Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 885: : A little?

"If you are not a slave, you must die!" General Aoyama, the tone was extremely cold.

He has his arrogance, and he is in charge of killing, saying that killing kills!

"See if you have that ability!"

"The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords is in full swing!"

"Three Thousand Thousand Thunders of Du Gu Nine Swords!"

"You Long Body Technique, Ling Bo Micro Step!"

Nantian continued to attack one after another, and various secrets of ancient martial arts emerged endlessly.

In particular, the combination of Youlong body method and ancient martial arts skills gave Nantian a short space shuttle ability.


Nan Tian stepped out and disappeared.

General Qingshan has a calm look.

One trick after another, he blocked Nan Tianfa's attack and seemed to be at ease.

This peak Emperor God-given warrior, until this time, gradually revealed his strength.

One move, one type, to stir the world.

Seeing Nantian, suddenly disappeared.

General Qingshan, his eyes flashed with a touch of fine light.

"Some mean. I thought, your armor is interesting. Your body style is also very good. Unfortunately, how much I want to conquer you as my slave."

"Unfortunately, you disagree. If you don't become my slave, you are my enemy, and you should kill it."

General Qingshan said to himself.

Nantian is hidden in the mezzanine of space.

It's almost time to see.

General Aoyama revealed a huge flaw.

Meteor mech "Xiaoxing" also sounded a reminder.

"Master, attack now, with a 60% probability of success!"

Saebyeol, said slowly.

"Okay, now!"

"The Thousand Swords of My Kendo are unified!"

Nan Tian sneered.


The space was torn apart.

Nantian turned into a starlight, holding a meteor sword.

The combination of human swords and swords, the glory of the sword, the power is infinite!

"go to hell!"

Nantian whispered.

General Qingshan, but the corner of his mouth crossed a trace of alternative arc.

"I've been waiting for you here! You finally shot. Ha ha, let me wait very hard."

General Qingshan smiled slightly and looked cold.


General Qingshan suddenly shot.

The speed is several times faster than the speed of light!


With just one blow, Nantian was knocked down on the ground.




Nan Tian lay on the ground in pain, knowing that his whole body bones and internal organs had broken.

Now, Nantian suffered a very serious injury.

Until now, Nantian did not know, yes.

This General Qingshan has been hiding himself.

Previously, the fight against oneself was played by the family, deliberately fighting Nantian a few times.

Until now, General Qingshan began to show a little bit of his strength.

But in this way, Nantian was also seriously injured.

"It turns out that you found me long ago."

Nan Tian stared at General Qingshan and said coldly.

"Although you have some meaning. But the strength is still too bad. You can't beat the ordinary emperor-level strong."

"Okay, it's almost time now. It's time to end you."

General Qingshan said indifferently.


General Qingshan is a decisive general who shoots cleanly.

Directly a death **** lotus, thrown to the south.

"This is the death lotus in our army. We will only use it if we encounter a truly respectable opponent. It is your pleasure to be able to die under this death lotus."

General Qingshan said lightly.

The **** of death lotus, a black lotus, contains a terrifying breath of death in this lotus.

The lotus flew south.

Nantian could feel a terrible atmosphere across the distance.

This lotus flower is worthy of being called the lotus flower of death.

If he really hit himself, Nantian knew that he would n’t even keep the scum.


Nantian wanted to escape.

However, this time, Nan Tian was really injured too seriously.

The lotus of death, which contains the power of death, blocked the seven souls and six souls of the people. After being attacked, the dead even had no chance of reincarnation.

The end is miserable.


The lotus of death, suddenly, hit Nantian.


The lotus fell into Nantian's body at once.

"what happened?"

Nantian was a little surprised.

The power of the lotus flower of death is so great that Nantian just felt it just now.

Now, the lotus is not in the body.

Nantian did nothing.

The lotus was not in the body, and Nantian did not feel the feeling of being destroyed.

"It is impossible, this General Qingshan, has a fierce mouth. In fact, his heart is still good. Knife mouth tofu?"

Nan Tian secretly speculated in his heart.

General Qingshan was also stunned.

"what happened?"

"Death Lotus, no effect?"

"In the beginning, a lotus flower of death could solve a medium imperial god-given warrior."

General Qingshan was shocked.

"I won't believe it, I can't kill you!"

General Qingshan snorted.


Several lotus flowers of death are released.



Those death lotus flowers attacked Nantian again.



The lotus was submerged in Nantian's body.

It is a pity that even a trace of waves did not rise.


"So much death lotus is going down. Even if I am in a state of soul."

"However, he is still so strong. No injuries, no."

General Qingshan took a breath.

Next, more terrifying things happened.

Nan Tian, ​​who had been scalded all over the body, has now begun to heal his wounds.

Moreover, the speed of healing, especially fast, is almost visible to the naked eye.

Nantian also feels that there is a magical power in his own body, circling around in his body.

This force has cured Nantian's internal injuries.

Everything looks so magical.

"Death Lotus?"

"Lotus, not only did not harm him. Instead, he helped him heal the injury? What logic is this!"

General Qingshan looked as heavy as water.

Suddenly, General Qingshan remembered something.

Nan Tian's injury, with the death of a lot of lotus flowers submerged into the body.

Nan Tian's injury is all over.

"Come on, fight again!"

The injury was already healed, and Nan Tian was eager to try.


General Aoyama ~ ~ knelt down on the ground and kowtowed toward the sky.

"Young Master! The subordinate offended the young master, and almost killed the young master. The subordinate, the sin should be dead!"

General Qingshan burst into tears.

"What are you talking about? Young Master? What stuff?"

"You will not be afraid of fighting, and get these messy moths out!"

Nan Tian frowned, and suddenly, a little puzzled.

"Young Master, you may not know. This thing is indeed very sudden, but you listen to me slowly."

"I'm Castle Peak, the chief general of the Guards under the account of the Sauber Emperor. At that time, I followed the emperor and went to the North to fight against the North, killing countless strong men. Even killing some gods."

"On the way of the expedition, the great emperor took in a child with a different talent, and in our life, he was appointed as the young master! The emperor is not there, the young master is respected!"

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