Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 232 - Worst Threat!

"Hey, don't get like that! My sensei told me that it's not powerful or the strongest that wins but rather those who strive to attain victory that wins." exclaimed Sho.

Of course there was a little doubt in his voice, something none of them chose to comment on. They had seen how far the gap was,but they didn't despair. They would just have to trin to close that gap.

Of course if they knew Kenichi's real strength then they would have not only despaired by even cried there eyes out in desperation.

"Well, that's that" shrugged Sho, "I think I am going to head back and interrogate the hell out of our newest member why he never said anything."

The others looked at the board to see who was next as it was already on the screen, to see that it would be Capoeria vs. the Builder Five, and promptly left, having lost interest.

The next fight was..... interesting to say the least. The Builder 5 had focused mainly on building muscles, with their creed that technique was useless against power. Akisame commented that the Builder Five muscles were weak, composed of mainly red muscles and unable to use to their best potential. It was a rather naive outlook when in the underground martial arts world, for which they paid their price. It ended with the Capoeria slaughtering them.

The Capoeria team didn't even showed it's full members and only sent a single hirl and the only girl in their team to take care of the Builder five which she did quite easily. SHe aloe took care of the builder 5 in one on one match though they had strong body and their defense was good making it hard for the girl to hurt them but after fighting with them for sometime she was able to take them down one by one without any problem.

Considering the time Diego decided to call it a day so as to leave the audience well rested and give more time for his disciple to capture the audience's attention.


"Did you know!?" demanded Sho as he barged into the room where the rest of YOMI were resting.

Inside the luxurious room sat Ryuto in his wheelchair and Rimi, who was currently doing her best to persuade Ryuto to let her feed him while wearing a skimpy french maid uniform.

Big question mark could be seen on Ryuto's face when he heard Sho's question.

Sho paused as he saw this before bowing to Ryuto, "Sorry, should have knocked. Didn't know you were busy with your girl."

"It's not what it seems" grunted Ryuto as he pushed Rimi away, "You wanted to ask something?"

Seeing that it was no longer the awkward situation, Sho pushed forward, "Did you know how strong Kenichi Shirahama was!?"

Ryuto gave Sho a questioning and confused look glance, "Of course I know. Have you forgotten that I am in this situation because I fought him, thought almost all of it is my fault"

"Not what I was asking!" shot Sho, "Did you know he... that he somehow gives off an aura that most masters have! His.... Ki no Shouka! yes that's it Ki no Shouka!"

"Oh, so you were talking about that! Yea, of course I knew."replied Ryuto in a whimsical tone.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" Sho almost shouted at this point, "And the thing about him being a Low Master Class fighter did you knew about that as well!" asked Sho

Ryuto was shocked hearing the later part of that sentence seeing which Sho knew that Ryuto didn't knew about Kenichi being a Low Master Class fighter.

"Fine, you didn't knew about him reaching Low Master class but what about Ki no Shouka why didn't you said anything about it!" Sho shouted.

"You didn't asked!" replied Ryuto after coming out of his shock.

"Fine be that way!" growled Sho as he stormed out of the room.

"Will you be alright?" asked Rimi as soon as Sho left, "He won't do anything to you, will he?"

"I will be fine " said Ryuto as he wheeled himself out of the room, "I feel like heading out for some fresh air."

"Rimi will join you!" shouted Rimi immediately rushing to help push the wheelchair, not caring that she was still wearing her french maid dress. Half of the staff here had a similar uniforms, so she wouldn't be out of place.

Ryuto sighed as he let her push him.

Night had already descended on despair island as Kenichi decided to walk around for taking fresh air as the rest of the guys and girls chatted among themselves only Shizuha was there with them. While the rest of the Ryozanpaku was assisting Jennifer in planting explosives and other traps all around the island. Though Jennifer herself had to excuse herself after some time to do her job as the head security guard so as to not arise suspicion from Fortuna at such a critical juncture but she knew that she could trust Ryozanpaku especially her Shio.

Kenichi was outside fully dressed, using the cold night air to fresh his mind from Shigure's advancement who apparently heard everything he did with the other girls but more importantly had the talk with Shizuha. And as good as Shigure was as a martial artist she was just a curious kid in this matter and since the other girls had already done it with him, she pestered Kenichi to do it with her and even went on to threaten Kenichi that if he didn't do it with her then she will cut his thing with her sword and let Akisame patch him up so he doesn't die.

Of course hearing such a threat Kenichi couldn't just stay by her side so after promising her that he will do it with her after they go back home, Kenichi ran away from there like bull seeing the red flag.

"Hey you are Shio's student right!?" came a voice from behind Kenichi as he was taking a walk, he turned his head only to find out that one who called him was none other then Jeniffer.

"Ah! You are Ms. Jennifer right!?"

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