Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 879: : Mo Wang, a teenager Ling Yunzhi, once the world's best

Nantian was also very happy.

"The energy of inner energy, in the Milky Way galaxy, or on the sea blue star, can never be used as true energy. The energy of inner energy is the acquired gas, the true energy is the innate gas. The energy of inner energy is born in the flesh , True Qi is the ancient warrior who absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth and refines it. The two are essentially different. "

"Absolutely most of the ancient martial arts skills need to be actuated by true energy, and very few can be actuated by internal energy. However, on the continent of Atlantis, this rule is broken!"

"Haha, without mech abilities, without ancient martial spirit, and without the power of runes, it doesn't matter! My inner energy, ancient martial arts skills, can shine. Atlantis, and Watch me come and go! "

Nantian's heart is surging, and there is a new way to improve his strength. Nantian is very happy!

The so-called is: the mountains and rivers have no doubts, and there will be another village in Liu Anhuaming!

The junior flying technique opened up another martial arts avenue for Nantian.

Chijin Factory Guard, seeing Nantian ascending into the sky, also strode forward and arched his hand towards Nantian.

"Your Excellency, you are so strong that you can enter the pyramid. According to the rules set by the factory supervisor, any one of the monarchs can carry ten extra people into the pyramid!"

Chijin Factory Guard, said respectfully.

In the East Factory, only the guards above the jadeite waist brand are the monarchs!

Respect for strength, even with the support of the East Factory, the Chijin Factory Guard has to lower its proud head.

"Ten extra people, right?"

"hehe, not bad!"

Nantian's eyes narrowed, he was preparing to fly down.

Suddenly, in the distance, a black cloud hit.

Among the black clouds, there is also-the sound of thunder and lightning.

It was crackling and rumbling, and it was terrifying.

"what happened?"

"How can a cloud of thunder appear in the desert?"

"That is not a thundercloud formed naturally. It is a thundercloud attracted by a strong man, using the power of God!"

The Chijin factory guard of Dongchang said with glaring eyes.

Using the power of God to lead the thunder cloud to the heavens and earth, these methods, to say less, are also from a monarch-level strong.

Soon, Thundercloud came near the pyramid.

A sullen man in black robe suspended in the air.

Above his head is a huge thundercloud over a hundred feet.

"Monarch strong!"

"So terrible!"

The appearance of this black-robed man's appearance is much more shocking than Nantian's peaceful flight.

"I heard that this place has been blocked by the people of Dongchang. If you are not a junior strong, you will not give it in!"

"Just now, my disciple, who has been here once, was interrupted by the people in your Dongchang plant, and his veins were cut off. I need to report this hatred and hatred!"

The black man roared coldly.



From time to time, there was a thunder and lightning, and shot down.

Among the crowd, someone died instantly.

"This is the rule set by the factory supervisor!"

Chijin Factory Guard, said daringly.

"Do you know who I am?"

The black robe man smiled coldly.

"Your Excellency?"

"I am Grand Duke of Thunder and Lightning, your east factory is near Lankai City, and it is rampant, but I am not afraid of you!"

The black robe said proudly.

"Ji Jie, today, you all have to die!"

"I want to get a fair deal for my disciple!"

Black robe man, sound like Hong Zhong.

"Duke Thunder?"

"A familiar name!"

"By the way, there is an equally prosperous big city, Thunder Cloud City, 10,000 miles away from Lankai City! Grand Duke of Thunder and Light is the famous powerhouse in Thunder Cloud City!"

An adventurer who travels frequently tells the background of Grand Duke of Thunder.

"Die to me!"

Grand Duke of Thunder, raised his hand, rolled thunder, and attacked Chijin Factory Guard.

Chijin Factory Guard glanced at Nantian who was present.

At present, only Nan Tian is present, and he is a junior strongman, who seems to be from Lankai City.

Chijinchang Wei hurriedly shouted: "Sir, save me!"

"Sir, save me! Dongchang ..."

Chijinchangwei shouted at Nantian.

Nan Tian's expression is indifferent, he and Dongchang have nothing to do with each other, how could he shoot.

Moreover, this Chijin factory guard is also bad at heart.

Grand Duke Leiyun, came in a violent manner, apparently for the purpose of finding the people in Dongchang to settle accounts and avenge himself.

Before his death, the Chijin Factory Guard wanted to drag Nantian, a "monarch-level strong man", into the water.


Thunder and lightning fell down, Zi La la, that red gold factory guard directly became a pile of coke.

In the East Factory, if you want to become the Chijin Factory Guard, under normal circumstances, you must have the strength of the peak senior God-given warrior.

However, Rao is so, he is also not against enemy Thundercloud.

"East Factory's Chijin Factory Guard, who is in charge of killing and cutting, and practices secret royal techniques, is extremely powerful. At the same level, it almost crushes everything. Even in the face of some weaker junior strongmen, you can Barely fighting a dozen or twenty moves. "

"If I fight with Chijin Factory Guard, within one hundred moves, I will lose! But this Grand Duke Leiyun, killing Chijin Factory Guard in one move, this strength is too terrifying! Could it be that Grand Duke Leiyun is already the top monarch By?"

Leopard's eyes were not weak, and he quickly pondered in his heart.

"Your heart, your subordinates are dead, you are indifferent!"

Grand Duke Lei Yun, his gaze turned to the south, grinning.

"I am not from Dongchang."

Nan Tian said indifferently.

"Just a moment ago, Chijin Factory Guards called out for help loudly, and you are also called to be an adult!"

Grand Duke Leiyun said extremely coldly.

"I am not from Dongchang!"

"You kill Dongchang's people, trouble finding Dongchang's people, it has nothing to do with me!"

Nantian's eyes were bright, and he answered indifferently.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

"Here, only you are a junior strongman, a general small force, where is there a junior strongman! Today, you can't argue, you are in my eyes, the person of the East Factory.

Grand Duke Leiyun sneered.

"You deliberately picked things up?"

Nantian was also angry.

Mud Bodhisattva still has three points of rusticity. This Grand Duke of Thundercloud is unreasonable and aggressive-people, how can he recognize it in the southern sky-counseling!

"I came from Thundercloud City, not far away, and today, when I am going to cut down a monarch-level strongman, I will establish my prestige!"

"Today, no matter whether you are from the East Factory or not, you will definitely die!"

Grand Duke Leiyun murderously roared into the sky, roaring savagely.

"Liwei? Haha, look at the power of the runes and the power of the gods on my body, there is almost nothing, the breath is not strong enough, and I want to kill me deliberately, so as to complete your prestige. Fortunately, Lankai City is prestige. It's malicious Sweetheart. "

Nan Tian is not a fool, he has always been low-key, plus, without a strong breath, it is easy to make Grand Duke Lei Yun think he is a "soft persimmon", pinch as much as he wants, and eat as much as he wants!

"How about I bully you?"

Grand Duke Leiyun laughed wildly.

"Princess Leiyun ~ ~ is the pinnacle of monarch power, with tremendous strength and fierce menace. This time, this young monarch power will suffer!"

"The city gate caught fire and affected the pond fish. In front of the Dongchang and Leiyun Grand Duke, such great forces, in front of the big power, a monarch power, maybe just a fish, a stepping stone!"

An informed adventurer, said slowly.

Min Min also looks better.

She clenched her fists and stared at him bitterly, high above the heavens and south of the sky, cursing in her heart: "Go to death!"

"Go to death! Grand Duke Lei Yun, you must kill this guy!"

Nantian looked like Gu Jing, and glanced at the mighty Grand Duke Leiyun, and suddenly, he laughed aloud: "Mo Wang Juvenile Ling Yunzhi, who once promised the best in the world! Grand Duke Lei Yun, you really treat me as an ordinary monarch strong man ?"

"Today, in the name of the Celestial Mass, I will stand under the Pyramid and slash the Grand Duke of Thundercloud!"

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