Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 895: : The last key

"Is this Holy Land?"

"I suddenly felt that I was stronger than ever!"

"Every cell in your body, and even every pore, contains the power of breathing and pulsating together with the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

Nan Tian murmured.

At this moment, Nantian was confident.

If so, fight against General Qingshan again.

Although, still unable to overcome General Qingshan.

However, at the very least, Nantian will not lose so badly.

At the very least, if Nan Tian wants to escape, General Qingshan, they can't stop it.


Nantian's ground movement is also relatively large.

Suddenly, General Qingshan, they were shocked.

"Young Master, nothing!"

"Young Master, you are blessed by misfortune, but you have broken through cultivation practice! Great Emperor, bless! Great Emperor bless you!"

General Qingshan, weeping!

The rain-killing general and the shadow-killing general also smiled at each other and were very happy.

The face of General Killing was also changed a few times.

Immediately, the general was killed and went straight to the south.

General Qingshan, General Yingying, General Raining, quickly chased past.

"Fight kill, you must hurt the young master!"

General Qingshan, they shouted angrily.

"Boom!" With a bang, the general was killed, kneeling down towards Nantian.

"Mortal killing at the end, disturbing the young master, the crime should be dead! Please ask the young master to punish!"

Kill the general and give Nan Tian a respectful head.

"Fight kill!"

Nan Tian's expression condensed, killing the general, really powerful.

Only by breaking through the holy realm can one realize the true horror of killing the general.

General Ming Ming seems to have merged with the world.

Nan Tian estimated that, killing the general, at the very least, was able to confront each other with the Mecha Warriors of about three ranks above the Milky Way galaxy.

It is fortunate to have such a strong man!

Nantian felt a sense of self and waved his hand.

"Get up, kill!"

"You have your arrogance, you have your principles! You are a powerful general, proud of your strength, and your own style. I don't blame you."

"Even, I would like to thank you. If not, you gave me dozens of death lotus flowers. I am not sure if I can break through to the Holy Land!"

Nantian smiled.

Stepped forward personally, the general will kill the general and help him up!

How lonely is the ancient saint!

The number of saints has always been very scarce.

Without great chance, great perseverance, great talent, it is difficult to set foot in this realm!

Nantian was a later practitioner in the Mecha era.

Especially the time of contact with mecha practice is very short.

This time, if not for the power of death's divine power.

Nantian did not know how long it would take to enter the Holy Land!

You know, as strong as Wei Chiyi's director, guarding several main stars, his strength is the holy realm of eight-nine ranks!

"Might kill, I'm wrong. Young Master, although not punished, but I have to punish myself!"

Killing the general, let it go, not up.

The voice fell.

A ray of light flashed, killing the general, and he cut off the left hand of the lotus that had just shot, the **** of death.

"Fight kill!"

"Why are you here!"

Nantian was shocked!

General Qingshan, they are not surprised.

"Young Master, you don't know. This is a general military method in our emperor's army. However, the strength of killing him clearly, even if one arm is broken, basically does not affect his strength. Where to go."

"And, with his strength, it is not impossible to regenerate the broken arm naturally. When he grows a new arm, he will kill him, and when he reaches a new level! This is also regarded as his kill. A process of self-sharpening! "

General Aoyama explained.

General Shadow Killing also nodded slightly: "Yes. And, Mingsha, just now, did too much. Offended the young master, you must pay some price!"

General Yushen whispered to Nantian: "Young Master, don't worry. Some mistakes, if committed, you have to let him bear it."

Nantian nodded. Since everyone said so, he was not good. Whatever.

"Okay, the punishment has been punished. Kill the general, you can get up. We will come to you this time. It is also a task."

Nan Tian said solemnly.

The General Ming Ming stood up and looked startled: "Young Master, are you here to take the treasure left by the emperor on the top floor?"

The killing of generals is not only excellent in force, but also extraordinary in wisdom.

"Well, that's right."

Nantian nodded.

"However, our four generals now have only four keys."

"If you want to open the door of the treasure house, you must gather all five keys, which are indispensable. Moreover, the treasure house door was blessed by the emperor with special great shore power. It is impossible to attack the past with brute force! "

General Killing said his opinion.

"Although that is said. But you have to check it out."

Nan Tian said solemnly.

Not far from me, I came here thousands of miles.

I happened to experience so many things by chance.

If you don't take a look at the top of the pyramid, Nantian will never forgive herself.

"Young Master, there is a command! The last general, dare not follow!"

To kill the general, said solemnly.

Immediately, under the guidance of the four generals, Nantian and his party went straight to the top of the pyramid.

The road to the top of the pyramid is very rugged.

Nan Tian and his team walked around, and it took almost an hour before they reached the top floor.

Along the way, there are many institutions inside the pyramid, various trap obstacles and so on.

Moreover, even more terrifying is that many labyrinths were built inside the pyramid.

If you don't know the road and fall into it, you will get lost and end up alive.

Fortunately, the four generals are all extraordinary generations, each of which is extremely powerful.

Nan Tian, ​​the young master, didn't need any effort at all.

Under their protection, it was smooth and smooth, and it came to the top floor safely.

As soon as you reach the top of the pyramid, an ancient gate emerges.

That gate, bare, had almost nothing on it, only a keyhole for five keys.

General Killing ~ ~ pointed to this gate, and said in a solemn tone: "Young Master, this is the gate of the treasure house. Open this gate and the treasure of the emperor will be there."

"You put your own keys and show me!"

Nan Tian ordered.

"Nuo, we will obey the order!"

The four generals did not dare to neglect, and inserted their keys into their respective keyholes.

Now, there is only one keyhole above this ancient door.

"No way, young master, you see, there is no last key to add. The door cannot be opened!"

The four generals said to Nantian.

"The last key? Where is it?"

Nantian frowned.

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