Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 904: : 1 not to stay

The killing of the beast owner of the Chiumu Fort with a single blow killed Chen Haoran in an instant.

The fortress of Chiju Fort is at the same level as the Thunder Cloud Emperor, saying kill is killing, and the action is like the flowing clouds of the peer, smooth and free.

This strength makes people take a breath.

In his heart, Chen Haoran and the big president secretly estimated and touched, could it be compared?

"If I want to kill the lord of the Pond Fortress, how many moves do I need?"

"Ten strokes? More than twenty strokes?"

Chen Haoran, thinking in his heart.

"Haha, Lord Tiantu, you really are a young hero! I think that the things I encountered in the pyramid before were all misunderstandings! Haha, our East Factory is willing to welcome the guests, and today we will feast on Tiantu to celebrate the wine!"

Chen Haoran deserved to be a "manager of Ouchi", and he was extremely flexible.

Just now, it was still a crossbow, a gesture that wanted to kill.

Now, a big 180-degree turn came at once.

Almost almost-kneeling-licking-Nantian.

The president also changed his look.

The strength of the killing is obvious to all. It is extremely powerful and overbearing.

Moreover, behind Nantian, there were three other generals.

Although they did not shoot.

All of them were extraordinary in their temperament, and their heroes stood tall. They stood there with a sense of calmness.

"A total of four horrible masters. Twelve of us, no, there are eleven, and it's really not enough for them to kill."

The big president secretly slandered.

"It's still important for your own life!"

The President, no longer wants to avenge his undesirable "son".

Anyway, his whole life, illegitimate children, have blossomed everywhere. Heir, it is one to cultivate again.

"My Excellency Tiantu, I officially withdrew on behalf of the President ’s personal army. And I express my sincere apologies to you. This pair of jadeite night pearls was mined from the deep sea. ceremony."

The President said, pulling a purple trembling wooden box from his body.

The box opened, and a burst of precious light burst out.

A jade-like night pearl is very luxurious in the box!

The head of the William family and the captain of the Storm Cavalry also changed their faces wildly.

The lord of Chiju Fort, ignorant of the situation and arrogant, has been killed.

Now, the two leading factory supervisors Chen Haoran and the President have already expressed their views.

The two big brothers were also terrified with a spirit.

The head of the William family shouted: "Dear Mr. Tian Tu, my William family, with a vast land and a thousand acres, are willing to give away gifts!"

The commander of the Storm Cavalry also nodded his head and said: "Dear Lord Tiantu, I am a large unit of the Storm Cavalry. Some time ago, I went to plunder the nearby city and forcibly robbed hundreds of beautiful women. They have been tuned and taught, and they can be given to adults at any time to be used as a gift. "

Nantian looks indifferent, this is the world of martial arts, you are stronger than others, others respect you, fear you, and please you.

If you are worse than others, you will be subjected to ruthless bullying and trampling, and you cannot help yourself.

"Everyone said it was a misunderstanding? Haha, now, I know to please me? Just now, aren't you murderous? One by one, are you going to kill me?"

Nan Tian said coldly.

"Uh, Lord Tian Tu, it's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. You have a lot of adults, don't worry about it ........."

Chen Haoran hit haha.

"Too ridiculous!"

"You dross, since Tiantu is here, I have no plans to let you go."

"Ming killing, rain killing, shadow killing, Castle Peak!"

Nan Tian shouted.

"The end will be!"

"Give me! One will not stay!"

Nan Tian ordered.

"At the end will obey!"

The four generals took their orders with respect.

Chen Haoran and the President have a cold face.

"Tiantu, don't give your face shame. The fortress of Chijubao, among all of us, is of poor strength."

"If you insist on fighting, you will die in the end ..."

Chen Haoran didn't finish.

General Qingshan has cut a knife and killed an emperor-level strongman of the East Factory.

Chen Haoran was bleeding in his heart.

That's the emperor-level strongman, each one is invaluable, and it is the true foundation and support of the super power.


Shadow killing the general, the dagger dancing, nimble and ghostly, killed the throat of an emperor-level strongman of a large presidential legion.

"Fight with you!"

The big president took the lead-however, the momentum was full, the atmosphere of the monstrous emperor, swept through.

The great president of Lankai City is not weak, and he is still capable of winning the championship and deterring the mainland.

The General Killing took the initiative to invite Tassel.

The killing general was domineering, holding a sharp sword, spitting his sword, and greeted the big president.

"You are not our opponent."

To kill the general, said word by word.

"Chen Haoran, come and help me quickly!"

Shouted the big president.

"I'm coming!"

At the juncture of the crisis, Chen Haoran could not care about anything else and could only join forces with President Lan Kai.

Both of them are half-step ancient emperors.

The ancient emperors are not out, they are invincible in the world.

It is a pity that killing the generals is an authentic ancient emperor-level strongman.

"Great light kills!"

The killing of the generals directly played a trick.

A dazzling white light, split-cut-over-the two bodies.

President Chen Haoran and President Lan Kai suddenly became petrochemical.

"Ancient Emperor, you turned out to be the legendary ancient emperor-level strong ... I hate it!"

"I hate it, how can it cause trouble!"

After Chen Haoran and President Lan Kai finished speaking, their respective bodies burst like bubbles, and then dissipated in the world.

Rain kills the general, and is responsible for finishing work.

Rain killed the general, turned into a blue ribbon, hovered in the world, and wiped out the remaining people such as William the Head and Storm Chief in the water-flower wave-wave-turn-roll-roll.

At this point, the super powers of Lankai City have been destroyed!

Nantian went straight and flew to Luanluan and Big Bear.

Nantian held the meteor sword and cut through the iron cage with a sword, releasing Luan Luan and the Big Bear.

"Quick help, big dog!"

Luan Luan was very anxious.

Nantian nodded ~ ~ glanced at the big bear.

Big Bear was severely beaten by the people in Dongchang, almost dying.

Fortunately, the realm of life has now been opened.

Nantian has an inexhaustible fountain of life.

Nantian was running the Nine Heavens Dragon Dragon Qi to heal the big bear, while drinking the fountain of life for the big bear.

After a while, the big bear finally woke up.

"Okay, big bear, now, seriously injured, still go to my life boundary to cultivate more. With its strong vitality, it will be cured in about a few days."

Nan Tian said nothing, and sent the big bear to his own life.

Luan Luan couldn't help it anymore, hugged Nantian, the little loli, and began to cry in tears: "Nantian, you bastard! You bastard! Throw me alone and the big bear in the hotel. "

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