Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 136 - Kenichi's Back

4 inch was more then enough space for Takeda to shift whole body and punch Kurando in the ribs, fracturing them. Kurando was forced to let go due to intense pain which he immediately tried to rectify. However it was too late. Takeda used this opening and fired a left straight, right into Kurando's head knocking him down.

Normally anyone would lose consciousness but Kurando didn't as his d.e.s.i.r.e to protect his brother and sister safe.

"Shit this does not looks good" thought Raichi as she noticed that she was the last one standing. If the other decided to join the fight, then she would lose for sure. She was already having trouble with Kisara, though she knew if the fight kept continuing she would win. However she didn't have that much time on her hand.

"Don't get distracted " Kisara snapped as she used a Hammer Kick.

Raichi decided to end it, dodging the attack before hitting Kisara's standing leg. A second later, Raichi elbowed Kisara's nose but Kisara blocked it with her hands crossed in front of her face.This gave Raichi the moment she needed as she sn.a.k.e.d her body around Kisara, holding hostage and putting her thumb and index on her throat.

"I have had enough of this" snorted Raichi as she tightened her grip on Kisara's throat, "Bring me Kenichi Shirahama or the girl dies"

"Hey that's unfair" Matsui said.

"I don't care I have a job to finish" said Raichi

"SO you are saying that you will go to any length to finish that job of yours" Saeko asked.

"From an opponent to a hostage it was her fault to become one not mine. Now bring me Kenichi Shirahama!!" shouted Raichi.

Kisara's eyes turned red from anger and shame as she became a hostage of the opponent she was fighting while the rest did their job well.

No one from the Shinpaku Alliance said anything as the peoples they have knocked down had slowly started to regain conscious and move towards the exit while Raichi was holding Kisara.

Things were going Yomi's way until they saw the members of Shinpaku Alliance were smiling.

"What are you smiling for!? If you don't bring Kenichi Shirahama then this girl will die for real!" Raichi shouted through her lungs.


"I didn't knew that I was in such high demand" came a voice from behind Raichi and the other Yomi members and before anyone of them could react a hand came from behind Raichi grabbing her wrist and twisting it making Raichi wince in pain as she let go of Kisara's neck giving her the escape window she needed.

A palm came right after that hitting Raichi at her abdomen pushing her back as she coughed up her spit from her mouth.

"You were looking for me miss" asked Kenichi standing in front of Raichi and the other Yomi members while his friends were standing behind his back.

"Hey guys I am back SO how have you all been doing" asked Kenichi to his friends while looking back.

"Nothing much Kenichi just Kicking the a.s.s of some guys from Yomi for fun" said Takeda with a smile.

"How was your mission with Sakaki-san, Kenichi!?" asked Miu.

"It was fun, I met this guy named Christopher former friend of Master Sakaki as he was the assassin from whom we had to save the VIP and I got to fight him, so all in all it was interesting" Kenichi explained.

Raichi was standing up slowly "Kenichi Shirahama you have finally came, we have been waiting for you for quite a long time. Now you can come with us on your own or we will kill everyone here then take you with us" she said as she took of her helmet and mask to reveal her face, green eyes and bright pink hair, a rather unique color for... anyone really.

"Now during normal times I would be happy to hear that a cute girl like you have asked me to come with her but from the vibe I am getting from you, I would have to say no." said Kenichi

Raichi Li growled as she put her helmet back and stood once again in her fighting stance to for Kenichi to follow her.

"Why are you even going to such length when you know that there is zero chance of you winning against us in this situation" asked Ukita as none of there members were injured much and could fight again while none of their opponent were in good shape.

"All for my family back in china!" snapped Raichi back, "If I defeat Ryozanpaku's strongest disciple, then my three years of training in one of Yami's empty-handed training regime, Yomi, will have meaning. I will be noticed by Yami and be sent on high paying mission, including protection, and if necessary, assassinations. Yami is the last living martial art's sanctuary"

Other then Kenichi, Miu, Saeko and Renka who knows about the darkness of Martial arts the others felt chill down there spines after hearing her statement.

"Oy Oy those are some dark things you are talking about" said Ukita nervously.

"I am afraid she's not joking around about that" said Siegfried as he looked at Kisara's throat, "She is serious"

"You are going after Kenichi just for money!? What a fraudulent girl!" shouted Takeda.

"You despite how talented you are, have no right to say anything as a person who takes martial arts as a hobby," replied Raichi "How could you even begin to understand? To me and my family, martial arts is something you earn your food for! and for some of us, it is our life!"

"SO! it's all about money" asked Kenichi.

"huh!" exclaimed Raichi.

"We have a Company The Shinpaku Alliance you must know about it from the recent gadgets such as android phones named TSA or Tablets with same names our company has the most advanced techs and ideas with us which will need a lot of heavy protection from the outside world and we not only dabble in them now as we have decided to use all unique talents a person has. As my manga is getting it's anime adaptation done by our company with Siegfried writing songs for it along with his solos which are gonna be a hits! Takeda want's to become a world champion and we will help him!" Kenichi said then looked at Niijima to start with his brainwashing techniques.

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