Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 242 - 242. Next Match


Kaku turned while twisting Renka's head, hoping to snap her neck. Renka didn't fight it, but instead rolled with it, keeping her neck safe. After landing, she slammed a palm strike into the fractured ribs once more force him to let go and leap back in pain.

"How dare you pull my hair? I will break those hands of yours" Renka snapped as her hairs were very precious to her, "Yes my father is a pervert, irresponsible, extremely whimsical, and some more. However, my father is surely one of the strongest people I have known to master Chinese Kenpo. He brings his martial arts to new heights and I am proud to be his daughter for that. I bet you wanted to go with him when he offered it to you."

"Grr, fine I will use my strongest move to finish this fight!" snarled Kaku as he took his stance once more, his breathing becoming more controlled.

Renka frowned as she had almost guessed what technique Kaku wanted to use as he seemed to be done with his breathing.

"Die!" screamed Kaku as he stepped forward, smashing Renka with his secret technique, RAISE.

"Fine I will beat you with the technique of my fathers," Renka said

As she said those words her body moved. Renka took a step back, her whole body easily dodged Kaku's RAISEI as it passed by her right shoulder. Her left hand was already up, her palm facing towards Kaku as Kaku drove himself into the palm.


With a simple shift of weight, Renka pushed, sending Kaku flying back in the air then crashing on to the ground. Seeing as all three of the Chinese teammates were down Ryozanpaku was quickly declared the winner.

"Hey that was too fast you still had 2 more minutes to go, looks like I gave you an easy assignment," Miu said

"Hehehe... it's your fault" Renka said while she laughed a little.

As Kaku's vision was slowly fading he saw Renka and Miu clapping hands with each other before switching to Kenichi where he was cheering for the girls.

'Taiho... I completely forgot about that technique' thought Kaku, 'I have been so focused on moving forward that I never thought about stepping back. It's strange..... that Ryozanpaku disciple is so strong and yet he's surrounded by friends. That time.... if I had taken Ma Kensei's offer to follow him...'

His mind wandered as he imagined himself with Kenichi, Renka, and Miu. He and Kenichi were laughing together like brothers while watching Renka and Miu bickering with each other, all under the watchful eye of Ma Kensei. And there other friends of Shinpaku Alliance along with Yo and Yinlin laughing while watching them from a distance.

'There's no way... right?' thought Kaku as he finally fainted.

"So.... any comments about that?" asked Sho.

"Those two fighters are closer to our level or above our level" admitted Tirawit, "Both of them had good control of Ki no Kaiho which only you and Satomi Kajima are capable of using but there is still a 20-40% chance of beating them in one on one fight, with a 20% chance of killing them with the current data. However, I know that she has not shown all her skills yet. This fight was not able to showcase all their abilities just the ability to adapt easily in a team fight."

Boris and Ethan made similar comments while Rachel and Chikage merely looked bored.

Before they could discuss this topic further, the announcement had them turn their attention back to the ring.

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"Such an exciting match we just witnessed! But now let's get the next match underway! Next up is the unbelievable people that we didn't imagine would past the first round, the Shinpaku Alliance vs. Mysterious Teenager who's background is completely unknown to the world! Garyu X! This time the stage is the Jungle and is one of Diego Carlo's masterpiece! Especially that fruit tree in the middle! So who will emerge victoriously!? Oh, by the way, it's going to be a battle royale once more, so it's 1 vs 5! So choose your fighters!"

"So who's going up?" Takeda asked Niijima

Niijima didn't seem to respond, but rather was watching Garyu x as he jumped into the stage. Seconds later, Niijima seemed to perceptively nod before making his choices.

"Freya, Kisara, Tsuji, Thor, and Seigfried. You are all up" declared Niijima.

"Eh, what's going the point?" yawned Tsuji still getting up anyways, "Not like we are going to get a real fight. Man, I wanted to fight one of the other teams."

"Just shut up and get up there" growled Kisara, "I don't like it as much as you, but we still got up if not appearance sake."

Before Kenichi could warn them to take elder seriously but before he could do that, all 5 of them had already reached the ring.

"Feh, this is going to be boring" yawned Sho as he leaned back, "The 'mysterious teenager' only joined in to deal with the kicker. At most he will probably let the kids 'hit' him and just 'faint'."

"I would have thought that he would leave after such farce" nodded Tirawit.

"Perhaps he thought it would be disrespectful to do so without formally announcing to forfeit" suggested Boris.

"Whatever gives me time to plan out how to shine more when it's my turn" grinned Rachel.

The audience seemed to be agreeing with Sho's statement, getting bored of this farce as the five fighters were now face to face with Garyu X.

"Oh, and the mysterious teenager Garyu X seems to be dropping his offensive posture" noted the announcer.

"Hmph, not even the elder would continue with this" chuckled Sakaki as he pulled out a beer taking a sip.

"This is boring let's leave," said Sougetsu, getting ready to leave with his disciple Natsu.

"Ah! I can't bear to see this, they are all thinking it's over when the elder isn't the type to back down just like that" Kenichi said.

"Huh! What do you mean Kenichi?" asked Miu which everyone wanted to ask.

"Just watch your grandfather wouldn't have entered the ring if he just wanted to forfeit," Kenichi said

Everyone in the sitting booth heard what he said and turned their heads back towards the ring.

"See, nothing much to do"

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