Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 872: : Desert monitor lizard


The bald mercenaries, when ordered, also started flying sailboats.


The sailboat made a weird noise.

From below, it can be seen that there is a black smoke coming from the sailing boat.

When the sailing boat takes off, it is not stable, it can even be said that it is very bumpy and swaying.

"Everyone, hold on!"

"This crumbling sailboat is getting more and more broken, and now, it is all squeaky when flying."

Bald mercenaries reminded.

This is also the first time Nantian took a flying sailboat, but he was curious.

Nantian's balance is also very good. After all, ancient warriors generally have to learn from the basic Zamabu.

Nantian was just a hand, slightly leaning on the pole of a sailing boat, allowing the sailing boat to violently bump and shake.

Nantian is also immobile like Mount Tai.

The man with a broken arm, beside him, glanced at Nantian, a little surprised in his heart.

The man with a broken arm, as the strongest of the five, has the most unique vision.

"His balance is amazing! Did he really have no power to practice runes?"

The man with a broken arm murmured.

After the sailing boat flew into the sky, it officially started, and it was a while.

The sailing boat gradually stabilized.

At this time, the long-legged female mercenary, who was used to talk to the man with the broken arm, grumbled: "Head, really, do you want to bring this waste?"

"I think we might as well throw this waste away, which is better!"

Long-legged female maid, said coldly.

"Min Min, what are you talking about! Our Kuangfan mercenary regiment, it is not easy to be able to stick to the present. This time, going to the ancient ruins is our last chance."

"If it is possible to get a chance, the mercenary regiment can be saved. If it is not available, our mercenary regiment will be disbanded. Now, we will bring a person to the ancient ruins to see, and it is the case of the way , This is a kindness, and we do n’t lose anything, we naturally have to continue. "

The man with a broken arm yelled at the long-legged woman.

The long-legged female maid did not dare to refute, but just nodded indifferently.

"Photon, immediately, fly over to the ancient ruins, you have to be careful. Follow the map strictly!"

The man with a broken arm instructed the bald mercenary who controlled the sailboat.

There is a large desert outside the city of Lankai, this one is called: "psychedelic" desert.

The psychedelic desert, as its name implies, is very easy to get lost.

If there is no map, it is difficult to go out.

The desert is full of scorching sun, water, and food are not enough. Once you lose your way, for a long time, only one will die.

In the city of Lankai, many idle personnel have to sign up to join the mercenary regiment, or be mixed into some big forces, for a reason.

Because, generally, the mercenary regiments that are prepared can go to the presidential palace and apply for a detailed map of the "psychedelic" desert.

In addition, the mercenary regiment, who walks all over the year, and some mercenary regiments often even fight in the "psychedelic" desert, naturally have inherent advantages.

Do n’t look, the ancient ruins are only more than a hundred miles away from the city of Lankai. If they do n’t have a map, they just walk around so blindly,

Basically, there is a more than 90% chance that it will fall into the desert and eventually die of thirst alive. .

"Our broken ship, now, at full speed, speed, an hour, can only fly fifty miles. From the destination, we need more than two hours."

Cried the bald mercenaries.

"Oh, I just want to replace this broken sailboat. I heard that some high-end flying sailboats not only carry a lot of passengers, but also, the flying speed is very fast. Some sailboats can fly three or four thousand miles in one hour! Moreover, the high-end flying sailboats are also loaded with a lot of fierce running-tables. Hey, really enviable. "

Bald mercenary said.

The long-legged female mercenary splashed a handful of cold water: "But, our mercenary corps is already clinking poorly. Where, with money, to buy those good flying sailboats. Now, a ship carrying ten people The new sailboat also needs more than 100,000 Gaia. "

"Min Min, hey, I said that too. I hope that this time, we will be able to gain something. Inside the ancient ruins, if we get something out of it, it will be of great value."

The bald mercenary said hopefully.


Nan Tian walked alone to the deck, looking far away, looking at the blue sky ahead.

Standing on the deck, you can blow the hunting wind.

However, the wind in the desert is extremely dry.

The wind in the desert is very uncomfortable.

Dry, hot, blowing on the body, making the skin uncomfortable.

After a brief encounter, Nantian also briefly understood the five people on the sailboat.

First of all, the man with a broken arm is the head of the Kuangfan mercenary regiment, named: Feng Zhan, and his strength is: the top ten strong rune power!

The long-legged female mercenary named Min Min, not long ago, the power of the rune reached eight paragraphs. In the mercenary regiment, he served as a medical soldier and would do some simple medical treatment.

The bald mercenaries, named: photon, strength, rune power nine, is the rudder in the regiment, and the flying sailboat is driven by the photon.

The short mercenary, named: Meng Nong, the strength of the rune of Jiu Duan, is a handyman in the regiment, basically doing everything.

There is also a mercenary who has been in the cabin for a long time, with a tall figure and thick eyebrows. However, he is a reticent, the second person in the regiment, named: Ian, and his strength is: Rune Power Ten!

Feng Zhan walked to the deck, found Nantian, and smiled: "The wind is strong outside, the ship is flying higher and higher, or go inside the cabin and sit down."

Nantian shook his head slightly: "I mainly want to see the scenery."

"Oh, interesting. By the way, what's your name? You haven't introduced yourself yet?"

Feng Zhan asked.

Nan Tian pondered: "My name: Tian Tu!"

"Tiantu, name, domineering!"

Feng Zhan laughed.

As it happens, Min Min also came out.

When Min Min listened, he ridiculed, "Go! Tiantu, such a domineering name, you can stand it too?"

"You ordinary people, UU reading doesn't even have a little rune power, what qualifications are there, called Tian Tu?"

Min Min sneered.

Feng Zhan frowned, and drank towards Minmin: "Minmin, Tiantu, is a guest. You don't have to be big or small, don't know to respect the guests."

Min Min was so angry that he walked away and said the next sentence: "I'm Min Min, I look down on the most, and I'm worthless."

Feng Zhan said awkwardly: "Min Min is the only woman in our group. We are spoiled by us on weekdays."

Nantian nodded: "It doesn't matter."

Suddenly, Nan Tian's eyes narrowed and his expression was stern.

Because, in the sky ahead, there is a huge lizard, fluttering, two huge wings are hovering, the sound is very terrifying.

Feng Zhan exclaimed: "It's a desert monitor lizard! It's comparable to the desert dragon monitor of advanced god-given warriors!"

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