Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 937: : God's Blood

The emperor, first of all, as soon as he heard the name, he knew that it was amazing!

Xiao Hei also explained patiently: "Western God Realm and my ancient ancient heavenly court are like courtesies!"

"In Western Divine Realm, the gods can be divided into: lower god, median god, upper-position god, main god, **** king, and then: God Emperor!"

"The strength of Emperor Guangming is stronger than that of my ancestor's master Erlang. It is a terrifying existence that can overcome the battle with Buddha. At the beginning, Emperor Guangming brought hundreds of top-level gods, ten main gods, former Come to worship the ancient heavenly court, that scene is really vast! "

"My ancestor, howling Tianquan, was also fortunate to follow Erlang God and saw Emperor Guangming. The most powerful Emperor Guangming was not his cultivation, the most powerful was the bloodline he was proud of. Rumors, God of Light The bloodline of the imperial land is inherited from the time when the earth was opened, the most powerful bloodline of the light line left by the creator god! At that time, the light **** emperor specially displayed his bloodline! "

"Dazzling and shocking, my ancestor remembered it all the time, and finally passed it on to me as an inheritance memory. Master, you really hit the luck!"

Xiaohe smashed his mouth, full of envy.

Nantian also took a sigh of relief: "The blood of God Emperor is indeed quite a trivial matter!"

"Master, this kind of good thing, drink it as soon as possible! Lest you have long nights."

Xiaohei suggested.

Nan Tian smiled: "What's the matter? Don't you drink it? This is the blood of the Divine Emperor!"

Xiao Hei shook his head, Harazi, shed all over the place.

"No, this is a good thing for the master. Xiao Hei, where can I **** the chance of the master?"

Xiao Heikou said rightly.

Nan Tian shook the blood of God Emperor in front of Xiao Hei.

"No, Xiaohei, but you're so greedy, but now you don't want this?"

"Anyway, a bottle of Divine Emperor Bloodline, I can't finish it, I will give you half, just that."

Nan Tian laughed.

Xiao Hei sighed: "Alas, Master, don't be embarrassed for me."

"I am a family of **** dogs, born with the blood of **** dogs. They are relatively pure and cannot be mixed with the blood veins of other **** emperors."

Xiaohe explained.

Nan Tian also smiled with relief: "So it is!"

Nantian didn't hesitate, he looked up directly, pulled out the stopper, and gave out the bright blood vein inside.

This bottle of bright blood, just came down.

Nan Tian Li was in pain.


Nan Tian hugged his belly and rolled on the ground.

Xiao Hei also panicked.

Pixiu, Zart, and Xiaoyan, they rushed over the first time.

"Princess, what's going on?"

Pixiu asked in a deep voice.

Little Black guiltily said things again.

Still, Pi Xiu is old and important.

Moreover, at this time, Nantian is also covered with gold.

The bright blood vein that had just been drunk still entered Nantian's body, and in the blood vein of Nantian, a little bit, inch by inch, merged into it.

The blood of the Emperor Guangming is so overbearing.

Inside the body, rampage.

"I am God Emperor, how can I live in this body!"

The blood of the Divine Emperor has been psychic, and it seems to be ready to completely destroy Nan Tian's body.

Nantian is also getting more and more painful.

Nantian also took the initiative to fight back.

Nan Tian gritted his teeth bitterly, mobilizing ancient Wuzhen Qi and mecha abilities from inside Dantian, wanting to fight against the blood of the overbearing God Emperor.

However, since the bloodline of the Divine Emperor, the title is: Divine Emperor, how strong is it!

"Huh, a little trick of servant, dare to play a big sword in front of me!"

The blood of the **** emperor, with a loud clatter, please instantly smash Nantian's ancient martial qi and mech abilities.

Pixiu and others, outside, were anxious.

I can't wait to get into Nantian's body and help Nantian get through the difficulties.

"Xiaohei, this time, you are outrageous!"

Pixiu glanced at Little Black.

Xiao Hei cried with a cry.

"Master, master!"

"Master, you must never have anything. If you have anything, what should Xiaohei do!"

Xiaohei used the dog's paws to keep you in the sky, "scratch-come-scratch-go".

Pixiu, there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

Maybe others don't know, but Pixiu knows.

Xiao Hei's tactics, but secretly "life continuation method", Xiao Hei is a family of **** dogs, with a long life and extremely exuberant vitality.

Xiaohei used his own vitality to force Nantian into Nantian, and let Nantian increase his life, in order to pass the ghost gate!

"I'm brave, I don't have any skills. However, I am Rui Beast, inheriting good luck and good luck!"

Pixiu said, kneeling beside Nantian.

"In the eyes of Po Shanpo, the emperor is close to the emperor Miluo Luo, there is no prajna dragon tree in the south, and there is no obstacle in all directions. .... "

Pixiu chanted an ancient mantra of blessing.

Blessing spells, masters of proficiency in spells, singing, can be incredible.

Moreover, the brave pig is an ancient beast of the ancients, and he does not know how many times he is more powerful than the master of magic!

Blessing is coming to the east, and the luck is together, blessing on Nantian.

At the same time, the "life continuation method" used by Xiaohei also worked.

Two forces, one vitality and one luck, temporarily blocked the blood of the arrogant God Emperor.

"Life Avenue, Qiyun Avenue!"

Divine Emperor Bloodline was also slightly surprised.

However, this is not enough to completely stop the blood of the **** emperor.

"Unfortunately, both of you avenues have a weak breath and no climate! Only, stop me for a while, and after a joss stick, I see who can stop me!"

The blood of the **** emperor said coldly, seemingly arrogant.

He is the Emperor of Light. He once led Western God Realm as a giant!

There are many ancient gods and lord gods who died in his hands.


The blood of the Divine Emperor began to launch a stormy attack.

Outside, Xiaoliu and Pixiu were shocked, and their faces were not pretty.

In particular, Xiaohei spewed out a **** arrow, which hurt him a lot.

"You stopped me!"

The blood of the **** emperor ~ ~ The user's overbearing means, at first sight, is about to break Xiaohei's Avenue of Life and Pixiu's Fortune Road.

In Nan Tian's body, a melodious "Amitabha" sound came!

The old monk in sackcloth coarse cloth, kneeling over the relic, appeared quietly in Nantian's body.

For the first time, the blood of the Divine Emperor was horrified, and then his heart rose a little.

That's right, he is terrified of blood, and has fear!

"who are you?"

Divine Emperor blood, asked carefully.

"Nanwu Amitabha, a drop of essential blood from the Western Emperor God Realm, dare to run wild here!"

"Senzaya, Senzaya!"

The old monk in sackcloth, his palms folded together, slowly and authentically.

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