Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 137 - Idiot Zanshin-ryuu

"We have a Company The Shinpaku Alliance you must know about it from the recent gadgets such as android phones named TSA or Tablets with same names our company has the most advanced techs and ideas with us which will need a lot of heavy protection from the outside world and we not only dabble in them now as we have decided to use all unique talents a person has. As my manga is getting it's anime adaptation done by our company with Siegfried writing songs for it along with his solos which are gonna be a hits! Takeda want's to become a world champion and we will help him!" Kenichi said then looked at Niijima to start with his brainwashing techniques.

"And most importantly you don't want to kill" Kenichi said giving Niijima the signal.

"Yes Despite all your Yammering, you actually don't want to Kill" Niijima said pointing at Raichi Li.

Raichi shifted uncomfortably at the statement while Niijima continued, "No, you love earth too much. Even I can tell that you love flowers too much as you looked at them while you came too fight and even now to make sure you don't destroy them and most importantly I remember when you came in normal girls clothing to scout this place earlier and kept looking and playing with them"

"You noticed!?" gasped Raichi, as she was sure that she had dose so without anyone looking.

"Nothing escapes my sight when it comes to my base" cackled Niijima, "But you see those flowers and plants were tenderly cared for by none other then Kenichi Shirahama! Even while fully committed in martial arts, he has time to not only be a Mangaka and writer but he also take care of the plants here! I can ensure you that if you join my company, you will never kill anyone to earn money! We share the same policy of Ryozanpaku, the Katsujinken!"

Raichi was shaken at this statement not knowing what to do anymore.

"A lot of good that will do" spat out Tsukasa "As we speak now, all of our masters and members have invaded them and most likely killed them all!"

"Wait! What!?" asked Kenichi in surprised as he thought Tenmon Li would have stopped that idiocy.

"Haa You are shocked are you Let me say it again Or Masters by this time must have entered your Ryozanpaku and Killed your masters by now" said Ketsu.

"Did you all have a head butting technique as well in Zanshin Taisha-ryu otherwise no one would e such an idiot" Kenichi said.

"What do you mean by that!?" Kurando asked.

"Nothing really just that our Ryozanpaku which is currently contending against Yami and even they don't have the guts to straight up attack us in our base but here you are telling me that your masters have gone to do the job which even Yami doesn't think it can do KUDOS to you all..." Kenichi said as he started clapping.

Half an hour earlier

The Zanshin Taisha-ryuu members had already begun sneaking into Ryozanpaku, getting read to assassinate it's members. Four members had found Apachai juggling pins and bowling balls on his knee, readying their arrows and weapons.

Eight more had snuck into Kensei's room, who was currently giggling perversely to himself as he watched a DVD special, featuring top models in bikinis. They had several naginata and blades pointed at his unsuspecting back.

Akisame was walking down the hall, looking quite immersed in his book. The biggest member of Zanshin Taisha-ryuu, standing at least two heads taller than him, was ready to attack him.

Shigure had undressed and slipped into the hot spring at Ryozanpaku while Tochumaru and Noir were with her. Tochumaru had taken upon himself to help clean Noir, even if the cat didn't really like it. 4 female figures were closing in on her in the water.

The rest of the members were on top of the outer wall, their arrows drawn liy. The Grand Master of the Zanshin Taisha-ryuu raised his hand up.


Before the arrows could be released all the archers were blown of their feet from the gust of wind.

"Now Now we just had the floors remodeled" said The Elder standing before them while releasing his ki, "Miu managed to buy some much-needed wood to replace them after all those challenges. If you want to fight us you will have to pay the dojo challenge fee"

As one would expect, it was a one-sided slaughter.

Apachai decided he wanted to use more challenging weights and started juggling all four of the assassins with his knees and feet.

"APaapapapapapa!" cheered Apachai.

"Someone get us out of here!" cried the assassin.


Before the assassins designated to take out Kensei could react he had taken them all out as they were disturbing his ecchi time.

"Can't you guys find another time for this shit" huffed Kensei as he used perversely while looking at the large b.r.e.a.s.ts of the bikini model.


Shigure dodged and snatched her assassin's weapons from them and knocked out all four of them out, shredding their clothes into bits and pieces.

"People... should not wear clothes... in bath," stated Shigure before sitting back and tossing the weapons "go warm.... yourselves up"


"And thus, if the two sides are tied together then the universe is bound as one" explained Akisame to the assassin currently acting as his seat. The assassin's joints had been wrenched out of place, paralyzing him while cried in pain.

"So, what are your opinions?"

"Kill me!" cried the assassin.


The fight on the wall didn't even last 20 seconds. All the fighters were down and unconscious while the grand master himself was on his knees, gasping for breath.

"So powerful" gasped the masked man, "I had no idea such a powerful man resided here. But you're too late! Our disciples will have taken care of yours!"

"Actually, he's on a little trip and even if he was back I wouldn't have been worried about hi, at all" answered the Elder.

With a huge intake of air, the Elder blew the fighters clean off the roof and into the ground.

"You are lying our masters won't go down so easily there were 40 of them who attacked your Ryozanpaku." said Tsukasa

Kenichi smiled and said "Well why don't you try to make a call to make sure if I am right or ts you"

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