Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 252 - Change In the Timeline

"Stop right there you idiots..... seriously am I invisible or something that you think you will get to fight before me and more specifically to him," Kenichi said as he walked towards Spartacus and the others, "Fortuna isn't that weak than you all can take him down. There is a qualitative gap between you and him and it can't be filled by numbers that easily"

"But-" Spartacus wanted to say something but before he could Kenichi interrupted him.

"No Spartacus, the reason I asked you to follow us wasn't that I wanted to use you as a distraction to save myself. I promised you the freedom and I will make sure that you will get it" Kenichi said.

"So you are the one who made my children into rebellious ones," Fortuna said.

"Of course do you think I would just let you go so easily after you thought of adopting me even though I already have my parents. I had decided that I will take everything from you when you tried to adopt me and that included your forcefully adopted children as well" Kenichi stated.

"Hmnp..... like you can get away from me!" Fortuna said.

"Wait! when did that happen?" asked Takeda as he didn't even know that Fortuna had asked Kenichi to be his son.

"Last night!" Niijima replied and continued, "But Kenichi is right even if he doesn't seem like it, his skills and strength are most likely similar to Gorobe, perhaps a tiny bit lower! Use extreme caution!"

"Hoo, able to analyze and estimate my skills" noted Fortuna, "Certainly a diamond in the rough within all these gifted youngsters."

"Shit, someone from Ryozanpaku's coming over" cursed Fortuna, "Fortunately, I hired a small group of elite master class martial artists! If I send them out, then perhaps even Ryozanpaku will fall!"

Unfortunately for him, when he gave the order and switched the camera over to his goons, he found them all unconscious, possibly dead, with Ma Sogetsu standing on top of them with a grin. Taking a sip of his wine, Sogetsu taunted Fortuna, saying he had been amused with the hired help, and that he had been debating whether or not to annihilate Fortuna himself. In the end, he decided to let someone else do it.

"Grr, and he was my most expensive one" growled Fortuna, "I never thought he would betray me!"

"Ma Sogetsu is just that kind of guy," said a voice from above.

Kenichi had already sensed that person with his ki sense but the others didn't know and when they looked up to see who it was? They found that it was the in-and-out member of The Shinpaku Alliance, Natsu Tanimoto standing on top of a statue, looking down at the crowd.

"Hermit, you came back to help us!" cried Matsui.

"No, I know Kenichi can easily take out this guy but my master said that if I wanna close the gap between myself and him then I need to fight with people much strong then me such as the master class!" stated Natsu.

"You are his disciple!?" growled Fortuna in anger, "Then die!"

Fortuna punched the statue causing it to collapse. Natsu responded by jumping in the air and landed safely right next to Kenichi.

"So your master started to train you already?" asked Kenichi when Natsu landed beside him.

"Of course. He even said that I shouldn't stay behind from his little brother's disciple and have decided to start pushing me to the extreme" huffed Natsu.

"hahaha... that's nice" Kenichi said with a laugh.

"I am giving you last chance to become my children! Otherwise, you will regret it" stated Fortuna

"You know I have been meaning to ask you, but what is your problem. You are so obsessed with children but you don't have any of your own, if you like them so much why don't you have children of your own, or is it that you can't! Oh...." Kenichi said while covering his mouth then bowed his head as he continued "I am sorry! I didn't know you were impotent"

""Pfftt... hahahahahaha"" everyone even the injured Ukita and serious Spartacus started to laugh after hearing Kenichi's comment.

"Grr... aaahh" Fortuna shouted as he dashed towards Kenichi and punched at his face.

Kenichi ducked and dodged the punch of Fortuna then returned the favor bu a palm to his chin disorienting Fortuna's senses followed by a roundhouse kick to his c.h.e.s.t.

Fortuna's body flew backward crashing on to the wall behind him.

*Cough cough* 'shit, I totally forgot that he is a master class as well' Fortuna thought as he coughed up spit from the kick.

'I need to capture his friends and he will follow me on his own' thought Fortuna. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=13520985605105905)/change-in-the-timeline_%!d(string=45634707299295080)">#%!d(string=13520985605105905)/change-in-the-timeline_%!d(string=45634707299295080)</a> for visiting.

"Come out," said Fortuna into his communicator.


Four men came out of a corner and Kenichi recognized each of them.

"I kept them beside me so that they can help me capture you, Kenichi. I know you are strong but are you strong enough to deal with 4 of them at once" Fortuna stated with a smile on his face.


As Kenichi moved to face the 4 master class fighters he heard someone's voice from behind him and saw Gorobe standing there with bandages all over his face. He was beaten by Elder Hayato and then even Diego handled him roughly but it looks like he still became a problem for them.

"You are that Invincible Supermans Granddaughter right! I will kill you" Gorobe said as he prepared to massacre them.

"Gorobe," said Fortuna sternly, "Remember our deal. I convinced Diego to let me handle your punishment and let you off gently. If not for me, you would be in a worse position. I even used the YAMI's most advanced medicine on you Take them out but don't kill them or maim them beyond healing. I still want them as my collection."

"Fine, Fine but I expect money" growled Gorobe as he clenched his fists.

Kenichi had already heard everything and became really serious. He knew there would be changes in the story he knows because of him but the changes would be so drastic! That he didn't know about!

"I can't let them touch the girls... 30 seconds should be enough"

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