returned to report. We, some big forces in the city, they will soon be shot. This ancient ruin was left by an imperial strongman, Presumably, there are countless precious treasures and spiritual books. Alas, this time, there will be great turmoil in Lankai City! "

The one-eyed mercenary came from the desert, and knew the situation there.

"Actually, there is even more powerful news about this ruin!"

The one-eyed mercenary smiled mysteriously.

Many people's appetite has been suspended.

"What else is the news?"

Many people asked in amusement.

The one-eyed mercenary said in a low voice: "This ancient ruin also has some connection with Sauber the Great!"

Hearing here, "Emperor Sauber", also made Nan Tian sigh and shine his eyes.

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