Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 938: : Departure: Galaxy Army Headquarters!

The old monk in coarse linen looks very kind.

However, two "Sonya", just finished.

The old monk in sackcloth was facing the blood of the **** emperor, and scolded sharply: "People of Western God Realm, come to my east, and do not lower their posture, dare to act rashly? Harm my human elite?"

"There is no forgiveness of sins. Today, the poor monk shot, punished you, and erased your spirituality."

The old monk in coarse linen, said coldly.

The blood of the **** emperor was immediately terrified.

Spirituality is the foundation of any life.

Once the spirituality is erased, the life of "he" is completely dissipated, and it is considered dead.

"I'm going, it's not enough! You old monk, why do you start so cruel!"

It hasn't started yet, the blood of the **** emperor has been timid by three points.

"Nanwu Amitabha, at that time, the Emperor of Light, also regarded as the leader of Western God Realm, squashed the heavens and defeated the gods with the light technique, but it is a generation of big figures who shook the world today! Emperor's name! "

The old monk in burlap, shouted.

The rolling Sanskrit sounds directly formed an invisible barrier.

The barrier blocked the blood of the emperor.

"Old monk spares his life!"

"Old monk spares his life!"

Divine Emperor bloodline, begging for mercy.

"He" has undergone untold hardships and has become a spiritual consciousness.

But I don't want to, so, it dissipated.


Old monk, be merciless.

A large "Sanskrit" character shot directly into the blood of the Divine Emperor.


The pain was terribly screaming and screaming.

The God Emperor's blood consciousness dissipated.

Then, the old monk waved.

Bring the "Shenhuang Bloodline" to the palm of your hand.

The blood of the Divine Emperor with the spiritual knowledge erased is the same as a drop of blood.

However, the old monk was amazed.

"Yes, there are thousands of Emperor Guangming's blood, but this drop of blood is the purest. It is beneficial to the NPC. Shanzai, Dashan!"

"Nanwu Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate!"

The old monk said that he put the blood of the emperor into the blood vessels of Nantian and blessed a strong Buddhist wish.

Soon, yin-yang-mutual-complement, blood-liquid fusion-combination.

Xiaohei and Pixiu were outside, helping Nantian.

Finally, everything is done!

The blood of the Divine Emperor was completely absorbed by Nantian Fusion!

At that moment, the power of light rising from the sky, like the initiation of Xingqi, plunged into Nantian's body.

Outside the little black and the brave, they were all shocked.

However, afterwards, they were very happy.

Because, by virtue of instinct, they also know that Nantian is now in no danger.

However, Nantian did not wake up immediately.

Xiaohe and Pixiu were relieved.

Yes, the blood of the Divine Emperor, the power contained in it, is very powerful, and it is extremely mysterious and endless.

Nantian is now just an ordinary master of the Holy Land. For a time, it is difficult to absorb the power of the blood of the Divine Emperor.

In the realm of life, Nantian slept for several days in a row.

Until a week later!

Suddenly, the world changed color, and the mighty ancient martial spirit and mecha abilities spewed out!

The little black and brave pigeons that have been guarding Nantian all the time, they are all shocked!

"Master, wake up again!"

"Master, broke through again!"

They are very happy!

The spirit of Nantian is hearty, Ji Yuxuan is magnificent, and he is extraordinary!

Fengshen Junxiu, handsome and handsome!

If, now, there are still a few little fans who will surely be charmed by Nantian.

Feeling the power inside the limbs and body, Nantian clenched his fists!

"Breakthrough again!"

Nantian was in a good mood.

Nan Tian didn't remember what happened before, only knowing that after drinking the blood of Emperor Guangming himself, he was in pain and unconscious, and passed out.

Now, as soon as I wake up, my strength has broken through, a big step forward!

Nantian hurriedly opened his property panel:

Host: Nantian

Status: The third-ranking prince of the Galaxy Alliance, a formal member of the Supreme Army Committee of the Galaxy Army, Ziyin Ziyuanwei, the internal honor of the Galaxy Army, the special envoy of Zongmen Affairs

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins (+10 million universe coins + 300 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 63.9 (63.9)

Mental Power: 6-5

Vitality: 62.9 (62.9)

Strength: 62.9 (62.9)

Agility: 62.9 (62.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 63.9 (63.9)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Seven Rank Mech Warrior

The first vice occupation: Ancient Warrior / Qipin Wusheng

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: no!

Branch task: no!

"The Seventh Grade Mech Warrior plus Seventh Grade Wushengdi Cultivation, and finally go one step further! It will not take long for me to show my talents in the Supreme Military Commission!"

Nan Tian was full of ambition.

Moreover, with the strength of Nantian, go further.

Inside Sauber's ring, the inner space is opened up again.

Nan Tian was about to go, open this space ring, and take a look. In the third space, Sauber the Great left something for himself.

Suddenly, Nantian thought of something more urgent.

"Oh, Xiaohei, how long have I been here?"

"Return to Master, it has been a week!"

Xiaohe answered truthfully.

"This time, I am here and I have been staying too long. I must go back!"

Nantian hurriedly confessed, and then returned to the outside world.

For so many days, Nantian was away, and Nantian did not know whether or not they were in a hurry.

When leaving the field, Nantian ordered them to go to the Galactic Army headquarters the next day.

Now, it's been a week since I disappeared.

Back in the outer world, Nantian flew to find Qiaozi and others.

Fortunately, there are special communicators on the Galactic Army. Nantian sends out a coordinate and gives an order. They all rushed here.

"Master Envoy!"

Zuozi and others were extremely happy.

"Master Envoy, you these days ..."

There was a trainee agent who wanted to ask.

Zuo Zi glared at him, scared the trainee agent, closed his mouth.

Nantian nodded slightly.

Do n’t ask, do n’t ask!

This point ~ ~ Zhaozi is doing well.

In the future, it can be promoted one or two.

Nantian thought.

"I was delayed because of something. These days, when I was away, did you contact, the intelligence department of the Galaxy Army?"

Nan Tian asked.

Nan Tian was worried that the intelligence department compiled by the Galaxy Army was involved in this matter. When the time came, it was not so good to discover the mysteries of Nan Tian's life boundary.

Zuo Zidao said: "Special envoy, our mission of sectarian affairs is a special military department. After the department leader disappears, at least, it will take three months for the intelligence department to intervene in the investigation. Intelligence investigation! After all, we all have some special appointments that disappear for a month or two, which is normal. Investigating in advance will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

Nantian nodded and smiled, "Yes, you did well. Now, it is time for us to set off for the headquarters of the Galaxy Army!"

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