Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 231 - Busujima Sword style

"Hahaha... fine then you and Miu can take on the fight for the next round, I won't participate in it OK," Kenichi said getting a nod of confirmation from Renka.


"Well wasn't that exciting!?" shouted the announcer as Kenichi sat with the rest of his friends.

The crowd cheered in agreement as the competitors, who had been watching, were shaken out of their trance.

"What the hell!? That guy isn't a disciple at all, Why is he even in the competition!? hissed one competitor.

"Are we sure that he is even below 20 and isn't faking like those other two?"

"Regardless, the referee won't stop him from competing as he brings in the entertainment for people, we will have to devise a plan for him by ourselves"

While the competitors were discussing this Sho's eyes were closed as he contemplated what to do.

"Hey leader, whatcha planning?" asked Rachel curiously.

"Just... stuff" replied Sho.

"Well whatever it, it better not interfere with my match" warned Rachel, "It's up to me to take the limelight back!"

Ethan could only sigh at his older sister's antics who apparently wasn't affected much by the revelation that Kenichi Shirahama was a Low Master Class Fighter.


"Now without any further ado let the next round begin, which is Busujima Dojo vs Brazilian Jujitsu" the announcer stated.

Saeko and Bobbi nodded there head to each other as they walked towards the center of the stage while holding onto their sword.

In front of the two girls were standing five tall men who were laughing their a.s.s of when they saw two weak girls standing in front of them.

"Ha ha ha ha...Captain this is going to be too easy! Look at those two girls thinking that they can beat us with those swords" said a man standing on the extreme right.

" are right Aaron this going to be too easy," said the Captain.

"This round is going to be a battle royal and the team members that remain standing, in the end, will win," said Diego.

"What!? This is a 2v5 does he think it's fair!?" Ukita said.

"He doesn't have to make it fair! If it is entertaining then his decision is right!" Kenichi said, "That's how he thinks!?"


"Don't worry Saeko and Bobbi will be fine?" Kenichi said interrupting Ukita as they looked at the stage.

"Hoo..... looks like this one will be interesting as well," said Sho as he looked at the two girls who were standing against the 5 Brazilian men.

"It would end within 10 seconds as well," said Tirawit while shaking his head.

"I haven't gotten the chance to see the sword style of Busujima Sword style maybe I will get to see some" Boris said.

"Don't get your hopes up, their opponent may not force them to do much?" said Sho.

"Since both teams are ready then, Begin!" shouted the announcer.

The moment the announcer said those words two men ran towards Saeko and Bobbi to crush them but before they could even reach them the two stopped at their tracks as the tip of the scabbard of the sword of the two girls hit them at their diaphragm making them cough in pain and before they could move anymore the back of their necks were hit rendering them unconscious. All this was done in one fluid motion by the two girls at the same time like one was a mirror of the other within 3 seconds.

"Andrew! Anthony! You ghaa!!.." shouted Aaron but before he could complete his sentence his face met with the handle of Saeko's sword.

The captain, on the other hand, was tripped by Bobbi after which he was knocked with a hit to the heat by her sword which was still in the scabbard.

Aaron whose mouth was bleeding along with his other teammate was the only one left and decided to dash towards the girls and grab their legs to make them fall but just as they ducked their heads to dasa towards the legs of the girls. they heard the voices of the girls for the first time.

"Busujima Style: Quick Draw," said the two girls with their hands one hand holding the scabbard the other onto the handle they drew the sword, and after a quick slash the sword was back in their scabbards.

"Ghhaa!!" shouted the two men as they fell onto the ground with blood leaking from their shoulders, they weren't unconscious but after taking the sword attack from the girls they weren't strong enough to continue to fight anymore.

"Ho ho ho.... what do we have here another quick match which was only completed in 9 seconds but that's not all this round has just became the round with the fastest result." said the announcer.

The moment the announcer said those words the crowd started to cheer and clap and showed their appreciation for the Busujima dojo.

The girls bowed their head and headed back to their booth where everyone from Shinpaku Alliance and Ryozanpaku were waiting along with their friend and sister Rukia Busujima as well.

"See i told you don't worry, it won't be much a problem for the girls to handle it" Kenichi said with a smile on his face to Ukita.

"Yes Yes you are right" Ukita said nodding his head as he also went and congratulated the girls.

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"Well it's looks like there won't be anymore interesting fight today" Sho said

"Hmm....maybe you are right" Boris stated.

"Ok, then before we get out from here I want to ask what do you guys think about that fight!?" asked Sho.

The others knew exactly which fight he meant, and yet nobody replied.

"...Strong" admitted Chikage breaking the silence.

"Yeah! We never thought that he would enter Low Master class so fast but this shows that he was holding back on the ship, on that day and the only reason I can think off is because he was scared of Ogata and Akira Hongo" Tirawit stated.

"The gap between us isn't something we can shorten by taking a leap, we need time for that" frowned Boris, "It's no wonder that Jihan lost. I would have been eliminated if I you hadn't called me back that day!"

"Hey, don't get like that! My sensei told me that it's not powerful or the strongest that wins but rather those who strive to attain victory that wins."

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