Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 243 - 243. Gary x vs Shinpaku Alliance

"See, nothing much to do" sighed Tsuji as the other's seemed to agree.

"Idiots! Guard Up! shouted Niijima much to the confusion of the 5 members who were standing in front of Garyu X. Their confusion turned into shock about 0.5 seconds later. The reason for it?

Garyu X punched them all so hard with a single punch that they went flying into the air, his eyes glowing through his mask.

Sakaki spat out his drink while the others of Ryozanpaku stared in shock and amazement. Shock because of Elder's attack and amazed because of how to correct Kenichi was about him.

Members of the Shinpaku Alliance felt their jaws drop while they involuntarily shivered when they thought of themselves being in a place of the others who were facing the Elder.

Yomi had the same reaction as the Shinpaku Alliance, and several analysis programs within their brains malfunctioned.

Sogetsu, who had been ready to leave, stared at the ring in surprise while Natsu had similar reactions to Shinpaku.

Renka felt her hairs wilt down as she saw the scene.

Saeko and Bobbi were equally shocked, so much that they almost lost their grip on their swords. While Rukia standing behind them had the same reaction as the Ryozanpaku Masters.

"You didn't tell them about the conversation that we had last night?" asked Kenichi as he had already told Niijima that this would be a learning experience for the 5 of them.

"Well it was already quite late last night as most of them were asleep when we came back and when I wanted to tell them before they entered the ring Elder stopped me from telling them and he even named the 5 of them for this round just like you" Niijima stated.

"What? What is this? What are you guys talking about?" asked Takeda as everyone also looked at Kenichi and Niijima for an explanation.

"Kenichi said that even though the five of them are a good fighter but they are all on self-study and if they want to grow they would need help from other masters to part their knowledge. Who else would be better than the Invincible superman to do that" Niijima explained?

"What did Elder said? And more importantly when?" asked Kenichi

"Just now his voice rang into my ears. He told me to send these 5 and said not to warn them" Niijima stated.

"It must be one of Elder's technique, OBSTRUCTIVE LUG VOICE he narrows the path of his own voice, and release it in shockwave form, at the same time, others will not hear it" Akisame explained.

Everyone then understood what the elder wanted to do coincides with Kenichi's thinking as well letting them sigh in relief that the elder wasn't going to break them well not intentionally.

Diego was laughing while the flying fighters landed at the edge of the arena, almost tumbling off the edge. Then with a simple gesture, Garyu X sent a shockwave towards the fighters, as if to emphasize the danger they were in. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#.-gary-x-vs-shinpaku-alliance_45363333817237023">#.-gary-x-vs-shinpaku-alliance_45363333817237023</a> for visiting.

"Hmm, so this is Kenichi said a sparring session. 0.005% Group sparring and combination technique?" Akisame said.

"But at this stage? hissed Miu.

"Aww..... man should I be thankful that neither Kenichi nor elder thought of choosing me in the sparring session or angry," Takeda said.

"You have a master and they don't, even though Kaname has her grandfather but she only asks for his advice only sometimes and Tsuji only learned under his master for 2 or 3 months at most, with Elder's help they may be able to catch up to you" Kenichi explained.

The glowing eyes that had been emanating light through the mask emanating through the mask slowly dimmed until it was gone, signifying Garyu X had chosen to close his eyes for the fight. None the less, he was still strong enough to completely annihilate others, including his next victims..... cough fighters.

"What the hell is this? What the hell is Ryozanpaku comprised of, maniacs?" asked a surprised Sho

"It does seem to be rather.... extreme" admitted Tirawit.

"Who cares, now this is entertainment!" shouted Rachel in glee, who was for once not angry at the show being stolen. The disciples had to admit, though, seeing the invincible Superman in action was certainly worth watching.

Diego Carlo seemed to have conflicting emotions at this show, but in the end, he angrily praised his decision to allow Garyu X to continue. The audience was certainly being entertained.

Kaname and the others had managed to wake up and quickly hid behind a tree, trying to get their breath back.

"What the hell is this?" hissed Kisara.

"Perhaps he's angry we decided to come despite his warnings?" muttered Yuma a.k.a Thor

"Or maybe he wants to prepare us for the world that we have decided to dive into" theorized Kaname.

"Who cares? This is so much better than I thought it would be!" shouted Tsuji with excitement, "Let's go and kick his ass!"

"Shhh!" hissed all of them, but it was too late.

A spear hand struck right into the trunk of the tree narrowly missing Tsuji's head. The five fighters slowly but surely turned towards the hand, shaking in slight fear as another hand joined in, wielding the gap to reveal Garyu X's face. Then, with a peal of crackling laughter, Garyu X split the poor tree in half to chase after them as they ran.

"You really this is a good time for training?" asked Takeda from Kenichi and Niijima when he saw the state of his friends in the Ring.

"Freya-sama can go to his Grandfather for more training she doesn't need to go through this?" said Chisato

"Getting training from the invincible Superman, even advice is something. A lot of people around the world keep asking him for even a single lesson. The fact he's doing this willingly is something." stated Renka.

"Well, since you have this situation handled, I am off to handle another one," said Kensei as he trotted away. His goal was the injured Three Headed Dragon.

Seeing him walking away Kenichi knew where he was going and thought "Should I follow him to talk to Kaku or let Master Kensei handle it, I know that guy wanted to learn from him and if I pushed him enough he may ask Master Kensei to take him which will be helpful for him to increase his influence in china more"


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