Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 903: : Domineering

Fortunately, Luan Luan looks relatively young-young-jiao-small, with no rune power fluctuations on his body.

People in Dongchang are probably afraid of using heavy sentences to kill Luanluan.

Therefore, Luan Lun did not suffer some injuries.

"Is this angry?"

"That little girl, now, you are here, and immediately, she will die!"

"The big bear, who has been wrestling with us all the time, has killed several of my factory guards. It's a beast, and after a while, we will stew it and drink it!"

Chen Haoran said coldly.

Luan Luan also seemed to see Nantian.


"Nantian ..."

Luan Luan shouted.

However, Luan Luan looked very weak.

Obviously, the people in Dongchang haven't tortured Luan Luan these days, at least they didn't let Luan Luan eat.

"I feel terrible......."

Luan Luan's eyes filled with tears.

Once, Luan Luan was a little princess above the ground.

Since coming to the continent of Atlantis, Luan Luan has twice become a "prisoner", tortured and tortured and tortured.

For the first time, Luanluan felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

"I will save you out! Luan Luan, make you suffer!"

Letting a little girl suffer so much, Nantian couldn't bear it.

Perhaps, at the beginning, Nantian should not have left Luan Luan alone in the hotel.

Otherwise, the people in Dongchang will not catch Luan Luan.

"Save her out?"

"What a rampant young man?"

"Take care of yourself first, and then say it!"

Chen Haoran grinned.

At the same time, beside Chen Haoran, there were three powerful and masked masters.

These three people's breath is much stronger than the previous paragraph ruthless, much stronger.

Nantian swept away with the God of War system, only to discover that these three masked men turned out to be all emperor-level god-given warriors.

The details of the East Factory can be seen.

Of course, now, the enemies facing Nantian are not just those from Dongchang.

There are also the people of the Great President, the William family, the Storm Cavalry, and the people of the Pond Fortress.

In particular, the power of the President is not weaker than Dongchang, and even stronger than Dongchang.

On the side of the big president, there were suddenly four more emperor-level god-given warriors.

As for the William family, the Storm Cavalry, and the Chimubao, these forces, of course, are not so emperor-level god-given warriors.

However, their respective leaders are all commanding and powerful emperor-level god-given warriors.

Moreover, their strength in the Emperor-level God-given warriors belongs to the strong.

Even the relatively weaker, the weakest fortress of Chichi Fort, his strength is comparable to that of Lei Yun the Great.

Even, in real battles, the fortress of Chiyu Fort can beat the Thunder Cloud Emperor.

Today, so many emperor-level masters surround Nantian.

Can be described as breathtaking.

The power of the emperor-level **** pattern spreading into the sky roared.

Immediately afterwards, this momentum became more condensed, and then suddenly, it exploded!


Only by virtue of the momentum of these emperor-level powerhouses, the palace of the Great Hydrogen Clan was directly-exploded-off.

All the walls around the palace were broken and turned into powder.

Many palaces were almost razed to the ground.

Such a great momentum has attracted the attention of the whole city.

"What a powerful breath!"

"It's an emperor-level strongman. With so many breaths mixed together, we have a big event in Lankai City. So many emperor-level strongmen. It's terrifying to get together.

There were some loose repairs, and there was an exclamation.

Even when dealing with the last remaining power of the big hydrogen royal family, the super powers have not used such a big posture.

"It always feels like we are overkill for dealing with a kid like you."

"However, you really angered me!"

"You kill my son and don't smash you tens of thousands of corpses, it is really difficult to dispel my hatred!"

The big president condenses into a cloud, and the powerful power of the gods is stronger than the sun.

"It's your glory to be able to die under our hands!"

The owner of William smiled.

"So many emperor-level strongmen, it really is a big posture."

Nan Tian's mouth was cold.

After having been in Atlantis for such a long time, Nantian is also estimated.

Basically, an imperial god-given warrior on the continent of Atlantis is comparable to a mech warrior in the Mecha era.

Emperor-level strongmen and holy realm strongmen are basically equivalent.

Nantian swept roughly, and there are currently twelve hostile emperor-level strongmen present.

Among them, Dongchang counts Chen Haoran as four emperor-level strongmen!

On the side of the big president, counting the big president himself, there are five emperor-level strong men.

The William family, Storm Cavalry, and Pond Fortress each have one.

In the eyes of outsiders, Nantian seems to be mortal.

Twelve emperor-level strongmen, dealing with a young man, is a deadly situation.

"Twelve emperor-level strongmen, it is not easy for you to practice to such a degree."


Nan Tian sighed.

Instinctively, Chen Haoran felt an ominous hunch.

At this time, Chen Haoran swept the four generals behind Nantian.

"Oh, even if this kid brought four emperor-level strongmen, what about?"

"Can the four great emperors be able to deal with the twelve of us?"

Chen Haoran looked back to normal.

"Qingshan, how many can you fight?"

Nan Tian asked.

"Young Master, they are relatively weak. The foundation is not stable. Entering the emperor level, the achievements are limited. The end will be poor, one person can play five or six!"

General Aoyama said, proudly.

"Oh, yes, shadow killing, rain killing, what about you?"

Nan Tian asked casually.

"We are similar to General Qingshan."

Shadow Killing General and Rain Killing General answered in unison.

"OK, all right!"

"Oh, kill, what about you?"

Nan Tian asked General Ming, who had always been silent.

"The end will not be good, the twelve people in front of them are all rubbish! In the end, one person can solve all of them!"

After killing the general, the momentum suddenly rose, just like the emperor who looked at the world!

Being an ancient emperor-level cultivation base, killing a general, indeed has the qualification to kill everything.

Chen Haoran couldn't hold their faces.

Nantian's men, one more than one tone.

Open your mouth, one person, play five or six.

There is also a person ~ ~ directly said that they are all rubbish, can be alone, and fight alone the twelve emperor-level strongmen!

"Oh, it's a big talk, do you think you are a god!"

The fortress of Chiju Fort shouted angrily.

"Trash people have a limited life span. Barely mixed into the emperor class, and dare to be proud!"

After killing the general, he suddenly snorted.


A flash of white light flashed from the sky.

Everyone just felt dazzled.

The body of the fortress of Chimubao was cut in two.

The ancient emperor shot, can be described as overbearing!

After a lapse of many years, the general killed Ming, and once again, began to show his horror strength in front of the world!

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