Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 894: : Breaking through the Holy Land

"Might kill, don't be disrespectful to the young master!"

General Qingshan roared.

After all, General Aoyama directly attacked General Killing.

"Go away, I want to see for myself."

The killing of generals is one level higher than general Qingshan.

General Qingshan, where is the opponent who killed General Ming.


After killing the general, he punched out, and a natural barrier aura bound General Qingshan.

"Fight kill, don't do this!"

The rain-killing general and the shadow-killing general also jointly shot.

"Come well!"

Kill the generals without fear.

One punch, one palm, one foot and one hook, the action is like flowing water and extraordinary transparency.

The law of heaven and earth and the power of the **** pattern were killed by the general, and the earth was fascinated and powerful.


Just one round down, the shadow killing general and the rain killing general came down.

At this time, dozens of death lotus flowers also hit Nantian.

The Ming Generals are so much stronger than Qingshan.

The attack he sent was also impeccable.

In all directions, the left and right spaces were completely sealed by the fierce murderousness.

It can be said that between raising their hands, Nan Tian was enveloped.

Nantian can't move, and can only passively accept the death lotus.

Each lotus flower of death contains a divine power of death.

Although, last time, when dealing with the ground, Nantian was in danger.

But, really, face it again, such a horrible thing.

Overwhelming, desperate breath of death, wrapped you up in front of people.

Nantian also felt endless pain.

It seems that the five internal organs and even the three souls and souls have been crushed into a mud.

In short, that feeling is very uncomfortable.

"God! This time, the confusion can't pass. Hope, what, weird sacrificial witchcraft, can show spirit!"

Nantian could only sigh.

Immediately, dozens of death lotus, all submerged into the body.


These death **** lotus flowers melt into the body.

Some death **** lotus, along the veins of Nantian, began to circulate.

Some death **** lotus, along with the skin and bones of the southern sky, began to circulate.

Some lotus, the **** of death, followed the five internal organs of Nantian and began to circulate.

There are also some death **** lotus, weirdly integrated into the soul of Nantian.


Nantian's consciousness of the sea is a mess at the moment!

The power of the immortal **** of death is running wildly.

Just like a small lake that was originally calm, nowadays, it has become a vast ocean in a storm!

General Qingshan, with a broken eye, roared towards Ming Ming General: "Ming Ming, you know, what are you doing?"

"Although, the young master has a special method given by the great emperor, which can avoid the damage of the lotus of death. But it can't be, once, you are scored dozens of flowers! Moreover, the lotus of death is the highest in your hand. The level of the **** of death lotus, inside each lotus, contains the power of terrifying death, you should know it! "

"You are not testing the young master, whether it is true! You are murdering the young master!"

General Qingshan, all tears!

Shadow killing general and rain killing general are also very angry.

"Yes, we have spent so much thought and such a great opportunity, we met the young master! You are now killing the young master! Ming kill, you are so abominable!"

"If so, what do the young masters have, both long and short, we will never end with you!"

Shadow killing the general and rain killing the general, the sky is full of anger, the murderous awe-inspiring!

"What you said doesn't count. I don't admit what I haven't seen. I know how powerful my lotus is. If he can't even bear this level of death, lotus, lotus. My young master! "

Kill the general, the voice is so cold!

Under Sauber's men, there were many generals who had won great battles.

Those generals, without exception, are all amazing and talented.

Naturally, you do n’t have to say much.

Time goes by and history changes.

The Sauber Emperor also disappeared mysteriously. At present, four generals remain in prison to guard the pyramid.

The killing general is one of the four generals, the most outstanding one!

Even though it was the heyday of the Sauber Emperor, the accountant was like a cloud, and there were thousands of tigers.

If you kill the general, you can also rank in the top three!

It is a true strongman standing at the peak!

To kill the general, he has his own-action-doctrine and his pursuit of faith.

Reaching the requirement of killing the general, you are his young master, and he will admit it when he kills him!

If you fail to do so, let others say that if you kill the general, you will not admit it, and if you die, you will die.

The general kills the general, is powerful, and will not be afraid, and will fight against the three of Qingshan, Shadow Kill, and Rain Kill.

Even, it can be said.

Aoyama, Shadow Kill and Rain Kill are all together, and they are not the opponents of Ming Kill!

"Ming Ming, you are too arrogant!"

"It hurts young master, we fight with you!"

General Qingshan, rain killing general, shadow killing general, they have their own set of guidelines.

They are not timid and afraid.


The three joined forces with General Ming to kill and fight.


As for Nantian after being buried by dozens of lotus flowers.

First, it went through a very painful process.

But then, slowly, Nantian wondered that the dozens of death lotus flowers became their different forces and began to transform their bodies.

Gradually, Nantian's muscles and blood vessels became more-prosperous-prosperous!

Gradually, Nantian's bone internal organs became stronger!

Gradually, the power of Nantian's soul has grown by leaps and bounds!

General Aoyama, once said that ~ ~, the lotus flower of death, is so terrifying.

Nothing more than that, because the lotus of death, inside contains the power of the **** of death.

The **** of death, a true god, was directly beheaded by the Sauber Emperor in an invincible posture.

His dignity became the core of the lotus flower of death!

Absorbed the power of the divine personality, Nantian can be described as the whole person, transformed!

Soon, Nantian's momentum is constantly improving.

Has been improving, has been improving.

Until, to a vertex!


Nan Tian felt that the world in front of him suddenly changed, and the whole person became very relaxed!

In a flash, Nantian broke through!

Host: Nantian

Identity: First Duke of the Galaxy Alliance, Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, five-star general rank in the Galaxy Army, first deputy director of the 18th Guards of Ziyuanwei

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins (+10 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 61.9 (61.9)

Mental Strength: 63

Vitality: 60.9 (60.9)

Strength: 60.9 (60.9)

Agility: 60.9 (60.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 61.9 (61.9)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Nine Grade Mech Warrior

First professional: Ancient Warrior / Nine Grades Wusheng

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"Nine Grade Mech Warrior + Nine Grade Wusheng!"

"Holy Realm, I broke through to the coveted holy realm!"

Nantian's mood is surging!

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