Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 874: : Black Panther Mercenary Corps

After eating the "mud dumplings", the monitor lizard quickly twisted-twisted-twisted-twisted.

After a while, this arrogant and arrogant lizard fell on the ground with a bang.


For a time, the ground was dusty.

The place where the monitor lizard fell was exactly the place where Feng Zhan landed.

Long yellow sand splashed all over them.

In particular, the position where Min Min was standing was a coincidence, and was thrown down by the yellow sand from the sky to the feet.

In an instant, Min Min became a gray man.

"what happened?"

"How did the monitor lizard fall?"

Meng Nong was very surprised.

Feng Zhan and others are also very strange.

Because it is a little far from the sky.

Nan Tian and the monitor lizard, they did not see clearly. .

"Our sailboat is still safe!"

"That Heavenly Tu, should be alive!"

Ian muttered.


"All this is amazing!"

Feng Zhan himself is a bit incredible.

You know, they face a desert monitor lizard, especially, this desert monitor lizard can issue a "dragon breath" attack.

Once this desert dragon has evolved into a desert dragon, its strength can be comparable to the peak monarch god-given warrior.

Nowadays, there are not many monarch-level God-given warriors in the whole Lankai city.

Nantian was also a little strange on the sailing deck, secretly wondering.

As for how much strength he has used, Nantian is clear.

The desert monitor lizard has thick skin and thick meat. It stands to reason that it should not be knocked down at once.

"It's impossible, is it because of the mud dumpling? Is this mud dumpling a secret?"

Nan Tian was thinking that before, the mud dumplings that had been thrown into the mouth of the monitor lizard flew back magically.

This mud dumpling returned to Nantian's hands.

Nan Tian's heart was cold.

"How is this going?"

"What's so special about this muddy dumpling?"

For the first time, Nan Tian discovered that he might have looked away.

The lizard's fall has little to do with himself, but it has a huge relationship with this muddy dumpling.

This muddy dumpling is not easy.

Nan Tian is playing around, there are no other abnormalities for the time being.

"Forget it, since, now, I can't see it, I will leave it to discover it later."

Nan Tian is naturally open-minded and can't think about things that he can't figure out.


"Head, look at our sailing boat! Now, above, only the sky is there, will he drive the sailing boat and let us fall!"

Min Min looked up, the sailing boat hovering in the sky, said with some concern.

"Our food and water are on sailboats. Moreover, although our sailboats are tattered, they can be sold in the second-hand market. At least, they can sell thousands of Gaia coins!"

Min Min, mumbled.

"This time, we did something wrong. We abandoned the passenger of Tiantu, which violated some of the principles and glory of being mercenaries."

"Tiantu, even if we left on a sailing boat and dropped us, it is understandable."

"We have no good complaints!" Feng Zhan said slowly.

"Head, your mentality is too good!"

Min Min said angrily.

Photon shook his head and said, "That Tiantu, I haven't learned professional sailing, driving skills, our sailing, he can't drive. At the beginning, I was also in a special training school. Sailing! "

"Now, what should be our headache is how to fly on a sailboat ..."

The photon's words are not finished yet.

Nan Tian was in the cockpit, manipulating the tattered flying sailboat, and slowly began to land.

"Boom ..."

Flying sailboat, landing safely.

Photon's eyes widened.

Nan Tian jumped out.

"Phoenix exhibition leader! You get on the boat. The monitor lizard, who didn't know what happened, fell down!"

Nan Tian smiled happily.

Photon pointed at Nantian Road: "How could you drive a sailboat?"

"Your landing technique is good!"

Photon was dumbfounded.

Nan Tian chuckled: "Is this difficult? Before I saw you manipulate it a few times, I learned it."

The photon was speechless.

Feng Zhan and Ian's eyes lit up at the same time, and Nan Tian's memory and comprehension made them dumbfounded.

"Unfortunately, he has no power to practice runes!"

Ian whispered.

"Let everyone board the boat!"

"This monitor lizard fell down inexplicably. I always felt a little uneasy in my heart. Just leave here as soon as possible!"

Feng Zhan urged.

They did not associate the fall of the monitor lizard with Nantian at all.

In their view, Nantian is always just an ordinary person without the power of runes. How can Nantian deal with such a strong creature like the desert monitor lizard?

In the view of Feng Zhan and others, it must be a desert monitor lizard. Some things happened to him, so he fell inexplicably.

It's safe for these little people to leave this place as soon as possible.

"Head, look, there is someone over there!"

Meng Nong suddenly pointed to the sky ahead.

Sure enough, a dozen steel flying sailboats came toward flying at a very fast speed.

Soon, a dozen steel flying sailboats landed here.

Suddenly more than a dozen flying sailboats are all made of steel, and they are huge and relatively small. They are also 100 meters long and can take more than 100 people. The sailboats are also equipped with black holes.

At first glance, it looks very powerful, and it's amazing!

Photon secretly said: "Every of these steel flying sailboats is worth a lot, and they are all in the direction of millions of Gaia!"

Feng Zhan is a well-known and well-recognized badge hanging on the front of a sailing boat.

The badge is the head of a leopard ferociously "black panther".

"Black Panther Mercenary Corps! Are they here?"

Feng Zhan was shocked.


From the main sailing boat, walk down a powerful man.

Behind the man, hundreds of armored mercenaries followed.

Xiongwu's man, with a sharp eye, glanced at Feng Zhan and others.

"What's going on with this monitor lizard?"

"How did it get seriously injured and fell here?"

Shen Wudi man ~ ~ asked Shen Sheng.

Fengzhan was cold and sweating and felt strong pressure.

"This man, has such a powerful breath of coercion? Is it possible that he is the head of the black panther mercenary group leopard head? The leopard head is already the peak senior god-given warrior, only one step away, you can step into the king-level **** bless The warriors are listed! "

In Feng Zhan's heart, some information about the Black Panther Mercenary Corps flashed quickly.

"Adult, this monitor lizard, fell down by itself, no one hurt it?"

Min Min said first.

Xiongwu's man suddenly screamed: "Are you stupid? I have a leopard head in the mercenary world. I still have some eyesight! The monitor lizard obviously suffered internal injuries, and it was attacked by the outside world!"


PS: There is something that will take time off, April 1st, resume the update. The detailed explanation is in the author's remarks of this chapter. (No-account-use, VIP charge-fee-word-number)

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