Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 905: : All parties come to the meeting

"You villain!"

"Kill you!"

Luan Luan cried into a "little flower", a pair of small pink fists, slamming on Nan Tian's chest repeatedly.

Nan Tian also gently held Luan Luan, in her arms, and comforted her: "I am wrong, everything is wrong."

"Nantian, you have to remember that I can never abandon me again!"

"Let me not be left alone in one place!"

"Also, I will leave this ghost place immediately!"

Luan Luan cried.

The continent of Atlantis did indeed leave a bad impression on Luan Luan.

If possible, give Luan Luan another choice.

Luan Luan will not go to death, Qiang-forced Nantian to go to that strange cave, so that time and space shuttle to the Atlantis mainland!

"Oh, how can you use mecha?"

Luan Luan looked at Nan Tian wearing a meteor mecha, and suddenly felt curious.

The most terrifying thing about Atlantis is that there are some restraint laws restricting people.

Some magic weapons of Luan Luan cannot be used.

Otherwise, Luan Luan, as far as on the continent of Atlantis, everywhere-everywhere-subject-wrong-wronged.

"Well, because, I look handsome and bring my own light. Haha, the laws of the world can't limit me!"

Nantian laughed narcissistically.

In fact, about why, suddenly, he was not bound by the laws of Atlantis, and Nantian was a little puzzled.

Since I can't figure it out, I don't think about it anyway. There are many unsolved problems in this world.

Just be happy.

Nantian is born to be an optimist, and will not let himself be in distress.

"Okay, less bragging! You have a few pounds or two, I don't know yet."

Having experienced so many things, Luanluan's overbearing, "tricky" Xiao Luo-li's attitude towards Nantian has also changed a lot.

"If you, now, have a solution, we will leave this strange continent as quickly as possible. We are people from the Mecha era, but we can't stay here all the time."

Luan Luan said eagerly.

Nan Tian smiled and groaned: "Well, now, it is time to leave the continent of Atlantis. However, before returning to the galaxy, I have to meet a friend."


"You are here, and there are friends?"

Luan Luan grunted his mouth and asked playfully.

"Yeah, he left the place of residence, not here. I am now a holy realm strongman who can take you through the space!"

Nan Tian smiled slightly, and in his mind, he couldn't help thinking of the devil in the world of magical fighting!

Mochen is a mythical hero. I do n’t know. How is life going now?

In the final analysis, the Atlantis continent is also a part of the magical fighting world, or at least, the Atlantis continent is the first lost continent in the magical fighting world.

From here, it is relatively close to the main world of the magical fighting world.

Nan Tian's memory is extraordinary. He has been to the world of magical fighting spirit before, and he specially remembered the space coordinates of the magical fighting spirit world.

Just to be able to set foot on that land again one day!

"Well, I will listen to you."

Luanluan became a very well-behaved little loli this time, and there was no such thing as a "female-king" fan.

"Oh, by the way, there are still some small things that haven't been dealt with yet!"

Nan Tian suddenly, patted his head.

"You go to the realm of my life for a while. The big bear is also inside, you take care of it!"

Nan Tian couldn't help but say, waved his hand and summoned Luan Luan into the realm of life.

Then, Nantian took off and took four generals to find Feng Zhan and Photon.

Just now, the fighting is too fierce here.

Fortunately, Feng Zhan and Photon, they can be considered far away, not affected.

Nantian landed in front of Fengzhan and Photon Ground.

"Fengzhan Brothers, Photon Brothers!"

Nantian chuckled.

"Tiantu Brothers, you have nothing, it's really good. Me and Photon, I'm afraid you have something wrong. Just now, that movement is really too big, it's really shocking."

Feng Zhan said with a lingering fear.

"Brother Tiantu, can you tell us, what happened over there?"

Photon asked curiously.

Nantian did not conceal, after all, Feng Zhan and Photon, they live in Lankai City.

Some things, they still need to know.

"Chen Haoran of the East Factory, the president of the presidential palace, the head of the William family, the captain of the Storm Cavalry, the fortress of Chiju Fort, all of them were killed! Kaicheng will also reshuffle! "

Nan Tian said slowly.

"What, Chen Haoran? Isn't that the factory supervisor of the East Factory? Deterring the mainland, a peerless strongman who has served the Great Hydrogen Emperor for generations?"

Feng Zhan was shocked.

"Also, that William's head, the president, the commander of the storm cavalry, the fortress, these of them are not simple people!"

"Those are all big brothers, real bulls-big dudes!"

With deep awe in the eyes of Photon.

"But they are all dead now ..."

"Tiantu Brothers, you are really amazing!"

Feng Zhan heartily sighed.

"The greatest luck in my life is to meet you, Brother Tiantu!"

Fengzhan has a great sense.

When did Feng Zhan once regard Nantian as a young man who did not do anything but just wanted to ride a boat.

Now, in a blink of an eye, Nan Tian alone disturbed the situation in Lankai City!

It can be described as turning hands into clouds and covering hands into rain.

In fact, some of the remaining big names in Lankai City have long been alarmed.

Fighting on the side of the palace is so amazing, they don't know how.

Chen Haoran and other giants' falls are striking their hearts.

Some of the remaining leaders of the big forces in the city and various high-strength vigorous and strong men came over one after another and wanted to visit Nantian to show their loyalty.

In Nantian and Fengzhan, the photon between them.

The leaders and scattered repairs of some powerful forces came.

They started self-reporting.

"Shipbuilding master, come and visit the adults!"

"Lankai Mercenary Union Master, come and visit the adults!"

"Xiaoxiao Sword sent to teach, come to meet the lord!"

"Chairman Stone, come and meet the lord!"


"Great emperor, come to worship the supreme strongman!"

"Emperor Yuntian, come to worship the Most Powerful!"


In the city of Lankai, the previous power distribution was basically the big hydrogen royal family. In addition, it was the presidential palace.

The presidential palace is composed of ten superpowers, although the East Factory, the Presidential Legion, the William Family, the Storm Cavalry, and Chiju Fort are among them.

However, there are some remaining superpowers.

Among them, shipbuilding doors are even more economically powerful. Almost half of the sailing ships on the mainland of Atlantis ~ ~ come from shipbuilding doors.

In the comprehensive ranking, it is also ranked second, in the East Factory, second only to the Presidential Corps. (The actual situation, the shipbuilding door, and the use of force is definitely far inferior to the East Factory. However, it is three points stronger than the Williams and Storm Cavalry!)

As for the great fierce emperors and the emperor Yuntian, they are imperial god-given warriors that cannot be seen in the hidden world, and belong to the scattered repairs near Lankai city.

"The East Factory and the Presidential Legion are gone. These forces are the most powerful in Lankai City!"

Feng Zhan whispered in the ear of Nantian.

Nantian nodded slightly.

These forces are not even as good as the East Factory and the President's Legionnaires' Corps. Nantian does not take them seriously.

However, this shipbuilding door actually aroused Nantian's interest.

Because, Nantian once promised to give Photon a luxurious armored flying sailboat!

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