Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 884: : General Aoyama

"So strong!"

Nan Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and quickly got up.


Around, there are many mummies, rushing towards the southern sky.

Nantian can only do his utmost to kill.

"You all retreat, this person, leave it to me!"

The ethereal and eerie voice came again.

After receiving the order, all the ordinary mummies withdrew.

These mummies, once again, turned into reliefs standing on both sides of the road.

The two shrouds are spinning.

Then, the two shrouds began to shrink and shrink, and then, suddenly, disappeared.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared.

A man wrapped in white cloth, carrying a heavy knife, walked forward.

The white cloth, clearly the previous, hit the shroud of Nantian.

The murderous spirit of the man was very strong.

Across the distance, Nantian felt a heart shock.

"The most powerful person is even stronger than the Mr. Piaobei I met before!"

Nantian looked dignified.

The Valkyrie system starts scanning immediately:

Target: General Aoyama (Emperor God-given Warrior)

Physical fitness: 15.9 standard stars

Mental Power: 15.9 Standard Star Value

Vitality: 15.9 standard stars

Strength: 15.9 standard stars

Agility: 15.9 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 15.9 standard stars

"The emperor-level strongman is indeed the emperor-level god-given warrior. The 15 standard star value is the sign of the emperor-level strongman."

"15.9 standard stars value should be comparable to the peak emperor-level strong."

Nan Tian secretly talked.

On the continent of Atlantis, the Emperor God-given warriors are the true pinnacle powerhouses, just like the Holy Land powerhouses in the galaxy!

Moreover, on the continent of Atlantis, God bestows warriors, because the laws of heaven and earth here take care of them, they can also exert unparalleled powerful power.

"It's that you have been slaughtering my men!"

General Qingshan, his eyes cold and icy, shouted toward the southern sky.

Nantian is also a hard bone, General Qingshan, although he is under pressure.

However, Nan Tiansi did not give in, and thundered.

"It's your men who attacked me first. It's impossible, I won't fight back, let your men kill?"

Nan Tian retorted coldly.


"No one has spoken to me for so long!"

General Qingshan laughed suddenly.

The entire relief channel shook.

This channel is not an ordinary channel, but a channel inside the pyramid.

The whole pyramid is a special existence.

It is possible that they have been blessed by the gods.

General Qingshan, with a smile, can shake the entire channel, and one can imagine how powerful he is!

Nantian's internal organs and internal organs seemed to be laughed by this loud laughter, and seemed to be shifted by shock.


Nan Tian gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and turned his internal energy to quickly restore his internal organs and other important organs to his original position.


General Qingshan, loudly.

"However, it is true that you killed my men!"

"Kill my men, destroy them!"

General Qingshan strode out, and the heavy knife on his back was also a sonorous sound, "pull out".


General Aoyama, the sword.

The sword gleamed, and the chill was pressing.

With a knife down, earth-shattering. .

Nantian wanted to avoid, but the truth was so cruel.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, any martial arts, any ideas, are futile.

"Is imprisoned! Is it really going to fall here?"

Nan Tian looked pale.

"Mom and Dad, Allure, Music ,!"

"I love you so much, I will love you in my next life ..."

"I'll love you guys forever.........."

Tears filled Nan Tian's eyes.

Who said the boy did n’t shed tears, but it was n’t when he was sad.

It ’s not that I ’m afraid of dying, I ’m just afraid of how to bear the responsibilities that I have to bear after I die.

In this society, there are always many people, at the age of Fenghua Zhengmao, who choose to despise life to escape from death.

As everyone knows, the person he loves is still there. If you are gone, how uncomfortable will be for those who love you.

I don't want them to cry, I want to give them happiness.

As time goes by, they will grow old.

As the saying goes, raising children and preventing old age, life needs to continue. As children, we must work hard! It is not that we should live well, but that we must live well, so that love can have beauty.

"No, I can't die in Nantian!"

"Father and mother, Allure, Leyin! I want to give you a happy future! And Yu Bai, Xiao Feng, you good brothers, I will fight against you again!"

"Even if there is only a silver lining, I can't give up!"

"I'm imprisoned, break me!"

Nan Tian roared, even if there was only one percent of hope, he had to work hard to win.

"My ants, under my heavy knife, no one can resist it."

General Qingshan, with a cold voice.

The heavy knife wrapped in boundless force, chopped southward.

Between heaven and earth, it seems to have changed color.


The air of heavy swords traverses the channel.

"Break me!"

Nan Tian's eyes widened, and the skin's green muscles were exposed.



Under extreme life and death conditions.

Suddenly, Nan Tian found another power in his body.

That's the long-lost True Power!

The Nine Heavens Dragon is so angry.

Immediately after that, Nantian was again happy.

There is another power in the body, that is mech ability.

Now the three powers in the body are all assembled.

"My strength is all restored!"

Nan Tian's face was overjoyed.

"What is this level of imprisonment."


Nan Tian whispered.

The starlight flashed, and the meteor mecha that had not appeared for a long time appeared again attached to Nantian ~ ~ Sword!

The Meteor Sword also appeared again in Nantian's hands.

The touch + hand is cold and the stars are gorgeous.

Bao Jianfeng comes out from the sharpening, a sword light is cold in 19 states!

Nan Tian breaks free from the shackles, holding both the Meteor Sword and the General Qingshan in opposition.

"You're actually free from the shackles, and you still have such a layer of armor on you. Strange, really weird."

"However, the ants are ultimately ants."

General Qingshan smiled proudly.

He is a strong man at the top of the emperor level, and naturally has his arrogance.

"It's useless to say more, just talk before you talk!"

Nantian's strength was restored and his mood was surging.

Today, Nantian will play against the imperial god-given warriors on the continent of Atlantis.

"Meteor Sword, My Swordsmanship-Thousand Swords to One!"

Nantian has a sword.

"Heavy sword, **** pattern green mountain, destroy the sky!"

General Aoyama, come out!

Meteor Sword vs Aoyama Heavy Knife!


The swords collided with each other.

The brilliant brilliance illuminates the entire relief channel.

"Boom boom!"

Nantian stepped back more than ten steps.

General Qingshan remained motionless.

"What, my strength has been restored. It is not even this General Qingshan's opponent?"

Nantian looked surprised.

At the same time, Nantian's tiger mouth holding the meteor sword was also split, and blood was flowing out.

General Qingshan is like a towering mountain.

"Your skill is good. When I am a slave, I can spare you."

General Qingshan said coldly.

The emperor-level strongman, on the continent of Atlantis, is indeed a very powerful representative.

"Slave? No way!"

"Oh, come, fight again!"

Nantian binocular ice cold, the spirit of war!

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