Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 880: : Enter the pyramid

"What an arrogant boy!"

"To kill me?"

Grand Duke Lei Yun grinned abruptly.

In the thunder cloud, thunder and lightning intertwined, crackling, banging, and shocked the world.

"This is the power of the pinnacle monarch! Every move can already ignite the prestige of heaven and earth, and gradually enter the realm of the unity of heaven and man!"

Leopard's head, eyes flashed with fine light.

Many people are sincerely afraid of Grand Duke Lei Yun!

"That young monarch strongman, where is it comparable to Grand Duke Leiyun, so the old monarch strongman! This time, he is dead."

"Sorry, such a young monarch strongman, now, will become the stepping stone of Grand Duke Lei Yun."

All people are not optimistic about Nantian.


Grand Duke Leiyun, with a big wave of his hand, thousands of lightnings, attacked Nantian.

Nantian is also a dignified complex, and the pinnacle of monarch power is indeed extraordinary.

However, now, Nantian can already use the energy of inner strength, and use the energy of inner strength to urge various ancient martial arts skills. This is Nantian's largest capital.

"Is heaven and man united?"

"Martial arts journey, a very deep state. You will, I will!"

"The meteor sword, even if it is not there, cannot be driven! However, my swordsmanship has been cultivated to the" human sword unity ", I am the sword, the sword is me!

The weather in the south is rising, and the weather is weak and uncommon.

But really at this moment, Nantian released his sword!

Huo Ranjian, Nantian seemed to be transformed into a boundless ocean.

Wang Yang has turbulent waves, there are thousands of waves, and there are changes!

Those who watched the battle were pale.

As if, they were all negligible flat boats on the ocean.

As long as Nantian moves slightly, there will be endless waves that will swallow them all.


"It's too powerful. Although he is young, he is also a junior strongman after all, which is not comparable to us."

Someone sighed.

Minmin was pale and her steps were vain.

For the first time, I felt that the "waste" she said was so powerful.

"Jian Xi, one of my sword swordsmen, comes!"

The weather in the south is turbulent, and the sword is rolling, circling in the sky, gradually condensing and forming.

A giant sword that is thousands of meters long, suspended in the air.


The giant sword slashed to Thunder Cloud Grand Duke.





The sound of the violent bombing continued from ear to ear, and the earthquake shook.

Swords, the supreme among weapons, sword-holders, always advancing, swordsmanship, can break everything!

Nan Tian's giant sword, after cutting through Thunder Thunder's thousands of thunderbolts, did not stop, but continued to cut forward.


Nantian's giant sword directly "slashed" Grand Duke Leiyun and relied on the land-thunder cloud.

Above the giant sword, there is an astonishing sword momentum, with incredible destructive power.


The big piece of "Thunder Cloud", after splitting into two petals, gradually dissipated.

The "Thunder Cloud" not only contains the power of heaven and earth, but also the Duke of Thunder Cloud.

"Thundercloud" dissipated, Grand Duke Leiyun, he was also shocked, pale, and his steps were unavoidable.


Grand Duke Lei Yun, "Fuck" inside, a large amount of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous grand prince, under the eyes of everyone, fell to the ground.

Grand Duke Lei Yun, now, he can't do it if he wants to do the most basic emptiness.

"Good sword power!"

Grand Duke Leiyun, his expression was bleak.

"Princess Lei Yun, defeated!"

"That's the pinnacle monarch powerhouse!"

"Under normal circumstances, Grand Duke Lei Yun, it's okay to play five or six ordinary monarchs alone. But now, he has failed."

"This young monarch strongman named Tiantu will definitely be known as Atlanti from today!"

Many people talked eloquently.

People admire the strong, Nantian defeated Duke Leiyun, the strong, and should be respected.

Feng Zhan and Photon, nervously, finally let go.

"It's okay, it's okay. Tiantu won!"

Minmin was paralyzed on the ground, and the trembling trembling couldn't help.

Nantian stepped on the void and looked down.

"People and sword are united, kendo and sword momentum. After this battle, my understanding is more profound. The energy of inner strength has not disappointed me. It is almost the same level as true energy."

Nantian thought.

However, just now, every effort was made to release Jianxi, one of my sword ways, and Nantian's own consumption was also enormous.

"Taking advantage of it, now, with some strength, it's time to solve some things."

Nantian thought, so he flew down.

Nantian first, landed in front of Grand Duke Leiyun.

Grand Duke Lei Yun, with a heavy complexion, the previous rampant is no longer there.

"Don't kill me, I am from Thundercloud City!"

"My father is Emperor Lei Yun!"

Grand Duke Lei Yun, quickly speak his background.


Nan Tian smiled coldly.

"Yes, my father is the overlord of Thundercloud City, and the cultivation base is even a god-level God-given warrior. If you kill me, my father, even if he goes to heaven, will kill you!"

Grandpa Lei Yun, when it comes to this, he can't help but be proud.

Emperor-level God-given warriors can be said to be the most powerful presence on the continent of Atlantis.

Even in the city of Lan Kai, where the strong are like clouds, the true emperor-level strong are also rare.

This is also, Grand Duke Lei Yun, dare not give the face of Dongchang, come and slaughter a red gold factory guard.

Emperor Lei Gong supported him, and Duke Lei Yun could indeed have countless forces.

"On the continent of Atlantis, I have only heard of the unification of the continent, the ancient Sorber Emperor! Thunder Cloud Emperor, what is it. I said, today, Grand Duke Lei Yun!"

As soon as Nantian's voice fell, he raised his hand, waved his sword, and rose from the ground, directly cutting off the severely injured Grand Duke Leiyun's head.

"Emperor Leiyun, did he dare to face Emperor Leiyun?"

"Then, an emperor-level powerhouse!"

Someone sighed.

"What if you don't give face?"

Nan Tian looked indifferent.

No longer ignore, some people's views and surprises.

"I am a junior strongman and can carry ten people into the pyramid."

"Now, few of you, follow me in."

Nantian's eyes narrowed, and then he pointed at several people.

The people called by Nantian were impressive: Leopard head, man with square face, and Min Min.

As for Feng Zhan.

Nantian came forward, whispering in his ear, "Brother Feng Zhan, inside the pyramid, is an ancient ruin, which is more dangerous. You are still safer outside. You are waiting for me outside, I find good things, I will divide you guys."

Having said that, Nantian couldn't help but put the three of the leopard head ~ ~ in a hurry and quickly entered the pyramid.

"June-level strongmen, just fine, you can enter the pyramid."

"We people can't do it, we can only wait!"

Someone said dejectedly.

Adela, looking at the back of the leopard's head, also gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and was very unwilling.

"Leopard head, this guy, why, so good luck!"

"Pyramid, he could even enter the pyramid with the adults!"

Adela, very angry.

Leopard headed the three of them. They were fortunate to be selected by Nantian.

The head of the leopard said flatteringly and again: "Adult, supernatural power, young hero, slaying Grand Duke Leiyun, it's awesome! Leopard head, willing to give adults, before the saddle, fight desperately!"

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