Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 873: :parachute

"Come back to the cabin!"

Feng Zhan apparently knew the horror of this desert monitor lizard.

Fengzhan pulled Nantian and was about to return to the cabin.

Nantian didn't take it seriously, and murmured a little: "It's not just a terrain lizard, with two long wings."

However, considering that they still need Feng Zhan to lead the way, they can safely reach the ancient ruins.

Nan Tian did not succeed, followed Fengzhan, and returned to the cabin with Fengzhan.

Feng Zhan said nervously to the photon: "In the airspace ahead, a desert giant lizard appeared. Hurry up, turn the channel and detour!"

Photon and others also saw the desert monitor lizard in front through the window in the front control room.

The desert monitor lizard, with its teeth spreading its claws, looks like sand gathering in the air in front, which is very scary.

"That monitor lizard is so powerful, it feels that it can tear our sailboat with one claw."

Min Min covered her chest-mouth and said in fear.

"No, this monitor lizard seems to be paying attention to us!"

Meng Nong's pupil contracted suddenly.

As expected, the desert monitor lizard suddenly turned around and stared at them.

Although, Photon had controlled the sailing boat and started to make a detour.

However, the monitor lizard fluttered its wings, swept a burst of hurricanes, and followed.

"damn it!"

"What is this monitor lizard doing!"

Feng Zhan was very nervous, and the only remaining arm began to tremble.

The adult desert monitor lizard in the "psychedelic" desert is very powerful.

Such desert monitor lizards, sometimes appearing in the desert, can destroy a powerful integrated mercenary regiment.

As for the small mercenary regiment like the Kuangfan mercenary regiment, in the eyes of the desert monitor lizard, it is simply a piece of cake.

"Head, monitor lizard, stare at us! What should we do!"

Min Min's face was pale, and his sweat was cold.

"Speed ​​up, drive fast, get rid of this monitor lizard! Don't compete with it head-on!"

Feng Zhan shouted anxiously.

Photon is also sweating.

"No way, our ship is so broken! This speed is already the limit, and the monitor lizard cannot be thrown away at all."

The photon shouted.

Minmin Yi-Fart-share fell to the ground.

"It's finished now, the monitor lizard is already chasing us. At the speed of the monitor lizard, it will take a while to catch up, and then we will all die!"

"Perhaps, the monitor lizard spit out and the flames will burn us to death."

Min Min said miserably.

Meng Nong clenched his fists: "Big deal, fight this giant lizard."

Ian, who had not spoken on the ship, suddenly said aloud: "How do you fight? The strength of the monitor lizard is equivalent to that of a high-level god-given warrior. It is not enough for us to plug it in!"

"So what to do, wait for death?"

Meng Nong asked.

Feng Zhan frowned, saying slowly: "There is still a way to do things now."


Min Min, asked immediately, Survival-desire is particularly strong.

"I used to spend a lot of money and Ian went to the craftsman's shop in Lankai City to build five parachutes. The sailboat is relatively large and may be more attractive to the monitor lizard. Now, if I stay on the boat, I will definitely die, only, give up The boat, leaning on the parachute, landed on the ground! "

Feng Zhan said.

Nobody can fly on the continent of Atlantis.

Only those who have achieved cultivation above the junior level can cross the void.

"Head, time can't wait any longer!"

Ian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's time for a parachute!"

Feng Zhan, not hesitating, hurried to a storage box, took out five large packages, and began to distribute parachutes.

"Carry these five packages on your back, and then jump off the sailboat. Finally, after three silent counts, you can pull down the lever. Then, you can safely land on the ground."

Feng Zhan said simply.

"Tiantu ..."

Feng Zhan always felt that the five of them would soon carry a parachute to escape, leaving Nan Tian alone on the sailing boat, a bit shameful.

As a matter of course, Min Min waved his hand and pulled the corner of Feng Zhan's clothes.

"Leader, let's go! Don't waste time on this person. We can take him for free, it is already very kind."

"Moreover, it is very strange to say. Desert monitor lizards are rare and powerful beasts. Today, we just met, and our luck is too bad!"

"Maybe it's the bad luck this person brought us."

Min Min said dissatisfiedly.

From the beginning, Min Min looked very uncomfortable with Nantian.

Now, even more complaints about Nan Tian's stomach.

Feng Zhan glared at Min Min and scolded: "When do you still talk nonsense! Shut your mouth, it's not too early, you should parachute first."

"Hum, leader, you!"

Min Min ran out angrily.

"Tiantu, I know, this matter is very unfair to you. However, it is not what I can predict at this point. We have only five parachutes ... . "

Feng Zhan explained to Nantian.

Nan Tian smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I can understand."

"Thank you......"

Feng Zhan nodded slightly and looked out the window.

The desert monitor lizard is getting closer and closer. If I don't go, I'm afraid it's too late.

Feng Zhan stepped out and jumped.




The mercenaries all pulled their levers and five parachutes to let them land safely.

After landing safely, Feng Zhan and others all looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the desert monitor lizard also flew to the sailboat.

Nan Tian shouldered his hands and stood proudly.

In the face of the monitor lizard that everyone avoids, Nantian is not afraid.

"The big lizard with wings!"

Nantian disdain authentic.

"Woo ........."

The monitor lizard seemed to see Nantian's contempt.

It stretches across the desert and is also proud and arrogant.

A black fog hit Nantian and the sailing boat.

On the ground, Feng Zhan frowned, looking horrified: "This is the dragon's breath? Mutated dragon's breath? This giant lizard, is about to evolve into a giant dragon?"

Nantian also felt the terror power contained in the black mist of ~ ~.

If it is, this broken sailboat is surrounded by these mists, and after a while, this sailboat will become a skeleton with nothing left.

"This sailboat must be kept, and continue to fly ancient ruins!"

Nantian thought, pulling out of his arms.

It happened that he took out the strange "mud dumplings" from the old man who gave him away.

"Go to you, use this to cover the mouth of this monitor lizard, not bad!"

Nan Tian threw it hard, and the mud dump hit the lizard's mouth.

The monitor lizard did not take it seriously.

Is n’t it just a small thing, just eat it casually!

But then, something happened that surprised Nantian .............

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