Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 251 - Fighting Masters

"Sir a small group is holding their position!" exclaimed an operator.

"What!?" shouted the commander as he quickly rushed over to the computer, "Send out the choppers then! Use the tanks! Isn't our enemy just lightly equipped infantry?"

"It's no use sir, we can't stop them!" panicked the operator.

"Impossible! What are they using? Armor-piercing bullets? Rocket launcher?" shouted the commander. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=13520985605105905)/fighting-masters_%!d(string=45613453636848002)">#%!d(string=13520985605105905)/fighting-masters_%!d(string=45613453636848002)</a> for visiting.

"They.. they are... they are using!"

In the slaugh... battlefield.

"FURINIJI HUMAN SHURIKEN!" shouted the Elder as he began tossing enemy soldiers into others like a projectile. The Elder was using their own men as weapons, mostly to amuse himself. With the armor, he could throw them without much care, causing many to fall unconscious due to impact, or in the unwilling human projectile's case nausea.

While the Elder was enjoying himself, the other male members of Ryozanpaku charged forward into the battlefield, easily dodging all the bullets flying their way. Despite all their weapons, armor, or vehicles, Fortuna's men were no match for Ryozanpaku. Not even a tank stopped them as the Elder managed to kick one up before completely flipping over a 70-ton tank. Apachai himself dismantled a helicopter. Yet despite all this violence, they took no lives, showing just how much control they had.


The rest of the teenagers had made it to the door leading to the harbor. Niijima looked at Kenichi who nodded his head after which Niijima smiled.

"You can come out now" declared Niijima.

Seconds later, the Pankration team revealed themselves from the shadow, causing most of the members of the Shinpaku Alliance to assume fighting positions once more.

"What are you guys doing here?" shouted Matsui, "Here to stop us?"

"Or maybe they wanna make a name for themselves" grinned Takeda, giving his nice smile, glancing at his friends.

Takeda didn't understand why they would come out here like this even though Tsuji and the others were recovering from their fight with Elder and Ukita was still out of commission laying on the bed that they hijacked as was Mizunuma. They still had more than enough fighters to beat them, even if he has not counted himself in and Kenichi who was a Low Master class fighter strong enough to deal with all of them, then they still had 4 girls well-rested and strong enough to fight them. He knew that ut of all of them Miu, Renka, and Saeko were above or at the same level as YOMI and the other girl who came with Saeko's sister was an expert class fighter herself much stronger than any of them. It would be an idiotic decision to try to fight against them.

"Hahaha, well done my children! Laughed out Fortuna as he himself appeared before them all, dropping from the roof, "There are no boats in the harbor but mine. So why not take my boat and become my children! Children of Fortuna!"

Fortuna then began a small rant about how the most powerful weapon was the human body before declaring them all to be his children, as they had the potential to become masters, which was the most valuable thing in this world, and everything valuable belonged to him. Matsui tried to attack Fortuna, only to be easily blown away with a puff of his breath.

"I am not interested in little minions" scoffed Fortuna, "I want those with talents. I want.... you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, maybe you,...and why not, I will take you too! But I especially want you, Kenichi! You think you will be able to dupe me that easily."

Fortuna had pointed to Bobbi, Saeko, Miu, Renka, Takeda, Kisara, Kaname, Yuma, Tsuji, Hibiki, Ukita, Niijima, and Kenichi in that specific order.

"The hell you think we are some sort of bargain sake?" growled Tsuji

"We will use this opportunity to escape while my soldiers are busy occupying Ryozanpaku's time. Hop onto my cruise ship, my children! Spartacus, show them the way!"


Fortuna blinked as he turned to his eldest son just to see him glaring at Fortuna, with his brothers and sisters by his side.

"Now's not the time to be rebellious, be a good son, and obey my order" roared Fortuna, "I have plenty of love for you all. And if you are worried about being replaced...well it's true I want that Ryozanpaku's disciple to take on the mantle as the leader of all my children but I have to discipline him before that due to him trying to dupe me but you can be his second in command with your charisma. SO come!"

"I said no" growled Spartacus, adopting a fighting pose as his brothers and sisters, "No longer will we be under your thumb! No longer will I have my brothers and sisters die before my eyes for your own p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e! Today is the day that we regain our freedom or die trying!"

Fortuna looked at Spartacus before taking a deep breath, his holding a phone before crushing it in anger.

"Impertinent brat! Wh was it who fed you, clothed you, gave you all your basic necessities when you had none!?" shouted Fortuna, "I gave you life and this is how you repay me?"

"Better to die than live life as your slave for your own amus.e.m.e.nt" snarked Iris.

"Hmph, then die to my poppy knuckle" snarled Fortuna as he raised his fist, "I have plenty of brats to replace you all."

"Not if we defeat you first" stated Spartacus, "Follow members of Ryozanpaku and SHinpaku Alliance, you must flee. My brethren will hold him off."

"Hmph, and leave you fellows alone? Not a chance" grinned Takeda as he walked next to Spartacus his fist raised, "I haven't had a decent fight since I have gotten here. I am itching to test my skills on another dude who's asking for a b.u.t.t whooping."

"I am not injured enough that I can't fight" g.r.o.a.n.e.d Kisara as she stepped forward, "I have been looking for a suitable punching bag to perfect what I just learned."

Kaname, Yuma, Hibiki, Tsuji, all stood up in unison, ready to fight too. Ukita tried to push himself up, only for Shiratori to push him back down on his bed.

"You are still seriously injured," said Shiratori, "You go out there and it will only aggravate your wounds even more."

"Stop right there you idiots.....

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